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Topics - arsenic_shark

Pages: [1] 2
Offtopic / Word Ladder Game
« on: December 05, 2012, 07:33:16 am »
I shall begin by giving you a 4 letter word. And what you need to do is to reply to the latest thread by changing 1 letter of the given word to make another word, and then changing the letter of that new word to another letter to make yet, another new word. Like a word ladder. One rule is that you cannot add letters, so it should always be 4 letters long.

So for example, I give you the word PING, and then someone will reply and say the word PONG, and then someone will go on to say SONG, and so on. Let's see how long we can keep this going....

The word I am giving you is:

General Discussion / Mojang are now a hotel company.
« on: October 22, 2012, 10:03:57 pm »
Mojang have no interest in doing anything with minecraft any more and now are a hotel room key website.

(click to show/hide)

If you go to Minecraft.net you will see.

On a side note this is false. :P

Check this tweet out for more information https://twitter.com/Dinnerbone/status/260500459486330881

Trade Central / dragon Egg for sale
« on: October 10, 2012, 03:41:18 pm »
Because everyone wants an egg I'm removing one from my shop and putting it up for auction. This makes everyone have a chance to win the egg.

Starting bid 25,000
Next bid must be 1,000 increase at least.

Once a bid is placed it cannot be taken back.

Once no-one has bid for 4 days it shall be given to the highest bidder.

have fun.

General Discussion / Arsenic's 600k lottery give away
« on: October 10, 2012, 11:50:20 am »
As I will have no need of my money I'll give it all away. I was thinking about giving it to the server Lottery but I would just get it all back and other peoples money,
So I came to the choice of getting people to put their name down on a forum topic and I'll just a piece of software to randomly choice the winners.

1st gets 300k
2nd gets 200k
3rd gets 100k

All you need to do is put your In-game name down on the topic and on the 24th of October, 2 weeks, I'll run the draw (also upload a video of the winners)

The first name picked gets 100k, second gets 200k and third name picked from the online hat will get 300k. Anyone can put their name down, including admins but only once, (any duplicate names will be ignored)


The winners were drawn from an online hat. Found here

They are as followed

(click to show/hide)

The draw was filmed and uploaded to youtube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MXpmggW0UW0

Trade Central / Arsenic's Shop - Everything Must Go!!!
« on: October 10, 2012, 11:49:51 am »
I have to sets of Items to give away, some are in the unlocked chests and are free to take, the others you can buy. You can take everything in the free chest, and be greedy, but it would be nicer if you only take a small amount so everyone can get something.

(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

I am also selling the much better items

(click to show/hide)

Numbers in Brackets are the amount left. If it is in red then the item has been requested for buying. If the item is not in the spoilers it is sold already.

All the money will go to the Lottery Here. The second dragon egg is up for auction here.

Just write a comment on what you would like to buy and I'll try to see you in-game soon to do the trade.

General Discussion / The time has come....
« on: October 06, 2012, 10:16:44 am »
The time has come for me to give back my moderator rank. I have enjoyed being a mod since the 14th of January, the 9 months have been a great time but now I have to move on.

It accrued to me that my recent activity was now limited to an hour on weekdays and few hours on the weekend. This meant I wasn't going to be on much, not really being a Mod. I had fought about leaving for the last month or so, hoping I would find more time for Opticaft but with the new job prospect it appears I’m going to be on a lot less than my already ready reduced online time.
I am now dealing with very intense studies due to education, problems accruing in my own life and also finding a job. This has reduced the free time I have and right now I’d rather play minecraft than moderate it; or even not play any video games at all.

I feel giving back my rank is the best thing to do, as I won’t be doing much with it. I know there will be someone who will be doing a better job than me. As my time on SMP will be minimal I have no need for my items or money. I will be selling everything I can back to the market and Items I can’t sell (diamonds, dragon eggs, emeralds) will go in an auction.  Once everything is sold I’ll do a raffle type thing and the 3 winners will get my money.

I hope the best to everyone and that Opticraft will become even more awesome. Also thank you to everyone who has ever given me a chance at something, ever given me anything or has ever spoken to me. You are all brilliant.

Thank you for my time as mod but it is now over.


Trade Central / Selling Village, with 10 villagers.
« on: August 31, 2012, 09:44:54 pm »
(click to show/hide)

I'm auctioning off my village as I have no use for it any more.
The bidding will start at 20K and once you have placed a bid you cannot retract it.
You will have to have a set home to use for it as I will be removing mine from the village.
The PS stone is not included in the price but if the winner wants the stone it will be sold for a reduced price(of the markets price)
Bidding stops after 4 days of a no new bids.

Offtopic / Skin Contest.
« on: March 19, 2012, 04:30:50 pm »
As the title may suggest, ive entered the current skin contest (on planet minecraft). The skin contest is to create a super hero or super villain, and of cause i went for the villain and im hoping you all like it.

The skin i made is a scientist who was taken over by a cyborg, the head is 3d and a robot head inside
View Dr. John Heines (Villain-Skin Contest)
All i'm asking for is for people to support the skin by adding a diamond, downloading it, comment and maybe even a favourite,

Also you could leave a comment giving advice on what to improve about it, any feed back is much appreciated.

thanks in advance.

-Also if anyone want a custom skin just PM and I'll be happy to do it for you.

Rejected / Moderator Application - <arsenic_shark>
« on: March 03, 2012, 06:50:02 pm »
Age: 15 (05/04/96)
Location: Britain
Timezone: 0+/-
Join Date: 28 October
Were you recommended by anyone?: yomomma750

Why you should become a moderator: I believe that I should become a moderator because I really like the survival server as it gives you a different way to enjoy minecraft. I also love to help people who are in need of help, and with the new amount of people joining it means more people to help. I know I have a big project that I'm building on but this doesn't mean I wont be moding as much as other mods do, as a build this big takes time to plan and build. This then relates to me spending a minimal amount of time building .

General Discussion / 1.0.0 Update
« on: January 12, 2012, 03:51:03 pm »
I just logged into my minecraft and it offered me an update. If I update will I still be able to get onto the server?

General Discussion / NorteDame world
« on: January 09, 2012, 10:47:21 pm »
as you all should know that the norte Dame became our spawn....

but i was on the server today and found a guest building on the norte dame world. Im an unsure if they are allowed to or not, as there is nothing saying not to and it is guest to build.

can someone clear this up with me,


Rejected / Moderator Application - ouch_ouch
« on: January 09, 2012, 08:51:58 pm »
Moderator Application - arsenic_shark (temp smp name)

Age: 15 (05/04/96)
Location: Britain
Timezone: 0+/-
Join Date: 28 October
Were you recommended by anyone?: yes, Ramkitty recommend me

Why you should become a moderator: I believe that I should become a moderator because  i really like the survival server as it gives you a different way to enjoy minecraft. As i enjoy it many other people enjoy it. I also love to help people enjoy minecraft and one way i can do this even more is by becoming a moderator on the smp/beta/premium server.

Before i started playing on Opticraft's servers i used to play single player and on a private server with a few friends. When doing this I learnt a lot if little tips on how to survival a lot better and could also share my tips with other players, who are more likely to listen if I was a moderator. Also I have a lot of spare time right now so I am on-line a lot of the time. This not only means I'm on-line to help the server but i am also on-line getting to know guests which will help them become trusted.

Accepted / Operator Application - ouch_ouch
« on: December 30, 2011, 08:15:34 pm »
Name: ouch_ouch
Age: 15 (05.04.96)
Location: England
Timezone: GMT +0
Join date: 28 October
Forum Join date:30 October
Current rank: Builder

Reason for application: I really want to help the server and becoming an operator will let me help the server even more than i currently am.

Why you should become an operator: Ever since I became a builder I haven’t built anything. Instead I have been either been asking guests if they need water/lava and teleporting to them, or keeping keep the guest clean by destroying 1x1 towers and informing ops about grief. I have started to enjoy talking and helping guests, and if I was an operator I would be able to help even more.                                                              

Have you been temp-op before?: (Edit) yes once, 01/01/12

Extra information: Nothing that comes to mind

Offtopic / Coca-Cola Trucks
« on: December 15, 2011, 07:03:40 pm »
Here in England we have the Famous Coca-Cola Trucks advert with Santa drinking a bottle of coca cola.

The trucks which appear in the advert tour the country. And today they were in my town.

Here are some pictures...

Has anyone else seen these trucks or have something similar some to their town?

General Discussion / World height
« on: December 05, 2011, 07:14:24 pm »

As I became builder recently I thought my next goal would be crafter; which I know is very hard to get. So I had thought on getting a world from donating. Upon looking at world sizes, I noticed the largest height of a world I could get is 192. I have thought of something to build and realised it might need more height than 192. And the fact that the lobby is over 500 blocks high.

So to cut a long story short, is it possible to get any higher worlds(than 192) or am I just asking a pointless question?


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