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Topics - Axenel401

Pages: [1] 2
General Discussion / The Last of the Forgotten Hero
« on: April 03, 2011, 02:04:21 am »
Well, it seems I will be leaving, for good. Morten and Relkeb ip banned me...So this, I leave these final words...

As the Guardian flying through the skies, I fall beneth the earth.
As the Hero of a past war, I am forgotten though the ages.
As the Hunter who stalks his prey, I became the Hunted.
As those fell before me, I will fall with a sword in hand.

Raul7Legend I leave The Lancer in Notredame, The Nautilus and The Arcadia of Recruits.
Turtleman918 I leave the knowledge of my deeds.
Mr_Mr_Mr I leave the title of Swastika Hunter.

Never let my story die out...as I finally cry...as the promise is broken....as the bells begin to chime....as I die away....as victory is so far...

Projects / A new project from Axel to Opticraft
« on: April 02, 2011, 09:04:24 pm »
I been working on a gift for Opticraft, I know my skills aren't much but I wanted to make something to show my apreciation to the Owner, Admins, Operators, Crafters, Builders, Recruits, and even the Guests of Opticraft, so I made a few teaser pics:

It will be finished soon, and don't be hatin' on it if you know what it is...

General Discussion / The Final word on my activity on Opticraft
« on: March 31, 2011, 07:43:00 pm »
Aparantly some people just do not get it....I am not leaving anytime soon!

I made a promise many moons ago and this is how it went:

I, Axenel, will always be on Opticraft Dev Server until the last of the Neo Nazis and Griefers are gone from the server.
So until my job is done, I will always be seen by the many guests, recruits, builders, and operators.
I will always be feared by the griefers and neo nazis. If I shall break my promise,
(i.e. Say I am quitting or is inactive for more than 5 months) I shall be rightfully terminated of my current
status and start again as a guest of Opticraft.

So, don't be counting on me leaving, I may take a break every once in a while but that is it.

Rejected / [Operator] Axenel401
« on: March 27, 2011, 06:45:24 pm »
Name: Axel Sendo (Axenel401)
Age: 15
Location: Pennslyvannia
Timezone:GMT -5
Join date: December 4 2010
Forum Join date: December 18, 2010
Current rank: Builder
Reason for application: I been on Opticraft for a long time and I feel like giving back by being able to ban griefers and to help others.
Why you should become an operator: I have experience being an Op as well has some experience being an Admin (on Turtle's server) and I feel as though I am right for the job.
Extra information: Extremely dilligent, helpful, and fun.

General Discussion / The Swastika Hunter's Dissappearence
« on: March 24, 2011, 10:42:55 pm »
I know I haven't been on, but Minecraft is at the bottom of the daily to do list. I will try to get back on more but now I have a few things going on:
-The Trinity
-And trouble with some legal stuff

Don't worry I am not gone forever, just giving the Neo-Nazis a chance to build their swastikas~

So who's it gonna be?

General Discussion / New Operator Selection Method
« on: March 16, 2011, 01:53:30 am »
As you know, Operator Applications have been discontinued for a, in my opinion, a better method.
Disscuss your opinions in this thread and this thread ONLY.


Creations / Opticraft Demotivational Poster
« on: February 23, 2011, 02:28:25 am »
I don't know...I was bored so I made this:

General Discussion / The Swastika Hunter Returns!!
« on: February 20, 2011, 08:06:58 pm »
I am back and ready for action!
From when I first left I have been working on a little something special for opticraft.
I just need to contact optic to get the world transfered to here so you guys can see.

now where are those pesky swastikas?

General Discussion / My 1 Month Leave of Absence
« on: February 13, 2011, 12:21:51 am »
I been getting really tired lately, I been getting fustrated over everything, I need a break, REAL BAD!
So I am taking a 1 month leave of absence so I can get myself together. I suggest you do not touch my stuff or demote me while I am gone...I will be really pissed. Anyways I'll leave with these words.

I will always be The Swastika Hunter of Opticraft, The Fleet Admiral of the Royal Optic Navy (The Name of my fleet :P), The Badass German, The Annoying Little Brat, The Great Debator, and Rouge Lancer 401 (Don't ask about that one, if you don't get it, don't worry).

Projects / The Freiheit
« on: February 10, 2011, 09:57:37 pm »
I realized others were trying to make a bigger ship then The Lancer, so now I am making a new ship to keep the title in my hands.
Freiheit means Freedom in German

I will have the specs up soon.

Update 2/12/11: I am actually gonna redo the whole ship, but I need a bot to help, so once and admin or optic gives me the o.k. then I will resume work. Till then, this project is dead in the water....literally and figuratively

You can erase the ship and use if for something else....

Projects / Rapture
« on: February 06, 2011, 09:11:17 pm »
I been inspired by a new game I bought called Bioshock to build an underwater city, I would need a huge map (builer+) and permission to use my bot.

Some pics of the actual rapture:

Offtopic / My long road and many thanks
« on: January 31, 2011, 02:26:46 am »
I have been on minecraft for a long time, most of it on this server, and I never properly said thank you to everyone who helped me.

I first of want to thank the two operators (one is now an admin) for getting me started and promoted me to recruit:
Slenos and Darkpowerzx

Next those who helped me to become builder:
Hannotje, Pengo801, Slenos, and many recruits who I forgot their names but you know who you are.

For those who helped me as builder (this is one long list) I want to thank...
DenBrahe, FeanorAlmighty, Spartan_Rain, Davioo, Kascas, Raul7Legend, Drunz, Izzeh, Turtleman918, Slenos, Hannotje, Opticalza,
Neo-Nazis for giving me something to do, PsYk0Wo1F, Mr_Mr_Mr, Muffingrr, Morten1ela, Relkeb, and all other ops.

To all those who I mentioned (except for the neo-nazis) I really want to thank you for your time in helping me and other builder, recruits, and guests out.

Offtopic / Axenel's List
« on: January 30, 2011, 04:36:18 pm »


People who helped me along the way:(In chronological order)

I just want to say thank you all for helping me!
And sorry if I forgot anyone, please tell me if I did ^^;

Rejected / Operator - Axenel401
« on: January 30, 2011, 01:50:55 am »
Name:Axenel401, real name Axel Sendo
Location:Pennsylvania, USA
Timezone: EST
Join date: Around Nov 29
Forum Join date:December 04, 2010
Current rank: Builder
Reason for application:I feel as though there are not enough operators to combat greifers. I want to help those in need.
Why you should become an operator: I feel as though I am right for an operator, I am smart, mature (for my age), and I love to help others.
Extra information: I get along with everyone and have been an admin on turtle's server so I know what I am putting myself into.

Introductions / Bio of Axenel401
« on: January 17, 2011, 02:28:36 am »
Name: Axenel Sendo
Age: 15
DOB: June 16
Nationality: German
Likes: History, Minecraft, Food, and Videogames
Dislikes: My Brother, Griefers, Swastikas, and The PS3
Titles: The Swastika Hunter
Built the Largest Ship on OptiCraft (The Lancer on NotreDame)
Built the Largest Submarine on OptiCraft (The Arcadia on Recruits)
Found over 100 Swastikas
Found over 50 Vulgaric Messages/Objects

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