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Messages - optical

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 63
Support / Re: Livemap not updating
« on: December 20, 2016, 06:14:07 am »
Good catch. Its generating now, since it has so much to catch up on it might take a few hours. If its still out of date tomorrow, let me know

Suggestions / Re: Merge SMP & Creative
« on: July 27, 2016, 10:34:53 am »
This is definitely something we'd love to do on both ends. Unfortunately the effort required to do it properly is more than minimal, which is why it hasn't happened yet. It'll require a fair bit of heavy lifting in the SMP end as it was never really envisioned to be multiserver, but it is doable. It's something that is definitely on my radar so to speak.

Server News / SMP Updated to 1.9
« on: March 19, 2016, 09:52:56 am »
Hi all,

SMP has been updated to 1.9. Disguises are currently broken but should be brought back within the next few weeks. Sorry!

Let me know if there are any other urgent new issues .


Server News / Re: Proposed smp changes
« on: March 19, 2016, 02:15:35 am »
I figured I'd share my thoughts on this too.
This current poll was briefly discussed yesterday, so I did have some input on this before it went up, however the ideas here are not concrete and I do not necessarily support all of them. I do think it is worth having a discussion around this, so lets continue along that avenue.

I don't support the idea of wiping all the worlds and starting fresh - I never have and I've spoke on this multiple times in the past, so this should be no surprise. I do however think the economy is dysfunctional and needs to be completely revamped. These are the two major gameplay changes that I think would matter the most. I am not sure what PvP ideas are being thrown around, but I don't think PvP outside of specific areas or events would work - we'd need to really flesh that one out first.

I think that bungeecord is the way to go, but getting a fully functional bungee system going up that works seamlessly (single-server chat, warps, ranks, etc) is going to require a fair chunk of work from myself and probably deekay as we've got a lot of crossover in systems that we'd have to align and re-architect in order to work within a distributed environment. Never the less, its a very good idea.

Server promotion is another point I see being brought up, and right fully so. We have little promotion now, and the SMP voting system is outdated and broken. Aligning the voting across servers and fixing the rewards up would likely result in a measurable growth in the community.

I am sure we can improve the player protection system, but I am not sure on any details here - needs a lot more though I think.

Hope that sheds some light on my thoughts. Feel free to ask me questions about anything I didn't cover, or any areas I did that need more clarification :)

Server News / Re: New forum theme and SMF Upgrade
« on: January 12, 2016, 09:06:03 am »
excellent job! looks a lot better than the previous one!

(i still prefer the baby blue and white one we used to have)
It's still available, can change to it in your profile settings

Offtopic / Re: RIP rare Opticraft banner
« on: January 11, 2016, 05:02:31 am »
I would have posted this in its corresponding thread in Server News but it wouldn't let me...

(click to show/hide)
Slightly offtopic - but are you able to now?

General Discussion / Re: woah 5 years
« on: January 09, 2016, 04:54:36 am »
When are you coming back?  :P

Server News / Re: New forum theme and SMF Upgrade
« on: January 09, 2016, 04:53:56 am »
Looks cool, but I might miss the old theme. Feels like years since I joined.

Unfortunately it wasn't compatible with SMF2, otherwise we'd probably have left it around for nostalgia sake.  The verify first SMF1 theme is still available however!

Server News / New forum theme and SMF Upgrade
« on: January 09, 2016, 12:18:04 am »
Today we launch a new theme for the Opticraft website. The new theme sports a much more modern look and feel, while retaining all of the functionality and familiarity that we've had over the years. Along with the theme we have updated from SMF 1 to SMF 2, a long over due update. We hope you'll like it!

These sorts of changes inevitably encounter some issues along the way, and so if you encounter any issues with the site please let us know - we'll work on fixing them as soon as possible.

Special thanks to Tobs as this was almost entirely his doing and it would not have happened without both his work and general enthusiasm for improving the website. Please direct all praise to him!


Can't find it :(

I've started the classic server back up. It crashed and went unnoticed. I am actually unsure of how you even log in anymore though... But its up

Server News / Join us on Discord!
« on: December 30, 2015, 01:53:11 am »

We've setup a discord server for all of opticraft to use. Discord is a Voice & Text application which works in your browser, desktop, mac, android or iphone!

Come join us on it. Follow this link, or hit the connect button on the widget on the front page. http://www.opticraft.net/discord

Discord will likely replace our IRC and mumble servers if it proves popular and useful enough. Discord has both desktop, web, android and IOS apps, so you can stay connected wherever you are.

We have setup an IRC<--->Discord bridge. This means that messages sent ingame and IRC for the respective servers end up in the respective discord channels. This can make discord a little chatty, so you might want to mute the #survival and #creative text channels.  

Please do come drop by.

Support / Re: Can't join Opticraft Server
« on: October 17, 2015, 11:29:05 pm »
I'm going on the server now to see if its working. I will edit this post with whatever happens.

EDIT: Everything seems to be working fine! Thanks a bunch!

Woohoo! ;D

Support / Re: Can't join Opticraft Server
« on: October 12, 2015, 10:24:42 am »
I've just updated the server and several plugins. Issue at west warp seems fixed, so your homes should be too. Please let me know if they're still broken!

Server News / Re: SMP Maintenance
« on: August 04, 2015, 10:09:30 am »
Any chance this will be going to a windows machine?
Unfortunately no. Did toss it up but just threw it onto another linux install since it was a lot easier to migrate to.

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