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Messages - Shadowsin

Pages: [1] 2 3
Support / Re: Disappointed
« on: October 25, 2011, 04:03:45 pm »
This thread was 13 days old....

And...? what is so wrong about posting on an old post? people do it all the time.

Support / Re: Disappointed
« on: October 25, 2011, 03:56:11 pm »
So not only was i banned for a week for no legitimate reason other then morten lost his temper, and over-reacted, But i was left banned even after that week has already come and gone. I was informed that morten was being spoken to about the matter and thats the last i heard of it, not so much as a reply to the status. I supplied screenshots of him allowing others to break the rules, and breaking them himself. The very rules he was given his title to uphold. In closing i'm severely disappointed in the way this matter was handled, the way it even came about, and the utter lack of respect or caring for anyone lower then admin rank. Furthermore i'm disappointed that an admin can break the rules and have no consequences, how are we to be led by those that break the rules we must follow. Do as i say not as i do? I appologize if my words offend someone, or anyone, sometimes the truth hurts. Events such as these taint the name of this server, and prevent people from even bothering to join, or repeatedly come back once they have, which in turn hurts the revenue of this server. The trickle down effect is, every player of the server feels the pains and burdens that events, like what happpened to me, repeatedly occuring inevitably bring. I wish you all the best of luck in all your endevours, and in closing state, "reflect on previous actions, as you may very well repeat them in the future, and need a reference on how Not to handle things again." Take care everyone.

I'm afraid everything he has stated here is true, Admin's should not have as much "power" as they do, nor should people be getting banned just because an admin is pissed, i believe that would be called "griefing" am i correct?

Also, i don't feel very good about admitting this but Muh is right, you don't get points for being mature on this server, you get points for talking about being mature. (not like i'm one to talk, i know i can be very immature at times.)

Support / Re: Please Get Shadow...
« on: October 22, 2011, 12:56:15 am »
shadowsin is clearly trying to upset soulknight

I'm not trying to upset him i just want him to stop over-reacting to everything that happens to him and to stop complaining about everything and taking it Waaaayyy too far.
okay, i'm sick and tired of this stupid conversation. Soul, if you want to destroy anything i built on "your" land fine by me, except the storage room which i gave to Destroy, which about sums upto the tallest part of the forest. go ahead destroy it i am getting sick and tired of your emotional behavior and your stupid village. you can go screw yourself because i am not putting up with it ANY LONGER.

(note: you may not destroy the part of the forest that is Destroy's, if you want to you will have to take it up with him.)

Support / Re: Please Get Shadow...
« on: October 21, 2011, 12:41:29 am »
One, there is no "house" in it, all it is, is a formation of leaves that make a walkway with a bed in it? and Two, it is JUST a forest and it is barely effecting you. you need to chill out and stop over-reacting about ANYTHING that happens on "your" land.

Support / Re: Please Get Shadow...
« on: October 20, 2011, 10:48:07 pm »
if you could get rid of his "guild" (or Trees...)

you can't get rid of a "guild" it is something that has nothing to do with the server it has to do with some friends coming together to play minecraft and build stuff, therefore it is not Optic's to "get rid of".

Accepted / Re: [Operator Application] Exox615
« on: September 30, 2011, 01:28:18 am »
Wasn't this posted AFTER the Op app's were closed?

If not Sorry for the negative comment. I support you man! :D

Server News / Re: SMP Now on 1.8, old map preserved
« on: September 25, 2011, 06:12:25 am »
Optic, i'm not certain but i don't think there will be a 1.10 they are just gonna make it 2.0 after 1.9. Good work on the Server btw, Lovin' it!

No no no... you're thinking about beta. After 1.9, minecraft comes out of beta, therefore it will be minecraft 1

Yeah that's what i meant it will be the full game after 1.9.

Server News / Re: SMP Now on 1.8, old map preserved
« on: September 24, 2011, 10:32:30 pm »
Optic, i'm not certain but i don't think there will be a 1.10 they are just gonna make it 2.0 after 1.9. Good work on the Server btw, Lovin' it!

Introductions / Re: Hi opticraft!
« on: September 19, 2011, 10:22:19 pm »
Hi Opticraft!!!

Rejected / Re: Operator Application - Shadowsin
« on: June 04, 2011, 02:41:06 pm »
Aww... Thx... :)

Rejected / Re: Operator Application - Shadowsin
« on: June 04, 2011, 06:57:32 am »
Ah, My bad... Thanks for pointing that out... :)

Rejected / Re: Operator Application - Shadowsin
« on: June 03, 2011, 03:08:07 am »
Thank you Juls :)

Rejected / Operator Application - Shadowsin
« on: June 02, 2011, 02:33:56 pm »
Name: Shadowsin

Age: 13

Location: United States

Timezone: GMT-8

Join date: Nov 29 2010

Forum Join date: Dec 01 2010

Current Rank: Builder

Reason for Application: Because i wish to Help Anyone as much as i can.

Why you should become a Operator: Because i Wish to help Anyone and Everyone i can.

Have you ever been a Temp-Op before?: No.

Extra Information: If you look at my join date in Minecraft and it says i joined like a few months ago that is a glitch that was caused a while ago, but i remember that i joined the forums two days after i joined Minecraft. Opticraft was my first server.

Rejected / Re: [Crafter] Julfire123
« on: June 02, 2011, 02:11:03 pm »
Jul... Known you since you were a little Recruit... it would be Very impressive if you were to surpass me.

Good Luck Jul Hope you get Crafter. :D


Rejected / Re: CRAFTER - Gurgonis
« on: June 02, 2011, 02:09:45 pm »
Good luck Man, Hope you get it! ^_^v

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