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Topics - techdude98

Pages: [1]
Offtopic / Steam summer sale
« on: July 11, 2013, 08:17:49 pm »
The steam summer sale has officially began. What games are you planning on buying?

Trade Central / Ender crystal for sale!
« on: December 30, 2012, 06:12:30 pm »
Attention i have gotten my hands on the rarest stationary entity on opticraft. There are only two remaining Ender crystals in all of opticraft. This extremely rare object has been cased in multiple layers of glass and protected by a small ps.

starting bid: 150k
buyout price: 400k
price increase: 2k
As soon as i see fit
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If you pay another 100k i will destroy the other one which i own as well making this one for sale a one of a kind object.

Trade Central / [Quintuple Spawner] for sale!
« on: December 21, 2012, 06:34:43 pm »
Attention I am currently selling one of the rarest known legal spawners on opticraft this is easily rarer than any dragon egg or blaze spawner! It is a quintuple spawner which is 5 spawners within 20 blocks of each other. The spawn rates are almost endless. This could be used for a multitude of things like a mob arena or a xp grinder. you can use it as an alternative method to get wool as well. In about 1 minute or two i had enough string to make about a stack of wool.
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Starting bid: 175k
minimal bid increase 2k
buyout price: 425k
end time: whenever i see fit
please note that this is a very rare item and i only know of two quintuple spawners on opticraft.
If you win the auction and don't have an extra home to set at this spawner i can keep my home there for 20k.

Trade Central / [Dragon Egg] For Sale!
« on: December 06, 2012, 04:41:44 pm »
Dragon Egg for Sale!
Starting bid: 30k
Buyout price: 100k
End time: 4 days after last bid or whenever i see fit.

Accepted - Project/HOF Applications / Project protection- Czar City.
« on: October 10, 2012, 11:43:03 pm »
City name: Czar City

City location: (2460 64 -766 member world)

Contributors: Nick468, Techdude98, caseyboy123, bubblekiller, kurdman899, debator04, nffx2000, eliasdemetriou, johanestrike, megamoltar, jaybrute, Mr_mikester,

Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner): nick468

Approximate dimensions: 300 by 300

Number of active residents: 6

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: 24

Check out our: progress on the live map

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any
: Currently we plan on adding a capitol building for each district and filling in the missing one. After that our main goal is to sell out the rest of the plots and possibly add an underwater district

Why should we grant this city protection?

   Czar City is without a doubt one of the most influential and creative masterpieces that I and my amazing team have been able to produce. For Czar is built and run with concepts and creativity that no other town or city have been able to produce thus far. Czar City’s government is based on the concept of a head ruler, with a council of mayoral elites serving under him. Czar will be composed of 9 districts which are all very unique and different. Each one will have a mayor independently running it (with the exception of the head ruler, who will only intervene under extreme circumstances) these district mayors operating independently will make up a council, which will in turn influence the head ruler’s decisions about czar as a whole. Therefore each district mayor will feel responsible to the people of their own district, while also feeling responsible for czar as a whole, giving Czar a united but yet independent feel which is what we strive for.
Czar will operate all of its official business through various forms, certificates, and documents. These will give Czar a unique image in how it is run and operated.
•   Among the forms for individual citizens are citizenship certificates, deeds to homes and businesses, mayoral certificates, criminal records, fines and taxes, and much more.
•   Among the forms for societies and businesses outside Czar are partnership contracts, deeds to ownership, deed to czar access, and many others
All in all, adding documents to the city mix makes people feel more realistic and interactive with the city.

Czar will have an interconnected railroad system that will do its part in connecting many points of interest in opticraft. Such intuitive ideas are vital in improving the culture and nature of what Czar city is about.
All in all, Czar will be an interconnected, living, breathing, city that interacts with its citizens and societies around it. Engineering creative ideas is what our life blood strives on. Our goal is to add to add a sense of culture to Opticraft, both internally and externally. Thank you for your time.

Projects and Creations / Czar city
« on: October 09, 2012, 04:07:50 am »
Czar City
check out our progress on the Live Map
Czar City is a city all about interaction. Whether it be browsing the many books at the library, spleefing in our amazing arena, or chatting it up with the many other people who call it home, Czar is more than just a place to build a home in.
Mayors: Caseyboy123, Techdude98, Nffx2000, Debater04
co-mayors: Megamoltar, kurdman899
Czar: Nick468
Czar City is divided into eight 100x100 districts. Each one is ruled individually by a mayor, except for the Capital district, which is ruled by the Czar, who is the leader of Czar City. The Czar lets each mayor rule his or her district as long as they comply with the 7 basic rules, called the Code of Czar.
Getting in
In order to gain access to Czar City you must buy Citizenship. Citizenship gives you the right to buy property, use Czar Services, and live in Czar city. A Czar Citizenship costs $10,000 and goes towards the improvement of the City. After you buy a citizenship you must show that you are proficient or better in building. Once that has been proven, you must agree to the Code of Czar via contract. After you sign the contract you are free to buy any property in the city.
Czar Services
Citizenship to Czar City gives you access to all sorts of benefits.
1.   Permanent access to an enderman farm.
2.   Permanent access to a Blaze Grinder
3.   The ability to purchase Property in Czar City
4.   Access to the Czar Library
5.   Access to the spleef arena
6.   Access to a mob grinder (skele’s, zombies, spiders,)
But of course the most important benefit of all is being a citizen of one of the best societies in opticraft.

Sincerely, They mayors of czar

Introductions / Might as well make a proper introduction.
« on: September 06, 2012, 05:11:39 am »
Well many of you already know me, i am currently a moderator on Smp and have been here for about 6 months.  I have Played Minecraft since alpha, I'm a 16 years old, and I live in Colorado, for all of you non-American folk Colorado is located in the U.S. Other than Minecraft i Play W.O.W, TF2 and Skyrim. I'm usually a nice guy and I enjoy helping people on this server. So.... yep that's about it. :)

Trade Central / Slimeballs
« on: July 31, 2012, 02:50:47 am »
Starting Time: now
Ending Time: 8/3/12 EST 10:00 am Or when i see a good bid that i like.
Item Name: Slimeball
Item Quantity: 32
Starting Bid: $45k
Minimum Increment: $1k
Buyout Price: $100kk

Offtopic / Picture War
« on: July 22, 2012, 01:54:55 am »
So here's how it goes..
Use pictures to defeat/destroy the above picture.
-#Picture of a tree
-#Picture of a chainsaw
I'll start

Support / Notch?
« on: July 11, 2012, 12:31:27 am »
well as many of u know someone logged on with the username notch. Now is he a hacker or the real deal? Put ur comments below.
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Rejected / Techdude98's moderator application
« on: July 04, 2012, 02:54:30 pm »
Location: Pueblo, CO
Timezone: GMT -7
Join Date: March 18, 2012, 11:20:32 pm (Please note that i was guest for a few weeks.)
Were you recommended by anyone?: Troddenostrich, Hutchinske, Thewholeloaf, and Zen00 (if you recommend me, insert your name it would be deeply appreciated.)
Why you should become a moderator: I believe that I would make a great moderator because I am mature, and I understand all the rules and guidelines. I have never been banned from Opticraft and i try my best to help out in the community. Sometimes when I log on there are very few moderators on. So since I'm usually on 2-8 hours a day i believe that i would help this issue. I am an experienced player and a former admin so i am familiar with the multiple commands of Opticraft. When I decided to make this application I understood that being a moderator is not all fame and glory or fun in games, and that it would take much longer to finish my projects and creations. During my free time on Opticraft I often try to encourage experienced guests to sign up on the forums. I hate to see grief and would have no problem with fixing it. I view Opticraft as not just a server I play on but a whole community that I am part of.  I hope you consider this application, and i would be extremely grateful if I were put on trial and have a chance to work with the wonderful staff of Opticraft. (If you are reading this please comment it would be helpful.)

Sincerely, Techdude98 :)
here's my old app if you wish to see it. http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/topic,10451.0.html

Projects and Creations / Czar!
« on: June 28, 2012, 04:05:12 am »
Czar is a magnificent city currently being built. The theme is an 18th century socialist city. it is being being built in the middle of the ocean as well. We are planning on making it the largest and most well know city in the new world. Czar will be divided into 5 districts each one 100 by 100 containing their own mayor and co-mayor. so when finished we are planning on it exceeding 50000 blocks. Now you're probably wondering why we made this topic, well we need builders and donations! If u help us build you are given on plot of your choice. If you donate we will put your name on a plaque in the middle of the city. We are looking for anything between stone to protection stones. So if you are interested in donating or building just post your ingame username and how u can help below.  :)

Sincerely, Techdude98

Rejected / Moderator Application- Techdude98
« on: June 01, 2012, 05:00:07 am »
Moderator Application - techdude98

Age: 16

Location: Colorado, USA

Timezone: GMT -7

Join Date: 2012-3-18 please note that i was a guest for a few weeks

Were you recommended by anyone?: Ianhalmond, troddenostrich
Why you should become a moderator: I have played on this server for a few months and after becoming trusted some of my friends said I should try out for the rank of Moderator. Considering the fact that the new world is coming out soon, and Opticraft probably requires some more moderators i decided to try my hand at being one.  I was an admin on a different server and so I completely Understand that being a mod is not all fame and glory or fun and games, plus i have had past experience with the multiple plugins of opticraft. I am mature and i understand all of the rules. I try my best to respect all players especially those with higher authority than me. I never turn down an opportunity to help someone with water, and i often try to get guests to sign up online. This is the only server i am currently playing on, and I am completely dedicated to it. I love opticraft because the community has been kind to me, so i would like to return the favor by becoming a moderator and helping others. I play on this server 1 to 5 hours a day. I hate to see grief and i would have no problem with cleaning it up. I have never been banned and i do not have a bad temper so I will only kick/ban them if they absolutely deserve it. I also try to handle things in a professional way. I hope you take this application into at least consideration, and I would be so grateful to have the chance to work with the spectacular staff of opticraft. If you are reading this please comment it would be very helpful.  :)

sincerely, Techdude98    

Suggestions / New donation idea.
« on: May 30, 2012, 05:29:04 pm »
As many of you know only mods and above have the ability to fly. I am proposing that flying should become a donation package. that would be a great way for opticraft to raise money. Even if it is only available to trusted members it would still get opticraft a bit more money. Just and idea.

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