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Topics - acegdl007

Pages: [1]
Support / Dear thief.
« on: June 11, 2012, 06:46:19 pm »
Dear Thief,
I thank you (with sarcasem) for breaking into my fenced in pasture and house over the weekend.  I see that you have helped your self to stealing all of my chickens and cows with the exception of one cow.

Now I can understand that hungry stomachs of Minecraft characters need to be fed and I don't mind sharing my animals at all (at no cost!).  But why not at least leave two animals so that more may be grown!?

And breaking into the house.  What good would that do?  Chests, crafting tables and furnaces are all protected... so what was the point?  I guess we will never know.

And yes... I know, my meager coal protection stone was not nearly enough to prevent this as I have built beyond its boundaries.  So this is kind of my fault too for not adequately protecting my homestead.

Despite my loss of livestock, I am not without food.  I will go on to survive and thrive for another Minecraft day.


Ban Appeals / My first Ban Hammer Experience
« on: May 27, 2012, 09:52:20 pm »
This is totally my bad...

So when exploring an area just outside of the spawn I fell into some crevices and had to dig/build my way out.  I ended up in someone's house... where I ended up breaking some things as I was trying to get out.  As one would expect... the Ban Hammer struck.

I should have probably just warped out of there.  I'll be sure to do that next time.  I apologize to who ever's house it was.  How can I make it up to you?

Let me know what king of ban I am facing and what I need to do to right this wrong.


Support / Server Inner workings and lag
« on: May 23, 2012, 04:42:01 pm »
A week or so ago I posted a topic about animals not following when you have wheat in hand.  I was told this is just lag from the server.  Some days I was able to get animals to follow... other days, not so much.

I also have encountered a mob spawner that seems more active at spawning on some days than others.

I'm wondering if things like this are uniform across the map.  Are server RAM and resources directed preferentially more towards the areas at the center of the map as opposed to the outskirts?  Or are they directed preferentially towards areas where there are many players at any given moment in time?

I know a bit on how servers work but not too much on the inner workings of Minecraft servers.

Support / Domesticating animals?
« on: May 10, 2012, 11:27:50 pm »
SO what's the deal with the animals around here? You dangle wheat in front of them and they don't follow?  Is that a glitch?  Is that supposed to happen?

It would be nice to domesticate and grow my own food.  I loves my steak!

Support / 2 Noobish questions...
« on: May 10, 2012, 04:37:34 pm »
1.  On this server, where do you re-spawn after you die?  The last bed you slept in or back at the spawn castle when you started on the server?

2.  Are there monsters on this server at night?  I have not seen any in my brief time here!

*Again... I've been unable to find these answers in my forum searches.*

Introductions / Making an Introduction
« on: May 10, 2012, 04:19:21 pm »
I'm new to the community and I wanted to introduce my self.
I've been playing Minecraft for a few months now playing mostly survival single player and some creative mode, getting the hang of the game.
I find it remarkably simple yet you can do so much... create, collaborate, survive, conquest, hunt monsters... it makes the game incredibly addictive!

I like the feel of this server.  I'm not not here to grief... just hoping to have fun, create, and contribute! Let me know if anyone needs any help with builds!

*I apologize in advance if there is already an intro thread... I did not find any in my searching!*

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