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Topics - Morrison1996

Pages: [1]
Introductions / Return of Morrison1996?!?!?
« on: December 10, 2014, 11:19:47 pm »
For those of you who weren't part of the server before about a year and a half ago you wont know me. (I used to be a moderator here) For those that do remember me, hey guys. I'm going to try minecraft out again. I've been playing world of tanks for the past year and a half and just got accepted into the beta of world of warships but I'm going to try and make time for playing on the server again.

General Discussion / Goodbye
« on: August 30, 2013, 12:38:49 am »
Hey guys with my demotion do to inactivity I will also be leaving. I have had a lot of fun playing and helping manage the server but my time has come to move on. I would put small thank you's and goodbyes to a select few people but in actuality I can't. I've become friends I feel with most players on the server and to singel only a few out would be cheating the others out I feel.
I will say one thing about a group though, Thank You opticraft current and past staff. I've apriciated working with you and becoming friends with you all. I had a lot of laughs in staff chat and stuck with you guys for what seems like a long time. I will truly miss working and playing with you all.

I'll be honest I wont completely leave minecraft though. TheWholeLoaf has afford me a spot to help on his server but at this time it is not public and I will not give out the ip because you all have a great server here.

If any of you also play World of Tanks feel free to add me as a contact and play games with me. My game name on WOT is Morrison1996 and I'm in the clan HARM.

Thank you all and I will return every now and then to say hi to you all and catch up.
feel free to pm me if you want.


Support / Bad Login
« on: July 04, 2013, 11:39:04 pm »
I haven't tried reinstalling minecraft but why when I try to launch multiplayer does is pop up with bad login?

Support / Glitching cauldrons
« on: April 03, 2013, 02:26:37 am »
Well I got a strange texture problem. I'm using a unchanged generic minecraft texture but when I place a item frame and then a compass into the item frame it changes all cauldrons textures into this:
(click to show/hide)

If you know how to fix this let me know. Kodak was there and did not experience this issue. It also only works with a compass I tried with most other blocks and it did not happen.

Support / Update.
« on: March 13, 2013, 01:36:19 pm »
Just a reminder not to update if you want to continue to play on opticraft. The server will take some time to update as the plugin developers need to make necessary changes.

P.S.: Update comes out in 30 min.

Also if op+ don't want this sticked just un sticky it.

Support / Minecraft crashing
« on: January 18, 2013, 03:15:36 am »
I get this when I try opening minecraft using the regular launcher. I don't get it when I use magic launcher.
crash report is here
(click to show/hide)

any suggestions?

Offtopic / iTunes
« on: December 04, 2012, 08:25:05 pm »
Lately I've been messing around with iTunes equalizer and found this:

Just wondered if anyone else has found a pretty good bass, treble, vocal, and balance setup.

Discussion forum / Single Player worlds
« on: November 27, 2012, 12:33:06 am »
When ever I try to create a super flat world in single player it gets stuck on loading world for long enough I give up and shut down every time. Now for my regular maps this pops up

(click to show/hide)

any one know how to fix and I'n not sure the 2 world loading problems are the same since the super flats never give a crash report.

Support / Just a quick forum account Question
« on: October 04, 2012, 05:07:27 pm »
If I delete my old hutch forum account will it keep all the topics created under it? I would like to change the email from that one to my current account.

General Discussion / Temple of Opti
« on: July 28, 2012, 02:50:32 am »
I will not devoldge the temples location but for those that know of it and its secrets please pm me. I need to know if there is any more or if it stops at the second room. ???

Suggestions / Thinking about making a PvP post? Read this.
« on: July 13, 2012, 03:04:55 am »
so you guys don't lose all hope:

we're in the process of throwing around ideas for a pvp system. looks like we'll definitely be getting some PvP or competitive action sometime in the future.

There you have it. It is in the plans so please no more PvP suggestions. If you have PvP ideas that could help post under this.

Hello all I ,Morrison1996,  am hutchinske. I had some problems with a former friend logging on to it after he found out my account info. He was the one that did a /kill on anyone who had a "s"  in their name. Anyway that was a gift code account given to me by that friend I ditched that one and bought a new one. I will still respond to anyone who calls me hutch though.

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