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Messages - Gurjot0

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Rejected / Re: Operator Application. - Gurjot0
« on: July 30, 2011, 12:14:38 am »
Can an Admin tell me my status? I'm very active in-game !

Accepted / Re: Operator Application Pilot10334
« on: July 19, 2011, 06:17:39 am »
This guy is the bomb! Support.

Accepted / Re: [OPERATOR APPLICATION] - marshytheman
« on: July 19, 2011, 06:16:54 am »
Marshytheman! Very nice guy

Accepted / Re: [Operator] Application - Amitharel
« on: July 19, 2011, 06:14:25 am »
Good luck! Very nice guy.

Rejected / Operator Application. - Gurjot0
« on: July 19, 2011, 06:12:49 am »
Hey guys Gurjot0 here with an Operator App.

Name: Gurjot / Gurjot0

Age: 15

Location: British Columbia, Canada.

Timezone: US & Canadian time (GMT -7:00)

Join date: The server itself 1 day earlier: May 20, 2011.

Forum Join date: May 21, 2011.

Current rank: Builder

Reason for application: Well I always wanted to see guests building their creations and want them to improve and help them on tips, etc. I feel like I have the opportunity to help them out and see their creation(s). I feel like I could help the Community this way. And Guests always yelp when someone destroys their creation, so i'm there to help :).

Why you should become an operator: I am a responsible helpful person, whenever they'res a new player yelling "Help!" I'm the one to help him. All the others just stare of what we bare, and are saying to those. I feel like i'm in the present in the Ops hands, I never seen Ops at night in my time, So theres that opportunity. "TO BECOME ONE!" As they say.  

Have you been temp-op before?: Nope, never got that chance to become one. As I said, I was gone to Hawaii.

Extra information: To the fact of I am a Builder, I feel I will help those needs and Improvement on Opticraft on being an Op, I don't see Op's on at night. And by the way I was gone to a vacation in Hawaii, that's why i've not been on in 2months, I was very active, until Hawaii came, we just came home today now, so I just got to get a good nights rest, and i'm back on track.

General Discussion / Back from my Vacation
« on: July 19, 2011, 06:00:40 am »
Hey guys GurjotS here,

If you been wondering where i've been for 1-2months, i've been gone to Hawaii,
and now i'm back to play Opticraft :D


General Discussion / Opticraft and Me.
« on: June 14, 2011, 12:28:44 am »
Hey guys Gurjot here,

If you guys have been wondering where i've been gone, well i've been moving houses.
So it took me like 1-2weeks to hook my modem back up in my new house, and now i'm back on :D. Downside I have exams this Friday and Thursday so I won't be on as much this week, but I'll been on all the time in the Summer.

Thanks for your time you guys really appreciate it,

Rejected / Re: Operator Application - Oosting
« on: June 09, 2011, 02:09:53 am »
I don't think you have already proven yourself. I even never saw you before.

Maybe cause your never on..

General Discussion / Builder on forums?
« on: June 02, 2011, 03:52:32 am »
Yo guys Gurjot here with a question

I'm a builder rank in-game and I put my in-game as Gurjot0 on forums and in-game,
Howcome it doesnt say i'm Builder rank on the Forums :((.


Projects / Re: Getting back into it
« on: May 31, 2011, 05:47:57 pm »
Update- wh0le d00rway and lefft t0wer c0mpleted n bu1lder 1f yu want t0 take a l00lk

Good luck that must take a TON of work

Rejected / Re: [Operator] Clawstrider
« on: May 31, 2011, 05:46:12 pm »
Name: Clawstrider

Age: 13

Location: London

Timezone: GMT

Join date: April 22nd 2011

Forum Join date: April 23rd 2011

Current rank: Builder

Reason for application: I often see there being one, none or only AFK ops on opticraft. I would like to change this. I think that I can be helpful addition to the operator team, and that I can help make a difference to the number of confused guests or griefers on.

Why you should become an operator: I like to help people, and as a past victim of bullying at school, stop people being mean to others (For example griefing). I also am fairly active for many hours, and will normally be on atleast once from around 5 - 10 on a week day. Lastly, after next Wednesday, all school exams are finished, so i can be on even more of the day.

Have you been temp-op before?: Yes

Extra information: Dont worry about me missing building, I don't really love it.

Thanks for reading

Edit: Thanks a ton for all the support guys, I have the most ever commented on app (not including rejected) :P
Thanks again guys, I really can't describe how much i appreciate it XD

Good luck, just a tip be more active. I never seen you on when I'm on.

General Discussion / Re: No more reservations!
« on: May 31, 2011, 05:44:16 pm »
Finally thank you! Ily no homo :p

Server News / Re: Server Linked to IRC
« on: May 31, 2011, 05:41:06 pm »
Ingame chat is now linked to IRC. This allows you to chat with other players ingame while not actually having the game open.
The details for the server can be found below, as well as a link to the webchat.

Server: irc.rizon.net
Channel: #opticraft

You can use any client, such as Mirc to connect and chat.
If you prefer, you can use the webchat here:
http://qchat.rizon.net/?channels=opticraft&uio=Mj10cnVlJjQ9dHJ1ZSY3PXRydWU17" width="647" height="400"

Enjoy :P

Thanks for that, but isn't there another one?

Introductions / Re: New member!
« on: May 31, 2011, 05:36:51 pm »
I am the new member, I am called ocarinaman7

Hahaha I like your name :p

Rejected / Re: [BUILDER] MetroidJunkie
« on: May 31, 2011, 05:36:17 pm »
1) Fully modded pistol; sniper scope, flashlight, laser sight, silencer.
2) Holy Grail
3) Rick, AKA The Adventure Sphere.


Good luck man!

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