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Topics - morgosin

Pages: [1] 2 3
Suggestions / Lets have some Ideas.
« on: April 06, 2014, 03:08:19 pm »
Alright so, Since we have all had such a great discussion of what needs to happen to help out the server. Lets make some suggestions.

Post a short summary of the idea you have, and post a link to the page where it is found. Remember some ideas will require a build to go with it, examples being: Paintball, Blockhunt, Hunger games, Spleef, and many others.

Remember this when you post, and be prepared to aid in any way you can.

Block Hunt- If you have played Garry's Mod, or Teamfortress 2, you have most likely come across a mod called Prop Hunt. The goal of the mini game is to be the last prop standing. A player will either be a hunter or a prop, almost like a more in-depth form of hide and seek it has a time limit, and can take place in many custom arena's.


Offtopic / Practicing 3D particles
« on: February 28, 2014, 07:05:02 pm »
Just had some fun playing with the fire particles from maya, felt like showing what i've done. made the test spine for a fire golem or something. idk.

User Events / What happened to the tf2 event?
« on: February 03, 2014, 06:49:44 pm »
I remember a while ago before I had my leave of absence. That there was a post about having a Team Fortress 2 event.

I've heard it never happened and I'm curious why not. Its a great game. And I think some friendly explosives could be fun for a bit.

I believe it would be a great idea to set it up for a Saturday afternoon. It seems to be the most likely time that people could come on and enjoy. We would have to find an empty server. or just over run a server :p

But I'd love to see this. If anyone has ideas post below!

Projects and Creations / City of Dor Kar (Iron Rock)
« on: February 03, 2014, 06:34:09 pm »
 City of  Dor Kar (Iron Rock)

Total population:10864
(click to show/hide)

Beings that these are fictional numbers, I put them up to display the scale I would like my City to be.

I will update this post with pictures of the progression, as it happens.

Here is a link to the world map location, and photo's of the build so far.

These are what I have so far. They are not complete but it will give an idea.
(click to show/hide)

Progress: Building

When will be able to move in?
The city will be available for human homes soon, going to be working on the courtyard in the next week or so.

Once selected, a plot will open with your name on it. I have only a few requirements for the home. Keep it inside or within 2-3 blocks of the plot(roof space), and keep it with the theme.

Theme consepts
Home types


If you were hoping for elven homes...
there aren't any, elves aren't necessarily welcome in dwarven cities.
So they make do with what they have.

Applications for residency
Home Type(determines location):
Love of alcohol:

General Discussion / Its been a while.
« on: January 28, 2014, 07:22:17 am »
Hello my old friends.

Its been months since I've been on and I really miss this place. It makes me sad to see it at such a low. I've only been on at late nights lately as classes are taking the majority of my time.

But I remember the good ol' days of taunting guests by being invisible and throwing random shit at them. As well as building things with you all. I've seen people come and go. Ranks change, People change. I remember the first build I made on opticraft. It was a plane I had build on the classic server, and Xeadin promoting me to recruit.

I remember Nick and redchecks, forsakeneden, and others. Classic, will always have a place in my heart. I remember Opticraft smp beta. When we barely had a spawn. my house on the hill and nick being the first mod and operator.

All these memories I remember and I miss the feeling I had on this server. the first place I felt that I truly had friends. With the server being so under populated compared to my memory of its good days. It makes me wonder what happened.

Did minecraft stop being fun? Did it turn into a job rather then a means of relaxation and laughter. What happened?

I'd like to turn this post into a suggestion post. And also a Memory post. 

Post something about an adventure. People you met, and miss. Those memories are what bind a community without them. We're just acquaintances, and not neighbors.

I miss those days. Do you?  ;)

Suggestions / Better trading interface!
« on: December 03, 2012, 08:28:21 pm »
Hello So I was just browsing random servers and I found something very interseting. It was a trade pluggin kindof like the Runescape trade system where the items are divided by a row with a Trade button and a deny button.


It was very interesting. And I believe it would make player made shops a lot less of a hassle and make moderators lives easier not having to hear about " Hey!!! He stole my pick, xxPersonxx gave to me... MOD!! Tell him to give me my stuff back!!"  No hassles of signs. just righ-click the person then you activate a trade with them if they accept by right-clicking on you.

Rejected / Moderator-Reapp: Morgosin
« on: October 04, 2012, 08:41:24 pm »
Name: Morgosin

Location: Colorado
Timezone: -6
Forum-Join Date: June 17, 2011, 08:32:12 pm

Were you recommended by anyone?:Chipaton, Techdude98, TheRealFamous ... Simply re-applying now that school has set in and a little less drama in my life.

Why you should become a moderator: I believe that I should be a moderator again because: I've been a moderator on smp & a operator on classic, I can contribute a often bright and cheerful conversation as well as distributing disciplinary actions when necessary, and Opticraft's Friendly Neighborhood Brony!, I also have needed something to do recently as... To be honest.... I MIST YOU GUYS!!!

Keeping this short and sweet, as I know that a wall of text bores people.

Projects and Creations / Tower of Terror(areana)
« on: October 03, 2012, 02:53:17 am »
Hello, I and a few other Trusted have been working on an areana that revolves around Capture the flag(Pumkin), Raceing, Hieghts, Jumping puzzles, And Piston traps.

It will span from bedrock to sky limit and is 30 blocks in diameter, It does have a very real posibility of death, and it is ment to be a competition to the top With the flag in hand.

The goal of this is to get all the way to the top With the pumkin. So If said Pumkin carrier died from falling the other players must race to the bottom to get the pumkin and go all the way back up to the top.

Here are some pictures!

(click to show/hide)

This is a work in progress and will take some time to complete.

Please input your thoughts as they may be helpful in the construction of this battleground!

-Morgosin, iGenerator, TheWholeLoaf.

Suggestions / Allowing Doors to be set for trusted+
« on: October 03, 2012, 12:42:34 am »
I was wondering. Rather than adding everyone that will be helping you to a project why not simply make a lock for doors and chests to be accessed for Trusted+ or Member+ depending on the lock settings of your choosing...

Maybe make a something that goes along with /cmodify Possibly a /cmodify Trusted+ tag specifically to allow those trusted to open the door.

Rejected / Morgosin- Mod Application-Morgosin(Possible-needs scheduling)
« on: September 21, 2012, 05:04:22 am »
Name: Morgosin

Location: Colorado
Timezone: -6
Forum-Join Date: June 17, 2011, 08:32:12 pm

Were you recommended by anyone?:
Not that I can remember... Simply re-applying now that school has set in and a little less drama in my life.

Why you should become a moderator:
I believe that I should be a moderator again because: I've been a moderator on smp & a operator on classic, I can contribute a often bright and cheerful conversation as well as distributing disciplinary actions when necessary, and Opticraft's Friendly Neighborhood Brony!, I also have needed something to do recently as... To be honest.... I MIST YOU GUYS!!!

Keeping this short and sweet, as I know that a wall of text bores people.

Offtopic / SO Who plays dayz??
« on: September 07, 2012, 08:04:02 pm »
Just curious if anyone does, gunna make it a poll so its easy to count who plays and who doesn't

Projects / A Challenge to the crafters.
« on: June 27, 2012, 05:48:28 am »
Hello well a few of us saw this video! And we started thinking that the crafters could not recreate/ improve on this build.

Idc if you make it on classic or somehow get permission to build it on smp. But Prove that the Opticraft crafters truely are the best of the best. And recreate/improve this.

« on: June 13, 2012, 07:29:09 am »
Hello today I found two very good videos that explain how most bronies feel and why they watch the show.

I don't mean to push this on anyone but this is just how alot of us feel and why we do what whe do so here you go.


And this!
(I do not agree with mans philosophy in life but he has a point)

Bravo people you make it so much easier for people to understand.

Rejected / Mendelev city
« on: April 05, 2012, 10:16:31 pm »
City name: Mendalev City

City location: just south of north town (-25,64,-579)

Contributors: morgosin, persianskitty, deadlymagik, snorcat

Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner): Morgosin

Approximate dimensions:150X250

Number of active residents:1 and 2 univited but living there

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings:9 towers a place near complete, and a civilian area within the wall, also have a small village on the outside of the south wall

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: about 65% complete

Why should we grant this city protection?
It is griefed daily and I don't have the time to constantly go back and repair it while I am slowly makeing progress, on its completion, there have been people interested when they see the protected portion of it, but one area i'm not able to protect for some reason.

Discussion forum / Does anyone else have this problem??
« on: March 21, 2012, 03:17:00 am »
My problem is that Everytime the phone rings my internet disconnects and reconnects several times until the phone is hung up or the caller hangs up, where it disconnects one more time.

 I don't have dial-up internet,

But my internet provider is Century Link. This is an ongoing problem i have been having, and i was wondering if anyone knew how to fix it.
Do i need a new phone or a new internet provider.

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