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Messages - Kurseddragon

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5] 6 7 ... 17
Offtopic / Re: What do you do about...
« on: November 13, 2012, 08:41:31 pm »
Lol this is kinda cute... dude, if you don't like her then hy do you care if she goes out to eat with your friends, sounds like she was inviting you but you said no lol.

That's not the point.
This whole thread was an example, really.
If someone who supposedly cares about you can lie to you like it's nothing, what are you supposed to do about it?

This time may be pointless, but next time it's gonna be someone that means a lot more.

EDIT: Lock this thread, please.

Offtopic / Re: What do you do about...
« on: November 13, 2012, 02:43:44 pm »
next time she lies just call her a lying liar that lies through her lie hole and walk out.

but really, people lie it's in our nature. if you don't like her why let it bother you? you seem overly concerned with someone you claim not to like, which makes me think you're the liar... nothing personal, just callin it how i see it.

lying isn't against the rules, you say she said she was going to dinner, that's not a lie, she simply omitted the part about who with, if two of them 4 other people where laddies i'd even say she was trying to trick the guy who claims not to like her into a group date, course i don't claim to understand women for the life of me so who knows.

Well the part about "You're just gonna have to believe me" is serious...

Offtopic / What do you do about...
« on: November 13, 2012, 05:10:04 am »
...A person who hates being called a liar, but lies about everything?

Crazy situation: This girl likes me, but I don't like her (You're just gonna have to believe me, I don't care if you do or not). I didn't have any problems with her until I recently realized she lies about a lot of things. At first, I didn't really have a problem with it since they seemed to be small, pointless lies; things that she might as well not even lie about, but it's her choice. However, recently she told me more than a little lie. It shouldn't matter what it was, the point is that it shouldn't have happened, right? If she really does care about anyone, why does she lie to them? Also, she asked me if I was hungry, but I said no. She went to dinner with two of my other friends and two others. Kind of fucked up regardless of my answer? She didn't say she was going to get Chinese food with my friends... (EDIT: I just remembered something that made this dinner part a bit more acceptable, but it's still kind of messed up)

It's a scary thought to think about someone who is suppose to care about you (whether you feel the same in return or not is irrelevant) will lie straight to your face. It's not just her that this is gonna happen with, it could be anyone.

But the point is, what do I do about it? I know I shouldn't be the one complaining, but one of my top three pet peeves is being lied to, so it'd annoy me regardless of who did it.

Yes, this thread is serious.

Offtopic / Re: What's happening?
« on: November 12, 2012, 04:10:33 am »
Nothing much, what about you?

General Discussion / Re: a book. i am writing. IRL. maybe. its up to you.
« on: November 10, 2012, 04:43:54 am »
I hope you're not planning on writing it with the same grammar you used in the title. :P

Offtopic / Re: Dog names.
« on: November 10, 2012, 04:42:24 am »

Offtopic / Re: How about some pictures. :P
« on: November 10, 2012, 04:41:52 am »
You posted a Facebook message attachment? Lol.

Offtopic / Re: How about some pictures. :P
« on: November 08, 2012, 01:06:07 am »
Blah blah blah. Wheres my other eye? :O

Found it.
(click to show/hide)

Offtopic / Re: Have a talk about anything.
« on: November 06, 2012, 05:51:41 am »
My dad took the key to the car 'cause I didn't order a pizza yesterday. :D
He told me to walk to school.

I didn't go to school.

Did he find out? How did that go?

Of course. o.o He leaves just before I do, so when I was still sleeping when he was leaving, he already knew.
He didn't say anything about it, I guess he expected it since there's nothing else for me to do.
I laughed when my mom came home (also knowing I didn't go to school that day and the reason) and asked me why I didn't go to school. Like she had no clue...
It might happen again tomorrow, but I'm not sure.
Really contemplating on whether doing my homework is worth it since my parents haven't said anything this whole weekend. :P

On another topic; I've been playing this game, Smite, so much lately.
Anyone else play it? Or interested in playing it?
Ive heard of that game, I was planning on getting it. Gameplay is great, kinda like League of Legends (LoL)

It's exactly like League of Legends.
Only, in my opinion, much better.
I'd much rather manually move my character with WASD in a third person point of view than spam right click in a bird's eye view.

Smite is great, I love it. Even though, for whatever reason, I've been doing TERRIBLE for at least a week straight; like TERRRRRIBLE, I still love it.
If you wanna play, I can get you a beta key and we can friend up. :D

That goes for anyone who reads this and is interested.

Offtopic / Re: Have a talk about anything.
« on: November 05, 2012, 05:07:25 am »
My dad took the key to the car 'cause I didn't order a pizza yesterday. :D
He told me to walk to school.

I didn't go to school.

Did he find out? How did that go?

Of course. o.o He leaves just before I do, so when I was still sleeping when he was leaving, he already knew.
He didn't say anything about it, I guess he expected it since there's nothing else for me to do.
I laughed when my mom came home (also knowing I didn't go to school that day and the reason) and asked me why I didn't go to school. Like she had no clue...
It might happen again tomorrow, but I'm not sure.
Really contemplating on whether doing my homework is worth it since my parents haven't said anything this whole weekend. :P

On another topic; I've been playing this game, Smite, so much lately.
Anyone else play it? Or interested in playing it?

Events / Re: Building Event
« on: November 04, 2012, 08:29:08 am »

Offtopic / Re: Have a talk about anything.
« on: November 02, 2012, 03:33:58 pm »
My dad took the key to the car 'cause I didn't order a pizza yesterday. :D
He told me to walk to school.

I didn't go to school.

Offtopic / Re: How about some pictures. :P
« on: November 01, 2012, 05:34:07 am »
I purposely f*cked the link up since it got ignored. :P

General Discussion / Re: bye all :/
« on: November 01, 2012, 05:33:15 am »
I've left if you don't count the forums. o.o

Offtopic / Re: How about some pictures. :P
« on: October 31, 2012, 03:58:00 am »
I posted a pic once.
But so did Kodak, right around the same time.
So mine got ignored. :D

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