Opticraft Community

Discussion forum => Legacy => Archives => Projects and Creations => Topic started by: Zen00 on May 29, 2012, 05:53:34 pm

Title: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: Zen00 on May 29, 2012, 05:53:34 pm
Hey all, you may know me from such projects as Model Biomes, but what you don't know is that what I'm most famous for are my trains. I come from a long history of trains in my family, and as such, know a few things about making a well organized and beautiful railway. Take a look at some of my projects on other creative servers and you just may agree.

(click to show/hide)

Now down to business. I love trains, and think that we should build a awesome minecart system for the Member+ world. As such I have stock piled huge amounts of stone for the building project. We will start by producing a station from which a person can leave in any of the four directions of the map. The rails will extend level all the way to the map edge. The station will be the hardest part of this whole production, as the tracks themselves will be very repetitive, but the station will be unique. I would love to have the station integrated into spawn if possible (please server admins, consider this request), but if we can not have that, we will find the 0 point of the map and center the station on that position.

Now what I would like from you all. Volunteers! To make this happen we are going to need huge amounts of iron, stone, obsidian, glowstone, gold, redstone, wood, and a few other things we'll get to as we go. I need volunteers who will go forth and scour the world for these materials and bring them back for the projects use. Secondly I need building volunteers. I'm more than happy to build it all by myself, artistic vision and wot, but having help really... helps. :P

At the bottom of this post is a list of volunteers to the project. This will be a ongoing project of undetermined length as we don't know how long it will take to create this system. New volunteers are always welcome. This is a community improvement build, and as such will be done by the community during their free time. I know you all have projects of your own that you want to build, but if you can spare any free time or resources to make the server accessible, then thank you.

List of Volunteers:


List of Donors:

Anonymous - $1000
Boshiwarrior - TBA
**BT5** - TBA

Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: jko831 on May 31, 2012, 10:56:53 pm
I will be a building volunteer.
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: Victor1261 on June 01, 2012, 03:02:08 am
I was hoping for someone to put some real ambition into this wonderful idea! Looks like you are the first to do it! Good luck!
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: rytovius on June 01, 2012, 03:09:17 am
I know I have at least 2 stacks of rails. You can have those. ;D I will try to get more. I will also build. I am making a city in the new world. Would you mind if maybe we can make a small depot there or a train stop? If you don't like that idea it's fine. I will still help build and donate.
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: jko831 on June 01, 2012, 11:50:21 am
I loot abandoned mineshafts(naturally generated) all the time. I have tons of rails I would be willing to donate.
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: Boshiwarrior on June 01, 2012, 02:48:30 pm
Another project, another donate. Willing to donate a lot if you need something!
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: animedude88 on June 01, 2012, 02:58:43 pm
I am also doing a project and i am also almost done with it...maybe tou can search for it in the forums...i am really good at rail roads and have alot of knowledge about it. Maybe. .I can be the builder....i had also thought about this but i thought it was impossible...
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: Spamarian on June 01, 2012, 03:02:01 pm
Very interesting idea, what you got there.
I have 10 stacks of rails but I sold them cheaply to get rid of them.
Anyway, I could donate some money and probably some new stacks that I got.
For that to happen, send me a personal message (PM) here in forum, with the name in game.
If you dont, I will consider you are not interested on that donation.

Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: Zen00 on June 01, 2012, 10:50:56 pm
Updated the OP, thanks for the warm responses. If you are willing to donate, I would prefer if you hold your donations till the project begins (as I don't like having to keep track of everything).
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: Midgetized on June 05, 2012, 06:29:22 am
I can help with this project. Looks like you got a lot of plans for the new world.

Will the station have multiple stops near or at cities?
What if a person has started building in the way of the tracks?
What are the initial plans for this project?

 Secure the building areas rights by having a worker lay down a 1 to 3 block wide plank track all the way down the map, which will be the very base of the tracks.

 Build the railway tracks as you lay the base of the railroad so workers and players can use it early.
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: Zen00 on June 05, 2012, 06:47:58 am
Part of the plan is leveling everything in between the start and end points, either that or tunneling through.

Stops are determined by people asking for one.

If a person has already started building (unlikely) then we'll politely ask them if we can come through, if not, then we'll go around.

Initial plan is to build a station and 1k of rails in every cardinal direction.
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: acegdl007 on June 05, 2012, 04:57:57 pm
This sounds like an amazing project with a very practical function for other residents.

I'm still somewhat of a new resident to the server.  I am working on establishing some personal builds and establishing some farms to bring me in some steady income.  The areas around where I am working have TONS of abandoned mine shafts.

I will pledge to you all of the rails that I can get out of the shafts.
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: harif on June 05, 2012, 05:28:25 pm
best plan is to do it floating at a level from the ground.
i ve got one on another place, and we linked 2 main cities, not so far one from another, just about 200-300 blocks as what ive remember.
the rails float at 12-16 blocks from the sea level, y:64. its a good place for them.

soon ill start a rail station on our city - Cornerstone. ill see with whom ill link it.
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: Weirauch on June 10, 2012, 04:59:28 pm
I believe he is thinking of a railway for the new world.
I believe right now it is just a gathering process while waiting for the member world
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: jko831 on June 10, 2012, 10:21:56 pm
I will also donate 4-5+ stacks of rails.
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: luupster02 on June 19, 2012, 05:54:07 am
I want to be a builder
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: Alec2435 on June 19, 2012, 12:43:36 pm
Sound awesome. I can help build it and I have 3 stacks of rils on hand and 3 different mostly unlooted abandoned mineshaft.
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: D00MKNlGHT on June 19, 2012, 02:14:49 pm
D00M came, D00M saw, D00M donates(if I meet u ingame:/)
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: SalsaInABowl on June 19, 2012, 11:52:16 pm
I would be glad to help. I have lots of iron, 2.5 large chests of cobble, a whole row of coal(to smelt the cobblestone) and I want to do something. I've been pretty bored lately.
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: bubblekiller on June 21, 2012, 03:09:14 am
A couple things, i will help, can we have a station at my town(czar) i was going to make a small one but one to my town would be cool, msg me ingame i have some rails for u
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: Malkere on June 21, 2012, 06:36:12 am
I'm down for helping. I would agree too that the rail should be elevated, with periodic stations.

I live out in the water and probably will be in the new world, which I get to by boat if I need to move around. If there was a railroad in the way at sea level it would be a hassle to go around. If there was a railroad at all I would build a station to link off of it up to my island though ^_^

I've been trying to get as much gold as possible for powered rails, but it's just about the hardest thing to find/buy.

Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: Dyllynger on June 21, 2012, 06:22:03 pm
I'll help, I have lots of tracks and over random items.  I also have plenty of time to build.
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: Zen00 on June 21, 2012, 08:19:48 pm
Ack, I come back and a random page of volunteers appears. :P Time to update again.
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: Hasan (Tabooti) on June 21, 2012, 08:52:57 pm
I'm guessing you should do this in the member world , since you'll actually have the space.
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: harif on June 21, 2012, 09:13:28 pm
as we established, cornerstone city will be linked with sttutgart city by a rail system suspended over the ground.
we ve start building it along the map border, from the up right corner straight down. its about 8000 blocks, so it ll be needed alot of materials, and 16000 rails.  :)
anyone who s near the line can join with a station along the route.
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: rytovius on June 21, 2012, 10:29:39 pm
I'll donate 10k also
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: CazualxGrenade on June 21, 2012, 10:40:43 pm
I would like to be a building volunteer, I'd love to help in any way as possible. And also I have loads of cobble, about 2 stacks of wood, and 1.5 stacks of stone(smooth) I've been bored lately. I may have some other materials as well.
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: SalsaInABowl on June 21, 2012, 10:45:23 pm
Well being Cazual's minecraft buddy, we can both donate a lot. Location? We could use a /home or maybe some coords
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: CazualxGrenade on June 21, 2012, 10:53:06 pm
Well, let's start hammer time on the caves! We are gonna need a lot of cobblestone! ;)
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: harif on June 22, 2012, 07:12:13 am
guys, our rail will be between cornerstone and sttugart.
so the coords are very simple to find: look on the map top right corner - there s cornerstone, - and at the bottom left corner - there s sttugart. the rail will be direction down started from us, and at the bottom right to the left to sttugart.
i choose this because if we did it on diagonal it ll be passed through the griefed area from the center.

anyone who wants to link to it, you must think of that.

yes, we need alot of cobble, for paviment, then for stones, brick stones, alot of gravel and leaves, only one type of leaves, and about 16000 rails.
if you wanna see the look of the system you can check it at our home with /home harif , and then go to the railstation.

thank you, for helping.
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: Hasan (Tabooti) on June 22, 2012, 08:25:50 am
Once it gets to stuttgart, it has to go underground. Or I guess we can make the station somewhere here.


But once you guys get near Stuttgart, just notify us, and we'll take it from there.
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: Malkere on June 22, 2012, 10:25:28 am
it seems half the people in here are talking about a railroad now, but the thread title says "Member+" which the other half of us took to mean in the new member world...? or perhaps I am just lost and confused.

I'm excited for a fresh new landscape to exploit!
and setting up a railroad from day one would really help in the long run... we could go straight out in four directions from a point just outside of the main city that way the rails would be in the world before people started buildings in the way of the tracks.
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: harif on June 22, 2012, 01:02:18 pm
sure, tabooti, you ll be noticed when we are close.

malkere, we re talking about a rail system in this world. on the new wolrd we ll see when its released.
is not a bad idea what you re saying, to go from a middle point in all 4 directions, but we need to consider griefers too, and also we need to consider the fact that we wont build any house anywhere in the new world until that rail system is done.
hard to get that, as what im thinking.... but not impossible.

well, until then ill do my rail in this world.
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: Malkere on June 22, 2012, 03:59:54 pm
that's what you're talking about, but not what the OP is talking about =o
that's all I meant. having railroads now is good too =]

I want to set up a coaster from space to bedrock! maybe I'll do that on Sunday, haha
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: xxsssx on June 25, 2012, 12:06:32 am

I want to join this too.

I have donated 12 stack rail so far but I got a lot more.

And I would like to know where I kan help build som to.

I wil try to find some of you ingame and maybe I get a place to build.

Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: Alec2435 on June 27, 2012, 11:55:57 am
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: Zen00 on June 27, 2012, 03:37:56 pm
Hey all, the new member world has been opened and I have placed PSs to mark the location of the station. The warp is /home zen00 train.

I will be working on creating the main building along with a few select architects. While that is being completed, work can be done on extending rails in each cardinal direction. I will place some starter rail for you to copy. Work will begin in earnest in about a week.
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: Interbane on June 27, 2012, 03:38:40 pm
I have a double chest of rail to donate.  I can place it for the connection to my ziggurat.
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: Weirauch on June 28, 2012, 10:51:05 pm
If it is ok with Interbane and Zen00 I would like to personally over see the connection from Zig to Railway.
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: Interbane on June 29, 2012, 03:32:10 pm
Sounds good Mike.  Let me know when to show you the storage.  There's more than a single double chest of rail, I have quite a lot.  Maybe we need Zen online at the same time.

There's a cool looking building being constructed nearby, I think that should be the nearest "junction". 
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: Lyos on June 30, 2012, 01:37:50 am
Ooh the cavern near x: 400, z: -1600 would make a pretty cool spot for a substation :)

I'm up for helping with whatever's needing and when I can. Will track layers have access to a supply of rails? Not greedy; just poor ;)
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: Zen00 on June 30, 2012, 03:14:24 am
I like to build in conjuction of the land, meaning I try to build so that my building looks like part of the landscape, anyways, as the roads will be lifted, I'm working on a plan for a tower of sorts.

The location is at coordinates 0,0. I've layed down a selection of PSs there to get up some room, but if you want more room you can throw some PSs at me. So far I've claimed about a 50x50 area, which I think is more than enough.

The building will be vertically layed out, with a railway exiting from each level, so four exits with rails coming out.

Mike, if you want to draw some building plans that work like that, that would be cool. Think Tower of Pisa kinda.
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: Malkere on June 30, 2012, 12:20:34 pm
are we planning on using powered carts for anyone that wants to travel the whole span, or in time are we hoping to add powered rails *_* at maximum intervals? assuming this is raised (except for some extreme mountains maybe) I think a powered rail every so often could go a ways.... only go 4-5 straight up... I'll figure out the distance later if someone doesn't know off hand.

I have chests full of cobble, and will be getting a lot more now that I've moved into the new world. Hope I get some good spawners beneath me =D
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: Interbane on June 30, 2012, 03:48:20 pm
Zen, hit me up when you're on.  I have rail and will supply mats for the southern hub.  I think Mike wanted to build it, which is great. 
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: NotABronie on June 30, 2012, 03:49:07 pm
Haha cool, that means that my town can be connected with the spawn, for it is almost due north of it on the grassland at the edge of the map the only people currently residing in it are McJunker and I, NotABronie. I hope it will grow because of this railroad and I'd be more than happy to help build it or mine for iron to make the tracks, I'd be willing to pitch in up to a full inventory of regular rails and 9 stacks of red stone pixie dust to help build the booster rails and the torches used to power them. I'll also add saplings and fences for aesthetics. /msg me or send me a mail message if you want me to and by when you want me to have the materials. Also include who I need to go to once I have the stuff. Even though only the northern railway benefits me, I'll help with all of them. I am very excited to help with is project.  :)
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: NotABronie on June 30, 2012, 04:45:40 pm
are we planning on using powered carts for anyone that wants to travel the whole span, or in time are we hoping to add powered rails *_* at maximum intervals? assuming this is raised (except for some extreme mountains maybe) I think a powered rail every so often could go a ways.... only go 4-5 straight up... I'll figure out the distance later if someone doesn't know off hand.

I have chests full of cobble, and will be getting a lot more now that I've moved into the new world. Hope I get some good spawners beneath me =D

It says on the mine craft wiki, that the optimal usage of powers rails is 1 per 37 normal rails (assuming that the cart is occupied and there is a 0/1 slope) with a .4% slowdown rate whilst taking 251 seconds to travel 2 kilometers when the fastest is traveling 2km in 250 seconds with a slowdown rate of 0.0% meaning the rails are giving you maximum power and you get this buy placing in a powered rail:normal rail ratio of 1:33, and 1:<31 so we need a lot of rails but not like as many as regular rails. You can space them out as far as one per seventy-nine regular rails but at that point you are practically going through cobwebs. And if you aren't going to make it completely flat, then I believe that a 1/1 slope needs a booster every nine nine regular rails. The reason this is is because you need to spend 3 ticks (20ths of a seconds) on a rail or 1/3 of its power is wasted. Each tick you are on, it increases an occupied minecart's velocity by .9 m/s so you miss a whole block per second of speed if you miss a tick.

Haha I practically just summarized the article on powered rails for you. ;)
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: Zen00 on June 30, 2012, 10:02:07 pm
We are not providing carts, we are providing the means of travel as a fun project, but not enabling. You have to provide your own transportation.

However, I do plan on adding powered rails, so powered mine carts will not be necessary.
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: Weirauch on June 30, 2012, 10:13:56 pm
I will attempt to have something to you by tomorrow. If thats allright with you
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: NotABronie on July 01, 2012, 12:43:10 am
Okay cool because I I decide to go for red stone, I might find some gold as well, so I might also be able to provide powered rails
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: Lyos on July 04, 2012, 06:32:12 pm
Just so you know, Zen your /home train is a death trap. Teleported there with some diamond stuff and and inventory of cobble and it all burned up in lava...
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: rytovius on July 04, 2012, 07:42:24 pm
Just so you know, Zen your /home train is a death trap. Teleported there with some diamond stuff and and inventory of cobble and it all burned up in lava...

Lol zen your banned  ;)
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: Zen00 on July 05, 2012, 05:47:27 pm
Yeah, I forgot about it when I built the lava fountain, as I don't use that warp myself. :/

Anyways, fixed, and if you died, throw me a line and I'll hook you up with some stuff.
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: NotABronie on July 05, 2012, 08:49:00 pm
Have we already started yet? If so can someone tell me where, because I want to know where to donate the rails.
Title: Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
Post by: lanthus20 on July 06, 2012, 06:10:25 pm
I've got a few mine shafts I know of that still have rails, I've never needed them so I just leave them. When I'm not busy with other projects I'll run and strip the mines and you can have all the rails I gather.