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Topics - lLLEGAL

Pages: [1] 2 3
Offtopic / Signature
« on: August 26, 2012, 01:25:02 pm »

I have a new signature, what do you guys think of it?

My skin was custom made by arsenic, though I remade the head.

General Discussion / Automatic Villager Breeding Machine
« on: August 16, 2012, 08:53:22 am »
  Remember those times where the child villager would run around the adults and you have trouble seperating them? Fear no more, for the villager breeding machine is here!

  The ILLEDOOM 2000 is a fully automated villager breeding machine, capable in getting villagers into a small room to breed, then seperating their child from them! This will cause great sadness to the parents, seeing their child kidnapped like that, but we don't care! All we want is better trading options from the villagers!

  Remember the evil admins(and opti) who would go around killing your villagers? Fear no more! With this automated machine, simply transport the child to North Pole, so Santa can take care of him, while his parents are killed by the horrible government!

  "With this machine, I can kidnap the child and watch the parents cry! It is so much fun!"
  -Satisfied Government Officer

  "Bwahaha! Try catching my villagers now!"
  -D00MKNlGHT, Satisfied Customer

  "So that's why I was raised in North Pole?"
  -Opti, Confused Victim

Link to the amazing video that will change the lives of your villagers! The video!

Any coincidence to actual players, admins, owners, optis, governments, countries and villagers are purely coincidental.

General Discussion / My Village
« on: July 01, 2012, 01:46:10 am »
I have claimed a village using a diamond protection stone. The village is slightly out of the border by a few blocks. It has come to my attention that a sore Moderator says he has seen the village before me, and would remove my protection stone when he has the chance. First off. There is no indication of anyone claiming the village. Secondly, know how we keep getting tped back when we go against the borders? I kept trying to get past, and managed to place a stone and sign in the center of the only two village houses.
If you say thats unfair and cheating, id say that to all the Moderators who used their fly and god mode to find a village. My method was totally legit, I used a boat etc.

Tl;drDON'T REMOVE MY STONE OR SIGN. It's my village. I have claimed it. It's griefing if yoh try to dosso.

Introductions / lLLEGAL
« on: June 24, 2012, 01:06:23 pm »
I guess it's about time I made an introduction. Though it's probably late, but better late than never ;)

I am lLLEGAL, spelled LLLEGAL. First letter is actually a L.

I joined 1 year ago, on June 25th, 2011.

I timed 1 year before making an introduction (So this is a late introduction. Really late XD)

I am a Classic Operator, currently on trial. My previous rank was recruit, which I stayed at for a few months, busy playing other games like TF2 after I had been rejected due to lack of sufficient activity. I'm not sure if I'll be rejected again this time, but if I am rejected, I won't mind, as I have throughly enjoyed the experience on Opticraft. Opping on Classic is the only thing that is currently keeping me with Opticraft. As well as chatting with the members of the community.

Overall, it's been a great year at Opticraft. :)

I do hope I can continue Opping on Classic for a long time.

And that's my introduction. :)

Ps. I am lllegal. Not illegal :P

General Discussion / Spleef Champion!
« on: April 27, 2012, 04:04:02 pm »
Alright, I just finished a few rounds of spleef with guests, members and recruits.
Of the rounds, all were won by Losering! Congratulations! You're now the defending champion!

On a side note, I had to copy the spleef arena from event world to guest world for this so the guests could play. Hopefully the new arena will allow guests and recruits as well as members to join in, but of course, only with Operator supervision to tp them over.

It was a great game, hope you contestants enjoyed yourselves, an I intend to do another event with help from other Operators in about 14 hours time. Good luck, and comment below if you'd like to take part! Ops, volunteer below as well!

General Discussion / Logo
« on: April 18, 2012, 09:47:30 am »
Who wants to see the "rare" logo? 1/1500 chance to see it! ;3
and there's a 1/1500 chance that you get a special banner... courtesy of relkeb.

Rejected / Operator Application- lLLEGAL
« on: April 15, 2012, 08:41:03 am »
Name: lLLEGAL (First letter is a L)
Age: 17 this year.
Location: Singapore.
Timezone: GMT +8
Join date: 27 June 2011
Forum Join date:
Current rank: Recruit. I have been granted permission to make this application.
Reason for application: I would like to help Opticraft in anyway possible. Seeing as I won't make a good Moderator on SMP, I decided that I could help Classic, with the understanding that many Operators on Classic are torn between their Moderator duties in SMP and the Operator duties in Classic. Thus, I've decided to help Classic.
Why you should become an operator: I am armed with the knowledge and understanding of how being an Operator works as I had been very fortunate to be placed on trial in the past. However, my lack of sufficient activity led to my downfall. I promise that I would definitely try my best this time round, and I don't intend to make mistakes this time round. The time I have spent here as a normal player, as well as an Operator on trial has taught me many things.
Have you been temp-op before?: Yes, as well as trial.
Extra information: Thanks for considering me. I had intended to make an application almost 6 months ago, but I lost interest as I was very busy studying, etc. I'll try my best this time, and over the months, I have grown up and understood a lot more.

General Discussion / Selling Pick - Place Bids
« on: April 10, 2012, 09:06:46 am »
I'm selling a brand new unused Diamond Pickaxe which has the following enchantments:
- Efficiency III IV
- Unbreaking III
- Silk Touch I

Starting bid will be $80,000
Every time there is a new bid, I will lock it in to prevent people changing their prices. The final bid will be decided once 4 days pass from the last person to bid. Place your bids below.

(I reserve the right to deny the final bid if I am not satisfied with the price)

Rejected / Moderator Application- lLLEGAL
« on: April 04, 2012, 11:40:30 am »
Age: 17 this year.
Location: Singapore.
Timezone: GMT +8
Join Date: Immediately after Opti did the update connecting classic and smp(something like that), or if you mean join date on Opticraft overall, it's probably June 27 2011, around there.
Were you recommended by anyone?:  iGrantyy_x, BigBadHenz and lLLEGAL :)
Why you should become a moderator: I don't think I'm the best for this job, but I should be able to help during this period of time of increased traffic.
I know from previous experience as a trial Operator on classic that I should have been more active and ban more instead of just undoing actions.
The new Antigrief system put in place by Opti seems to work quite well, if you think I'm not fit for the job, just reject me. I don't mind, Moderating is just an extra way for me to help the server.

I do wish to be able to tp to players and stop the griefers, often, I hear players saying "Help, so and so is griefing me!", and once I saw a griefer /home to a player made city and start griefing, as I stood by helpless.
I tried /helpop, but apparently there was no Mod/Op on.
I do hope to fill in the gap in this timezone, making life for the players in and around this timezone have a better experience on Opticraft. :)
I've learnt from my past mistake of being insufficiently active, and I would try my best if I am given the chance.

Ps. I've been a staff member on another SMP PvP server in the past few weeks, so I would think I have experience with this.
I don't mind if I was placed on trial, then rejected in the future, when there's no longer a need for the extra staff.

Thanks for reading. :)
(I'm not setting my hopes too high, as you can tell from the application, and I'm hoping that you can give me another chance to help out)

General Discussion / Voting
« on: March 27, 2012, 08:17:13 am »
Voting for this month ends in a few days.
It has been almost a month of continuous voting for me.
The websites do NOT like me at all.

(Jk, I'll still vote till the end of this month)

Edit: 10 more posts! :D

General Discussion / Cave spider spawner: For Sale!
« on: March 20, 2012, 06:12:44 am »
So, I'm selling the coordinates to a Cave Spider Spawner.
I have protected it, so its mine. Don't tell me it belongs to the server.
Make your offers below.

Ban Appeals / lLLEGAL Ban- Not legal at all! :)
« on: March 11, 2012, 01:28:59 am »
I got banned on SMP.
Never done anything wrong, this is my first time banned. Ever.
Please unban me pls. :)


Edit: It says the banhammer has spoken.
Edit edit: I've never even met petmatx... I'll try to fix the grief, if it really was me. Which I don't think so, but it could be possible.
If it really was me, it would definitely be accidental. :(

General Discussion / Random Screenshots and Pictures! :D
« on: February 03, 2012, 01:56:53 pm »
So here's a fun thread for players to share random screenshots or pictures of themselves doing stuff/items/whatever in SMP(Opticraft's, ofc).

I'll start first:

^First time enchanting :D
Thanks to Wratkie for the enchant table. ;)

-Move this post to offtopic if necessary-

Share your pics BELOWWWWW! ;)

Support / IRC Spammer
« on: February 03, 2012, 08:23:01 am »
I would like to report a spammer on SMP IRC.

[16:20] <Guest1519> <compact4> I AM IRON MAN!!!
[16:20] <Guest1519> <compact4> I AM IRON MAN!!!
[16:20] <Guest1519> <compact4> I AM IRON MAN!!!
[16:20] == Guest1519 [minecraft@844DA4A0.BA38CD5C.DE7A93AB.IP]
[16:20] ==  realname : PircBot 1.5.0 Java IRC Bot - www.jibble.org
[16:20] ==  channels : #Opticraft-SMP
[16:20] ==  server   : *.rizon.net [Where are you?]
[16:20] == End of WHOIS

^ That. IRC Admins or Operators please take a look at it.
He is currently still spamming.
Ps. I may be wrong, idk. Maybe it's lagg or something.

Offtopic / ILLEGAL
« on: December 13, 2011, 02:59:49 pm »
Okay, so I am definitely less active. But I was here, and may pop back in from time to time. Hope you guys enjoy playing! :)

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