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Topics - joshskiizz

Pages: [1]
Rejected / Solitude - City App
« on: February 19, 2013, 01:56:30 am »
City name:
Solitude (Name doesn't influence City, or vis versa.)

City location (Live map link, coordinates, not biome, include world name):
2823, 3231 Members World

2crzy4uall, adeelio, b1uej0ker, johnboy_t5x, liekabowse, nazizombies2354, nhataley, sonichogspeed, sunshinesass, xnuzzy, zeradeth_

Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner):

Approximate dimensions:

350x500 (Inaccurate but just about.)

Number of active residents:

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings:

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any:
From the beginning, this land had no direction. I was just building whatever I felt like building. But, then I wanted to ease down. I jut want to create a small community, a suburb, where a few select people may live. I specifically seek only Modern, or at least buildings that are influenced by Modern architecture to be here. There are clearly a couple of buildings that aren't modern, but they're not half bad. Currently, I'm trying to recruit some modern builders or at least builders with good style to build here. I guess you can say I want a city. I plan on adding larger buildings across from the largest building currently in the city. And the reason I walled a majority of the ocean is because I want to make a huge harbor. I intend on creating boats/yachts to decorate the piers along with some fancy attraction. Also a bunch of air balloons making the sky pretty.

Why should we grant this city protection?
I recently got an easier schedule and I have immediately begun to complete buildings. I cleared out all the land myself, made the largest building in about two days after my break, and upgraded the path, all in a very short amount of time. Now that I know what I'm aiming for, I can clearly drive myself to complete my goals. I really want to make a nice spawn for my home, however, so many people come in and break little amounts of blocks, or just trespass and start building their own homes there. I may be a mod, but it jut isn't necessary. The smallest details that are changed can really irritate me. Plus, I have already created the majority of the wall, and I intend on finishing it before the end of this month or even week. Furthermore, my main focus isn't to build in the game. With the time and priorities I have, my progress may be very slow, but I will try to get the show on the road ASAP. Every now and then, I get on griefer who successfully escapes my supposedly secure and closed spawn; I want to prevent each one from coming in and disrupting my work.

Projects and Creations / ¥ S&J Marketplace ¥ *Community Trading* *Booths*
« on: November 01, 2012, 07:18:06 pm »
Warp: /home sunshinesass

The Idea
     Hello! The S&J Market was founded and is operated by SunshineSass and joshskiizz. Sunshine thought that a community market were people could trade together and make a personal little trade network would be a wonderful idea. In the beginning, we started without advertising it officially. So far, we have been very successful at attributing active members of the community. The idea in general has brought many players to trade and awe at the beauty of the market. It is like a shopping venue basically; a mall.

      If you would like to become part of this market, please go to the market when Sunshinesass or I, joshskiizz, are online. Message us using @(name) or /msg (name) when we are online. To check who is online, use /list. There are different booths, not one the same, in the entire market. Booths can not be purchased, they can only be leased. To lease a booth, you will have to first agree to the terms and agreements that we will present to you in the /home room. If you do not agree to one or more of the terms, we will not lease you a booth. The price of a booth will be $500 every week. As to which booth you would like, you must pay a deposit (which will not be returned to you) respective to the booth you would like. For example, a diamond booth will cost more than a cobble booth.

Terms and Agreements
     These terms can be found at the spawn of the marketplace. You automatically agree to these terms when purchasing your lease. Failure to read the agreements and later be dissatisfied is completely your own fault. There are no returns or refunds. Items taken from inactivity will be placed in storage until the owner can retrieve them. To get the stored items please talk to me, joshskiizz. The terms below are the same as in the spawn. All server rules apply as well.

To rent a booth:
• You must not be a Guest.
• If you are a member, you must have no ban history of grief. Being banned for grief may result in your loss of the booth.
• If you are trusted, ban history will not apply to you as long as you remain trusted.
• If a Mods+: expected to know the rules and enforce them. No special treatment.

Leased Booths:
• You must be active and selling in the market.
• You must pay $500 to either SunshineSass or joshskiizz, every week. (Every Sunday)
• You WILL NOT be disrespectful, steal, scam, or grief throughout the entire server.
• You WILL be respectful and trustworthy throughout the server.

Receive upon purchase:
• Access to 8 Double Chests.
• Access to 4 Furnaces.
• Access to 2 Crafting Tables.
• Access to the booth door.
• Access to Ja-City. (Closed ATM)

Not entitled to:
• Rights in the Protection Stone field.
• Rights to alter the market or booth or revolving field.
• Placing a /home inside the market.

• When leased, you will be able to modify 7 signs, one being your Shop & Name title.
• The sign with your name will be colored to your rank.
• Signs may be modified each time you renew your booth status. (Every two weeks.)
• Up to 8 more signs can be placed, $10 per sign, inside your booth to label your chests.

Reporting Players
     If you have been scammed or griefed by one of the players who have a booth in this marketplace, please report them! I will not tolerate disrespectful players in my community. I may not be able to control and monitor the entire servers behavior, I am able to punish the players in my market. Any player who maliciously griefs or scams another player and has a booth in my market, regardless of position, will be evicted from the marketplace and will not be allowed to return; except as a customer.

Leased Booths
Jaybrute (Workers: whiteboynikes23)

Fun Statistics!
• Market was created by SunshineSass & joshskiizz.
• The dome of the garden is lit by 253 blocks of Glowstone and 228 blocks of Emerald!
• Ground breaking began September 26.
• Market was finished October 17.

(click to show/hide)

Special thanks to the following players for their efforts and/or donations to the project!
DeweyMeister, FNVcourierjon, Sassamo, SunshineSass, Nhataley.

*This project is not entirely complete. The market is completed and already being used. I envision the entire city to be completed. The city will not be for players to live in. Thank You.*

Rejected / Moderator Application - joshskiizz
« on: August 18, 2012, 10:29:33 pm »
Age: 15
Location: California, USA
Timezone: GMT -0800
Join Date: Approximately March 25, 2012.
Were you recommended by anyone?: codepmman
Why you should become a moderator: I want to have the responsibility of helping out the members of this server, serving just punishments, and just focusing my time on chat and supervising. I want to be part of the team to dedicate myself to help keep Opticraft running on a smooth path. I'm respectful, I follow the rules, I help out players when I can, I try to respond to most people asking a question about the server, and I'm very loyal. Even though I do not post a lot on the Forums, I try my best to read most topics to stay informed on the Server Activity. I feel that I'm on a decent amount of time on the server, if not more than two-three hours a day. As a moderator, I'm inexperienced with the commands, but I'm taking advantage of this opportunity to try and get the chance that will give me that experience I want. I hope I have attracted you, the reader, to respond and support me. If I am selected, thank you very much. However, if I am unfortunately rejected thank you very much for reading. I hope I can be given the opportunity to contribute even more to the server than just buildings and simple chat, which can still make a difference, but again, I'm extremely limited. Thank you, good day.

Ban Appeals / [bhoughton] joshskiizz Appeal
« on: August 16, 2012, 12:49:08 am »
Hi. I was... hacked? .-. Well, here is my appeal. I honestly don't know what to say other than that my password is changed. My regards to anyone that my account might have effected.


Item: Diamond Pickaxe
Enchantment(s): Silk Touch I, Efficiency IV, Unbreaking III
Condition: New/Unused
Level Enchanted On: 45
Starting Price: 11K
Price Increase: 1K
Buyout Price: 30K
End Of Auction: <08/22/2012> <11:59 PM/23:59 (PST)>

Item: Diamond Pickaxe
Enchantment(s): Fortune III, Efficiency IV, Unbreaking III
Condition: New/Unused
Level Enchanted On: 45
Starting Price: 30K
Price Increase: 1K
Buyout Price: 60K
End Of Auction: <08/22/2012> <11:59 PM/23:59 (PST)>

Notes: If you are also interested in purchasing a Silk Touch I Diamond Pickaxe, click here.

Introductions / Hi!
« on: July 13, 2012, 12:34:09 am »
Hey there. I'm extremely late, but I felt like making an introduction. It feels most proper, haha. My name is Joshua, I'm 15 and will be 16 in September 16  ::). I'm going into the 11th grade. I'm very kind and like making friends but I'm not the most social or outgoing person out there. I'm an indie and 90's hip-hop kind of person. I'm actually extremely nice, as long as you are respectful with me. If you act like an ass to me, I probably will do the same to you. I've been playing Minecraft since beta 1.8 and Opticraft since approximately March of this year. Currently, I am trusted, if you haven't seen me. Well yea, that's all I'll be saying. Thanks for reading. See you in game.  ;)

Support / Removing 1x1 towers by request?
« on: July 12, 2012, 09:57:07 pm »
Hi. So there is a 1x1 tower on the side of a large part of land that I am working on and it has been there probably since the first week the Members World came out. I would like to have it removed so that I can flatten the entire south side of the plate. I have requested many times, through chat not /helpop, if a mod+ could remove it, but I only get ignored. I don't think it would honestly hurt at all to get it removed. I know the person who made it, alicat15 (I think), and cat has been working on other places and has used both homes in different areas, none leading to the top of that tower. So I'm going to assume cat made it with intentions to build on top but then felt not to build. Currently, cat has not been on so I can not personally ask them to remove it. It's made of cobble so removing it really wouldn't hurt and location most likely would not matter since it would have been in the air. But I didn't make this post to just request the removal of the tower, but to ask are they not allowed to be removed? Out of the many times I asked, three mods exactly said I'm not. One of those mods, new so I was sort of whatevs~ about it, said they are busy. That made me disappointed because I thought the mods main focus was helping players. Now I'm not trying to sound bad, I understand that the staff members do their work voluntarily, and I appreciate it, but I still would expect them to help me out. Please, I'm not trying to start an argument, thank you for reading.

I'm auctioning a Diamond pickaxe with:

Unbreaking III, Efficiency IV, Silk Touch I

Yes, new, unused.
Let's begin at 26K.
Thanks. :]

Edit: Increase between each bid must be a minimum 1K. Thank You.

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