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Messages - Chief149

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Offtopic / Regarding this forum member
« on: December 27, 2014, 04:51:44 am »
Hello. First I will begin by mentioning that I am not the owner of this forum account. I am a family member of his. Since I am one of very few people in the family who is a technology expert, I was tasked with going through his accounts and notifying communities of what happened.

My relative, the owner of this account, his name was Matt, committed suicide last Friday. I do not know how well you all knew him, and I do not know how close he was to all of you. Looking through his old posts on his account shows that he used to be somewhat active around here. However the case may be, I am simply notifying the online communities he was (or is) a part of, as per his written request, that he has passed away. Since this website is part of his browser history, and account details were logged in his browser cache and cookies, I decided to make this post to notify you all.

If any of you were close, then I am sorry for your loss. He was a great loss for me as well. My family and I miss him dearly.

Server News / Re: Market Update
« on: September 13, 2013, 04:54:13 am »
Hey Nick way to ruin life. I tease. Lets start off by saying "Damn, This has been a fun journey reading the sheer unfiltered stupidity that flows from the minds of some of you all, and the staff using calm cool responses to return what I see as ass kicking return swings. Way to be the bigger people here, If i still were staff I cant say I would have been polite to all you who bash people who don't get paid to put up with your shit. The staff is kick ass. Chief (there are more people who deserve this too so throw yourselves into the mix) You are king of DumbAss city. Its cool tho, no offense
See what I did right there. I made everything OK by saying no offense. Staff your killing it(in the good way). To all those complaining about the injustice do me a favor(In the words of my father the day my parrot died) Cry me a river, Build a bridge, And for the love of god get the fuck over it. This is a game. You shouldn't have an emotional downturn because a rule in a game changed. And back to Chief, You argue with the single most stupid points I have ever had the misfortune of reading. This is still a game. I pity what your life must be if your whole mindset is focused on the money you wont be making from the life you have built ingame.

That is just a short from my mind. I might compose a detailed list of why i think staff is awesome, and why a select few others should probably find a new hobby

With Love

Not having an emotional downturn. Just pissed that this server that I spent many hours on has just gone down like this because of how the rules have repeatedly changed for the worse.

Some people here would have used the money made off of farms for building cool things, since they would have the money necessary to fund their projects.
Speaking of projects, people here have built the coolest stuff, but not everyone is about building the coolest looking stuff. I saw one player who posted his mining achievements in the forums a couple times. He mined hundreds of diamonds, and tons of other incredibly high amounts of resources. I'm hoping he wasn't using Xray, and his statement was that he was a terrible builder and wanted to show off what he did well, which was mining. In my case, and probably in the case of many others, we prefer our building achievements to be more for function. For people like me, it isn't about building the best looking, but rather taking the game mechanics as far as they'll go, and building something productive and functional, and making it large. When I see the large farm systems some people make, I'm just amazed by how neat it all is with the intricate redstone systems, the size of the farm collection system itself, etc. In this case I was hoping to build one of the largest gold farms on the server, and a few other larger functional systems, but now I really have no reason to build any of them because they would serve no purpose, and it hasn't been until after spending countless hours on all of this stuff that the function of the things I have spent building have become fairly useless.

Server News / Re: Market Update
« on: September 12, 2013, 10:55:40 pm »
Unless you provide a 110% valid reason to get Nick to change his mind, there is no point trying.

Even if we did present a valid reason, Nick wouldn't care. He's the server dictator pretty much.

Server News / Re: Market Update
« on: September 12, 2013, 05:53:48 am »
I should add that those of us who spent a ton of hours and moneys making our farms did not set ourselves up for this. Rather, Nick set us up for this.

Ok, lets look at melons and pumpkins. They got out of hand. They were removed from the market...

Cacti... removed from market slightly before it got out of hand, but it was expected to get out of hand. Removed.

Hmm... What is the next farmable thing to move to... Sugarcane? Nah. Too cheap in the market. Only remaining thing is iron and gold. History showed that the farming of the other things were getting out of hand. Twice. So why were gold and iron ingots left in the marketplace when it was obvious that they'd be the next big farmed thing? We weren't setting ourselves up for this. The admins did. They waited until we put tons of effort into these farms, and now the items are being taken out of the market. This wouldn't be a big deal if iron and gold ingots were removed from the very start when it's obvious that people would move to farming them. And of course, this decisions so thinks of the player, right? Nah. More like the staff just doing what they want.

Server News / Re: Market Update
« on: September 10, 2013, 04:15:52 pm »
hours and hours of building to create gold and iron farms now wasted. Thank you Opticraft staff! Driving away players a few at a time until the server eventually dies.

I'm done. I was originally taking a break from Opticraft, but I'm leaving for good now.

I spent 450K on an iron farm which was definitely a lot of money, and I spent hours working on my gold farm which isn't even fully completed. And this is happening after cactus was removed from the market after I had spent countless hours making one of the largest cactus farms built in the server.

I'm officially leaving. Next thing I know the whole goddamn market will be gone in one of Nick's "heavy" decisions.

Forum Games / Re: But and So
« on: September 01, 2013, 07:24:50 pm »
But they had better lawyers, won the lawsuit, and then sued him for one million dollars.

Forum Games / Re: count to 30 (with a twist version 3)
« on: August 28, 2013, 05:09:54 am »

Offtopic / Re: What's Your Dream Car?
« on: August 27, 2013, 07:02:04 pm »

The Tesla Model S. All electric. Zero emissions. 0-60mph in 4.2 seconds, and a top speed of 130mph.

It goes roughly 265 miles on one charge, and the battery holds 85kWH of energy. So lets say you are charged 50 cents per kilowatt hour. 50 cents times 85 is $42.50 per full charge. So you are paying a little less than what you would be paying at the pump ($10 to $15 less). Now, a more realistic price per kilowatt hour (kWH) in the United States would be anywhere from 12 to 36 cents per kWH. This means the cost for a full charge (refill) of the car would be $10.20 (12 cents per kWH) to $30.60 (36 cents per kWH). Even if you paid 50 cents per kWH, your "pump cost" or charging cost would still be at least $10 cheaper than the cost at the pump to fully refill your gas car.

Now if only I had to $83,000 to buy the car...

I'd try "SalsaOnAChip"

Events / Re: Terror in the Night!
« on: August 22, 2013, 10:25:11 pm »
Do you need any donations for prizes/drop party stuffs?

Offtopic / Re: Admin
« on: August 21, 2013, 04:18:25 am »

You all know I would make the best admin

Forum Games / Re: Welcome To Opticraft! How Tough Are Ya
« on: August 21, 2013, 04:10:32 am »
I'm so tough I ate a bowl of cereal for breakfast this morning

by shoving cereal down a cow's throat

and drinking the cereal from its utter

Forum Games / Re: Post the Most Creative IGN's You've Seen!
« on: August 21, 2013, 04:08:47 am »

Do 147 so that 49•3 = 147 and it used to have 49 in the old number so it makes sense.


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