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Topics - LordoftheBlock

Pages: [1] 2
Offtopic / How about some pictures- Holiday edition!
« on: December 04, 2012, 02:57:38 am »
Hey all, since it's that time of year again, why don't we post some pictures of anything Winter Holiday related? It can be anything from a Christmas Tree, to decorations in your town, to  just a nice snowy scene! It's pretty open, so post whatever you see that's holiday related! Go =D

Rejected / Moderator Application- LordoftheBlock
« on: November 27, 2012, 12:24:37 am »
Age: 16

Location: Manitoba, Canada

Timezone: -6

Join date: April 28th, 2012
Were you recommended by anyone?: Xeadin, TheRealFamous, Morrison1996, Wratkie, Winniedoxie, Techdude98, Chipaton, SnapeTheSnipe

Why should you become a Moderator?: I would like to be a Moderator for many reasons:

1. I LOVE to help people. In game, I try to help as many people as I can by placing water, giving some tips and advice, and even stay at spawn helping the new people get started. It pains me to see someone yell grief in chat and I cannot help them.

2. I know I am mature enough for the job, as I have demonstrated on the forums, and in-game.

3. I am a dedicated player. I've been on Opticraft for 7 months, and I sure ain't leaving anytime soon. I love this server, and I wish I could help it more. I know all the rules, and abide by them everyday. I have put my time and money into this server, and it was well spent. I love this server, and want to be apart of it more.

4. I know for a fact I would be good at it. In different situations I have dealt with, including other players, I keep calm. I also refrain from getting angry, rude or mean. I don't just go and blame people, I like to hear both sides if the story, if there is one, and go from there.

5. I've learned from my mistakes. I admit, in my time I have been here, I have made a few mistakes. However, I have learned from them and I have matured. I feel completely ready to take on the position.

6. I realize this would not be an easy job, and I know I would be able to handle it. I know I would be giving up ample building time, and many other things, but I know I would be giving it up for something better.

These are the reasons why I should be a Moderator, thank you for reading this.


Support / Java error?
« on: November 13, 2012, 12:29:05 am »
Hey guys, so I recently updated java, now when I click on Minecraft, this error message pops up. Does anyone know how I can fix this so I can play again? Thanks!

The message:

Events / The Haunting of Herobrine.
« on: October 23, 2012, 02:30:59 am »

"The Haunting of Herorbine" is the Server Halloween event this year, and it happens to be an Obstacle Course. The course consists of 10 Stages, each with a different challenge, which will not be easy. Each stage requires a different skill in some cases, like Archery, Parkour, and Problem Solving. The 10th stage however, is a special stage (*cough*which is obviously not a halloween party *cough*), you will NOT want to miss.

Anyone and everyone can attend this event, as it is a Public Server Event. So come all and come plenty, this is for you guys.

The event times and date are TBA, but our plan is that this will be held 3 seperate times, one time for North and South America, one for you English people over there and surrounding ares, and one event for you Aussi's and surrounding area, so each time zone should be covered. Exact times are to be announced.

The will be a Scary Skin Contest with prizes being:
The Skin ranked 1st will recieve a Emerald Block!
The Skin ranked 2nd will receive a Diamond block!
The Skin ranked 3rd will receive a Gold block!

(click to show/hide)

More info on exact time and how to get to this event will be posted. Hope to see you all there.

EDIT: This has been approved by the Admins.

General Discussion / Halloween event.
« on: October 17, 2012, 03:59:10 am »
Just thought I should let you guys know so you don't start wondering and making your own Halloween event, as there is a server official one already. The thread will be made soon so hold tight, and don't worry, it's gonna be sick.

General Discussion / Taking a little break.
« on: October 12, 2012, 11:40:27 pm »
Hey guys, Lord here, this is not a "I'm leaving" type thing, I'm simply just taking a break from Opticraft. I don't know when I'll be back, might be a week or two, might be a couple days, but I have realised that I need a little break. See you guys soon.


Rejected / LordoftheBlock's Moderator Application.
« on: October 10, 2012, 01:13:45 pm »
Age: 15

Location: Manitoba, Canada

Timezone: -6

Join date: Around March 15, 2012

Were you recommended by anyone?: TheRealFamous, Tylerhan2000, Techdude98, Chipaton

Why should you become a Moderator?: I would like to be a Moderator for many reasons:

1. I LOVE to help people. In game, I try to help as many people as I can by placing water, giving some tips and advice, and even stay at spawn helping the new people get started. It pains me to see someone yell grief in chat and I cannot help them.

2. I know I am mature enough for the job, as I have demonstrated on the forums, and in-game.

3. I am a dedicated player. I've been on Opticraft for 7 months, and I sure ain't leaving anytime soon. I love this server, and I wish I could help it more. I know all the rules, and abide by them everyday.

4. I know for a fact I would be good at it. In different situations I have dealt with, including other players, I keep calm. I also refrain from getting angry, rude or mean. I don't just go and blame people, I like to hear both sides if the story, if there is one, and go from there.

5. I realize this would not be an easy job, and I know I would be able to handle it. I know I would be giving up ample building time, and many other things but I know I would be giving it up for something better.

These are the reasons why I should be a Moderator, thank you for reading this.


Offtopic / Laptops
« on: October 02, 2012, 03:52:11 am »
Hey guys, this isn't a forum game or anything, just looking for some feedback and advice on laptops. I'm looking for a good looking, decent specs, portable, customizable laptop. Right now I'm pretty set in the Alienware M14x. But, because I value all of your opinions, I was just wondering what you thought of Alienware and other similar/better laptops you might know about. Looking around the $1000 price range. Thanks for the feedback!
Picture of the m14x:

Trade Central / Selling God Sword.
« on: September 08, 2012, 06:09:24 pm »
Item: Diamond Sword
Enchantments: All of them, and the highest of them.
Starting price: 50k
Minimum increase: 2k
Buyout: 150k
Notes: There are only 2 of these in all of Opticraft, it is extremely rare, and not possible to get by enchanting.
Picture for Proof:

Bid will end: 1 Day after last bid, or buyout is made.

Happy Bidding!

Offtopic / Betcha didn't know this…
« on: September 03, 2012, 06:58:56 pm »
New game time   :D

Basically, you just write one thing Opticraft didn't know about you!

For example, I'll start!

Betcha didn't know that I am a Cabin Leader at a Bible Camp!

GO!  :D

Rejected / Moderator Application- LordoftheBlock
« on: August 25, 2012, 07:33:43 pm »
Age: 15

Location: Manitoba, Canada

Timezone: -7

Join Date: Around March 15, 2012

Were you recommended by anyone?: TheRealFamous, Tylerhan2000 (Edit here if you do recommend me)

Why you should become a moderator: I feel like I should become a moderater for many reasons: One being that I love to help people as much as I can as Trusted but I can really only help by placing water, answering questions, giving advice, and providing support in situations. Secondly, I do have experience with the commands and dealing with situations as I have been moderator and Admin on other servers. Thirdly, I dont just 'jump the gun" on situations, I like to hear both sides of the story if there is one and go form there. Lastly, I just think I would serve as a good moderator and I do put on at least 3 hours a day, Thanks for taking the time to read this!  


Discussion forum / Goodbye for a little while!
« on: July 28, 2012, 09:12:50 pm »
Hey guys, starting tomorrow, I will be leaving to go to summer camp for a month. However, I will be home every weekend between those weeks so you might see me on during that time. Hope you guys have fun without me, see you when I see you!


Suggestions / Halloween Carnival!
« on: July 22, 2012, 09:59:33 pm »

Offtopic / Goodbye Larkosaurus.
« on: July 18, 2012, 05:11:52 pm »
AS some of you may have heard, Larkosaurus has left the server for unknown reasons. I just wanted to say, Lark, you will be greatly missed, and you will always be the original "Partay Rocka" in my heart, and I hope someday we shall meet again. You will be missed by all of us. Goodbye friend  :')

Introductions / The names Block, Lord Block.
« on: July 17, 2012, 04:20:59 am »
Hello ladies, and other non-concerning people, my name is John, or better knows as LordoftheBlock. I am slightly addicted to minecraft and currently Trusted on SMP. My main goal is to help people, have fun, and one day become a moderator. I play quite a bit and I'm known to be friendly, mature (in most cases :P), and funny (or at least I think I'm funny...) :P I love helping so if you ever have a question or need some advice, pm me up in-game. That's all for now, hope to see you around!


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