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Messages - KCB38

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So sad to see classic dead... :(

Support / Vote PopUp Broken
« on: July 25, 2012, 07:36:23 am »
The vote popup seems to be broken. I cant make it go away by clicking no thanks :/

Suggestions / Re: The Nethers
« on: July 25, 2012, 07:30:44 am »
The nether is an issue. And I see it as a glimpse of the future. Thats what the overwold will look like a loooooong time from now. A solution must be created, as we'll eventually need to do the same for the overworld. Already mobs are thin and few in the overworld and nether. And solutions like expanding the borders or reseting areas are just temporary. A permenant solution must be created, or else pretty soon, we'll find ourselves running into trouble. Because while everybody wants their own blaze spawner, no one wants to lose their blaze spawner. We dont have unlimited blaze spawners people, so we better figure out how to make sure that new players can always find a new one.

Suggestions / Re: Protection for Animals
« on: July 25, 2012, 07:21:45 am »
So why cant you surround the animals with protected blocks? And have a protected door going in? That simple to protect your animals :/

Suggestions / Re: Buckets of Lava!
« on: July 20, 2012, 03:36:55 am »
It doesn't seem as if Opticalza is too busy...

Just because he isnt rolling out new stuff everyday does not mean he isnt busy. In fact, Optical not rolling out new stuff every day shows that he IS busy. Sorry buddy, but I think you should hold your judgement until you see the list of what he has to do.

Suggestions / Re: Spleef Tournament : Input needed
« on: July 20, 2012, 03:33:03 am »
Ingame name: Alpha_Site

Age:14(15 on the 25th)

Why you want to help:Cause I <3 Spleef

Are you creative? If so, how?:Im a builder on classic, what do ya think

Have you built before?:Pretty much the same as the question above

(optional) Do you have mumble? If so, please list your mumble name?No, sorry. I dont have access to mumble

(required) Have you ever been banned? If so, why? :Nope.

I know you said you were done building the arena, but if I could do anything to help improve the aesthetics, Im up for it. I also want to be a contestant in the spleef contest

Suggestions / Fix the Lottery
« on: July 20, 2012, 12:01:12 am »
The lottery needs fixing. I and many other players feel like it is rigged, especailly when a player wins all 3 draws(Which happened today, 7/19) Stop with complicated formulas and just make it entirely random. And maybe make it so that the #1 winner cant win 2cnd or 3rd place.

Projects and Creations / Mob Arena-A true and complete One
« on: July 18, 2012, 11:32:19 pm »
I would like to build a mob arena in which players can fight most if not all of the mobs. I know how difficult it will be to get all the spawners needed, but if we just make a long stream of water towards the arena, distance shouldnt be a problem. However, money is a problem. I am not very rich, and I need investors, as well as building/testing volunteers. Please post below if you are willing to help.

P.S.- I also need a large flat area, if anyone knows of one, that would be great. If not, we'll have to build it underground.



Rejected / Re: CRAFTER - zombieravemaster
« on: July 18, 2012, 09:52:41 pm »
Good luck ZRM. Really hope you get it  ;)

Rejected / Re: OP Application
« on: July 18, 2012, 09:46:00 pm »
Thanks guys  ;D

Suggestions / Re: Suggestion - Click 2 Reply
« on: July 18, 2012, 09:41:52 pm »
You guys realize you can do T "/msg (Lets use mr_mr_mr) Mr [TAB]" Then it will pop up the names with Mr.
/msg Mr (TAB) Mr_Mr_Mr [message]

Yea, but it doesn't always get it right.  I've had that pop up the wrong name before and then it's even more annoying cause I have to backspace the name out before manually typing in the right person.

You do realize if you hit Tab again, it moves onto the next player? So all you have to do is hit tab until you get to the player you want. Not that hard

Suggestions / Re: A Bank
« on: July 12, 2012, 06:28:40 am »
Or a mob/pvp arena.... If done correctly, the mob arena could be very entertaining

Suggestions / Re: Opticraft Carnival!!!!!
« on: July 12, 2012, 06:25:30 am »
You could put in survival game mods

I doubt very much that Optical will add a new mod to the server for an event

Suggestions / Re: A Bank
« on: July 11, 2012, 09:31:30 am »
I believe I described it clearly. If he invests, he gets interest only at his last invested amount, and not in the whole amount.
Let's say he gets a loan even if he has deposits. He gets interest with every vote for the money that he has in, but he pays 2%/week for his loan, untill he return the whole loan back.
When the month comes, he will get a small % for the amount he has invested in the bank.

So, he has paid taxes, he has given back the money, he has been served and bought what he needed, and at the end, he gets some returns from the system.

So effectively, what i described is not an issue and part of your system. However, I do now see another potential issue. We cant make the economy in Opticraft too complicated, or else the younger players will not understand it. Granted, they could learn... But for the *ahem* morons, this will be way over their heads.

General Discussion / Area with Spawners
« on: July 11, 2012, 06:34:50 am »
Hello, Im looking to buy an area with at least 5 spawners, each of different mob types. My in-name is Alpha_Site, so if you have an area you are willing to sell, let me know. Thanks.

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