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Messages - Muhnator

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Support / Re: Im a nub. plx help
« on: June 26, 2013, 03:50:03 pm »
Sup Xea.

Thanks for having my back as allways :)

Yeah its been a while. good to see your name again. Ty for the help

Support / Im a nub. plx help
« on: June 26, 2013, 03:44:50 pm »
Hey guys. Long time no see :)

Been away from minecraft for a looong period of time, and tbh i forgot alot.

Atm im on the server, but cant chat with ppl. im stuck in (L) chat.  Cant find any help in the /help menu.

So please, what the feck am i supposed to do ? :P

 Love  Muh

General Discussion / Re: I got hacked :(
« on: May 01, 2012, 11:17:43 am »
I guess being a "good boy" on the opticraft servers, for many years, saved my name in this situation :)

Did any of you guys "talk to me" while this was going on ?

And do anyone know when it happend ?

Ive looked in all my chests, and all of em were a total mess, but the only thing that seems missing, is 2 diamond picks with a lvl 20'ish enchant on em (nothing im gona miss that bad). My diamonds, gold and iron were still alll there, and though i dont remember excactly how mutch money i had, nothing seems stolen from my balance either.. (im usually broke, since the money i got, goes to building materials)

All in all, i just dont get what the attack on my account was all about..

General Discussion / Re: I got hacked :(
« on: April 30, 2012, 02:53:06 pm »
Keylogger's. We all hate them.

Yeah, this must be the reason all this shit happend.. Tbh its my own fault, its been far to long since i made a full scan of my system..

I do appologize to the ppl other then me, this affected.. Im currently scanning for malware, and making sure this wont happen again..


General Discussion / Re: Opticraft Youtube Video
« on: April 30, 2012, 02:41:40 pm »
Muhnator I saw you're builds. They are AMAZING! I love the Dna looking tower. They are all really cool. I will be sure to put those in the next video.

Aww ty man :)

I do try to put my heart and soul into my builds.. but i do wana mention that there are far better builders out there then me.. Of the top of my mind i would mention Implosions ans mr. monkey. The detail they make in their builds are amazing. I guess my "power" in mc, is just making huge builds :)

Thanks for the love


General Discussion / Re: Opticraft Youtube Video
« on: April 30, 2012, 02:15:50 pm »
Just saying, if you want actual good builds, go to /home muhnator ^^

haha claw :) ty man..

I just saw your tread b4 i was about to post "why isnt any of my stuff in the video ? " :D

General Discussion / I got hacked :(
« on: April 30, 2012, 01:55:43 pm »
Hey there fellow opticrafters..

As my tread says i got hacked..

I havent played MC for the last month or so,(been playing a little bit of wow)

Today i returned to find most my builds fuckd up (as usuall)..

After talking to a mod i found out that most the grief was done by myself.. I went to check my chests, and yes, they are fkd up aswell.. (nothing seems stolen, but its all a huge mess)...

If this affected anyone else but me, i wana deeply appologize to the ppl that it hit.. Thos that know me (ty nyssa for the message and the trust in me) know this wasnt me.. nooone knows my password to mc, so i have no clue how this happend, but now my password is changed, and if i can find it in me, ill try and start fixing all that was broken..


Support / Re: server
« on: October 22, 2011, 09:12:15 pm »

and going to put an auto restart

I suggested this a month ago. Most beta servers that are running stabil, generally has a restart every few hours..
A restart takes around a minutte, and i have yet to se a player complain about it.

Offtopic / Re: What are you listening to?
« on: October 14, 2011, 09:02:34 pm »
dish song is epic: Tool - The Pot

Woot!! you stole my wow video song >.<

Offtopic / Allmost forgot...
« on: October 14, 2011, 07:41:17 pm »
Used to play alot of wow, and recently watched a movie i made back in 2008.

This is from the tbc days..

*dont flame my videoediting skillz to mutch, only movie i ever made :P*


Edit : For those of you that might still play wow,or other games, i would suggest this site. Allmost forgot that to :P


Edit2 : Lol, just realised the commment ive made back then is just a wall of text, i better go change it :P Thx opticraft comunity for correting my typing skillz tru the years :D

Offtopic / Re: What are you listening to?
« on: October 14, 2011, 07:26:57 pm »
Hmm, it was hardstyl'ish last night..

But my mood is different today, so different style

"Dont presss the link unless you like deep trance'ish music"

I still think it holds it own, for a 14 year old piece of music..


General Discussion / Re: Problems with Opticraft Beta
« on: October 14, 2011, 07:06:28 pm »

Support / Re: Disappointed
« on: October 12, 2011, 09:22:17 pm »
I was there the day it happend..

And as im sure you are aware, he was on my back first.. I got "yelled" at and "humiliated" for no apparent reason.. Thankfully, i took the highroad, and apologized (still not sure for what excactly), and got out of the sticky situation, unharmed.. Though it felt like i was close to a ban aswell..

I didnt follow your entire conversation afterwards (i was building), but from what i saw, you didnt provoke anyone.. You spoke your mind, in a sensible and mature way, and had valid points..

Guess you just picked the wrong day to speak your mind..

Remember, this is opticraft, you dont actually get points in your hat for being mature, you get points for talking about being mature..

Anyways, good to have you back..

General Discussion / Re: I have decided...
« on: October 09, 2011, 11:07:15 pm »
This is a huge loss to this comunity, but reading your reasons, i can only agree...

Ill miss you on the server, but hey i might get enugh myself, and our paths might cross in the future..

The best of luck to you DeVil.DeMonde

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