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Topics - gameguy96

Pages: [1] 2 3
Rejected / Builder Application - gameguy96
« on: May 03, 2015, 09:18:37 pm »
Ingame name: gameguy96
Join date: 11-06-2011 or something? i don't remember, a long long time.
Briefly describe all your creations:it's a cathedral, brief enough?
What world/s are the creations on: /j operator
Links to screenshots of the creation:http://imgur.com/a/9UIQA
Names of players who helped contribute:none
Extra (Anything else you want to mention): i did not use we, simply because i had no fucken clue how it worked. also the screenshots are a bit shady but that's intentional, as a part of the build. to look mysterious and grand.

Support/Ban Appeals / reporting 2 people
« on: August 27, 2014, 02:38:07 pm »
i mostly don't do this. but these 2 were driving me and other people nuts. with abusing. drawing dicks with xp and spamming people with poitions. i made 2 screenshot but they aren't really clear. 110penguin and daniblue can tell you they really deserve to get banned

it's about angameplayer and whatmyname

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Rejected / Operator Application - gameguy96
« on: August 25, 2014, 12:59:35 am »

In-game name: gameguy96
Age: 18
Location: The netherlands
Timezone: +1
Join Date: sept 6 2011
Were you recommended by any staff?: not yet.
Why you should become an Operator:
well for the renewed server, i have some experience. also with rating builds and i do have my standards. all i need to do is figure out worldedit. but that can't be that hard(i hope).
i can be quite serious when i have to. and i am actually motivated for this. i'm not always the easiest(as time may have told) but i believe i can get the job done.

Offtopic / My pet project :3
« on: February 21, 2014, 07:13:53 pm »
well... i started up a youtube channel, for game reviews. i might not be the best, or the funniest... but i try okay!
mind giving my channel a look? maybe even thumbs up, or if you really like it... you can actually press that sexy subscribe button *wink wink*
anywho, tell me what you think about it, or if i should forget about the channel after this vid Q.Q
please be gentle....


Projects and Creations / wooden cabin a.k.a. my new house
« on: December 23, 2013, 01:04:11 pm »
it will probs change in time anyhow, but here it is so far. my home in all it's glory. it may look a bit sloppy, i havent built something serious in over a year after all. buutt... i'm back bitchez

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p.s. the room you can see is for sale, or rent or something like that. prices can be discussed

Suggestions / a creative server/world
« on: December 08, 2013, 09:05:30 pm »
yes, this has been done a lot i know. but i 'd liek to give it another shot. since i have the feeling we can make 1. the server more fun to play on for more people and 2. diversity to use as a power for our marketing.

yes yes, i know what you are thinking. thats way too much work. but it can get us so much more valuable players, so the hard work will be rewarded.

the server/world thing is a option. whatever is easiest to manage or create. i would say server. because you can have seperate teams and ranks for both. but that's something i wont go further on.

not enough staff? well there's bound to be enough people who want to help create the community. like old classic players, from what i heard. a lot are interested to help out with this project. but yeah, i don't go over who gets to be op and everything.

i was maybe thinking of having a creative admin to release the stress of the curren thardworking one. for this project. he got his hands full enough already. (tip: picking me wont be the smartest idea. so its not like i ask this to get a better rank for myself or anything, keep that in mind).

i know we have something amazing here. with a great community. but i got the feeling we can do so much more with this amazing server. i've been on enough servers to see that our community is definately our strongest point.

so well yeah. i hope this has a chance. and plese. positive or negative feedback would be great. and if you got suggestions of your own to add or change something i said. please do. i want this to be a good thing. not just something i want. but something we all, as a community can want.

Rejected / Moderator Application - <gameguy96>
« on: November 27, 2013, 10:45:50 pm »

Location:the netherlands
Join Date:september 6 2010
Were you recommended by anyone?:nah just saw the broadcast.
Why you should become a moderator: not much of a application, but also a apology for the way i acted before i quit for a while. and with this i want to show. that i would like another chanse. and try to be less of a dick to people. and well.. have more respect. it would be fun to do a moderating job again, since i do kind of miss it.
it is a serious application though. don't take that the wrong way.

kind regards,
the ever annoying gg

Introductions / beep beeping boredom
« on: November 05, 2013, 09:21:05 pm »
sorry for my pissed off leave and all... i am bored, so why the fuck not.

hi i am gameguy96, a vet on this server, and gone since. hell idunno. i've been active since sept 6 2011, or 2010. my memory sucks. for those who don't know me, run... just... run....

for those who know me.. sorry.....

Offtopic / this is it
« on: August 30, 2013, 12:38:10 am »
i've had it with this server... since appearantly i can't argue with kids if they insult me for no good reason. this is just stupifying. when i argued. i got kicked. i said nothing worth of kicking, i was explaining to these kids that what they did was bullshit. so also. goodbye opticraft. i've had it. i will resign from my ranks, smp/classic and forum. i can deal with strict rules. if i get kicked for that. okay. i only say what i think, and i get kicked. for arguing over the rules. that's bullshit. as a mod/op you should be able to explain your actions. and if you can i will accept them. but this. this is crazy. so goodbye opticraft. till never again.
and to nastycreepy and creeposomething. just because you are anonymous. it does not give you the right to insult someone. grow up.

goodbye, after over 2 years opticraft. goodbye.

Offtopic / some fun ~
« on: July 31, 2013, 02:40:17 pm »

this here
music people.
listen to it and enjoy the show.

Projects / random return build idea, classic jungle
« on: March 12, 2013, 08:52:55 pm »
i had an idea, to build a great jungle, on a whole map. with more players so the work will be less, this will be a big project and can turn out very nice for my idea, but it does need its own world. who's in?

Offtopic / Hi
« on: January 28, 2013, 11:10:17 am »
I was wondering. Can I use offtopic to advertise for a YouTube channel me and some friends made??

Offtopic / i need some help
« on: January 26, 2013, 08:29:19 pm »
well this IS offtopic. so i might as well ask. i need someone to draw a logo. i have pictoures of the design. but none of my friends i can reach is that good with virtual drawing. so if somebody wants to help me out. i would be very gratefull

Offtopic / new year
« on: January 01, 2013, 01:02:37 am »
happy new year opticraft (though for many of you its not time yet)
i wish you a prosperous and healthy 2013.
-grtz. gameguy96

Introductions / (re) introduction
« on: October 29, 2012, 12:41:56 am »
well i left the server for a while but i returned as of today so lemme introduce myself. i am gameguy96. from the netherlands
i am a veteran here on opticraft(september 6 2011)
i cant make a choice wether i want to be crafter or op.
i have a dark humor and sometimes insult ppl if i dont want to :D.
classic is my game here so dont bother seeing me on smp.
any questions? yes i am crazy.
any more? 0k cheerio mates hope to see you around again or new. dont forget, visit classic sometimes it can be fun

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