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Messages - snowmanbuilder64

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / Banned for something idk
« on: November 26, 2017, 09:29:46 pm »
I created a mine under water, and when I got bored I mined to the top carting a set of stairs. When I reached the top I ran Into some would, confused I started to break said wood because I didn't want to lose this mine. When I broke through I was in a weird house and before I could place the blocks back...... I was banned.


Ban Appeals / [Operator] Ban appeal
« on: May 03, 2015, 08:50:53 pm »
Hi my in game name is snowmanbuilder64, i came on this server when i was brand new three years ago. It was the first serve i had ever been one, and i didn't even know what a admin was. And i got banned two years ago, the reason i got banned was because i broke a few blocks to get in my friends house so i could give his stuff back, the guy he was living with thought i was grifing and got me banned. I think two years is long enough and i am very sorry for any trouble i may have caused/ ;D

Ban Appeals / Unbanned
« on: May 03, 2015, 07:04:29 am »
Hi everyone, my name is snowmanbuilder64, i came on this server 3 years ago when i started playing mine craft. i was banned 2 years ago. I was a noob and didn't know what a admin was nor griffing. I think three years is a good enough wait time and i would be very great full if you would allow me o the server. I am very sorry for the any trouble i may have caused.

Pages: [1]