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Topics - DeeKay

Pages: 1 2 3 [4] 5
Projects / 510 x 510 Sprite
« on: February 04, 2012, 10:22:08 am »
I'm working on a 510 x 510 sprite, its gonna take ages but oh well :P
I'm not gonna say what it is yet, but it'll soon be clear.
If you wanna see the progress at any time, head over to /j xdeekay1 :)

Extra Info: There's not gonna be any fancy shadowing or extra layers, I'm just using ordinary blocks as they are :P
I hope that maybe it could become the floor to a new sprite world if it's good enough :) but I doubt it.

Support / Protection Stones..
« on: January 30, 2012, 01:04:11 pm »
So I placed down my coal protection stone, then I realized it was in the wrong place, so I used a stone pickaxe to pick it up, only to find it had turned into a normal coal ore. Why...?

EDIT: So I bought another one, I placed it in pretty much the same spot, and upon placement the glass perimeter to show the protection area did now show up. Once I broke it the same thing happened, it turned into the ore, and not the ore block.

Support / Items Stolen.
« on: January 22, 2012, 05:18:55 am »
So I get on Opticraft to see 3 of my chests have been looted.
All 3 chests are private with 0 players on the access list.
I haven't given my password to any of my friends, so there is no way they could have trolled me by moving my items.
I haven't taken the items out myself, I am %100 positive.

So, it comes down to mods and ops.
I honestly doubt any mod or op has taken my items, but this is the only possible way the items could have been stolen.
I'm not sure if this is a bug, but I sure hope to god no staff member has done it..


Offtopic / Old Picture
« on: January 18, 2012, 04:21:39 pm »
This picture has history written all over it :P
I must have accidently taken it, this was back in March 2011.

Projects and Creations / Server Videos
« on: January 17, 2012, 03:12:50 pm »
I guess this sort of counts as projects and creations so I'll post this here.
If you have any videos on Opticraft, post a link to it below, or you can edit this topic.
-Xeadin's Promotion-
-xDeeKay's Promotion-

Suggestions / /unstuck
« on: January 13, 2012, 01:13:00 pm »
Could all users maybe be given the permission 'worldedit.navigation.unstuck' for WorldEdit so we can use the /unstuck command to get out of blocks. Ive found myself stuck inside blocks a couple of times and i've had to reconnect or warp to my home, but I don't want to have to do that all the time.

General Discussion / Minecraft 1.0.1 Release
« on: January 12, 2012, 04:13:53 pm »
Just a heads up!
Minecraft 1.0.1 has just been released.

Along with several bug fixes, this update provides the following:
Bow Enchantments
Golden Apple recipe
New language translations.
Slightly smoothed color transitions between biomes
Reduced brewing time to 20 seconds
Added spawn eggs to creative (the colors of the eggs even look like the mobs)
Added world type options (currently only super-flat and default)
Removed collision box from ladders
Sheep eat grass and regain their wool

If you want to continue playing on Opticraft, you need to either stay on 1.0.0. OR Make a backup of your 1.0.0 Minecraft.jar file.
Do this by:
1. Click start and search %appdata%
2. Open .minecraft
3. Open bin
4. Copy your current minecraft.jar into a backup folder
5. Run Minecraft and download the new update
The once you want to go back to 1.0.0 just swap the 2 .jar files

(I posted this because most people update without knowing they won't be able to connect to a 1.0.0 server)
So do these things before updating! Enjoy 1.0.1!

Rejected / Moderator Application - xDeeKay
« on: January 11, 2012, 08:37:39 pm »
Age: 15
Location: Australia
Timezone: +8 GMT
Join Date:
Forum: September 24, 2011
SMP: 2 days after Beta release
Were you recommended by anyone?: No
Why you should become a moderator:
I should become a Moderator simply because I love to help people. I have always enjoyed my experience on Opticraft but at times I have been fustrated with the amount of griefers and rule breakers that occupy the server. I want to reduce the amount of griefers and rule breakers that make their way onto the server, to make Opticraft a safe and better place for all users. Not only do I want this position to get rid of griefers, but also to assist new users that may need help with their first time on the server. It is also worth mentioning that I manage my own 24/7 server, so I have alot of experience and patience with users, like when to warn, kick, or ban players. I am also very farmilliar with the plugins Opticraft has, as my server also has plugins like Essentials, LWC, and LogBlock, so there is no need to worry about me being a noob when it comes to using commands. I think because i have worked with plugins and their config files, that i know most basic to advanced things about the plugins, and if someone has problems with something, I can explain to them why (for example) they don't have permission to do that. I enjoy Operating on Classic, and if Moderating is anything the same, I am perfectly fit for the job.

Support / /info
« on: January 08, 2012, 07:58:39 am »
Opticraft has both plugins World Edit & Essentials.
Both of these plugins use the /info command, and guests+ are allowed to use the /info command for Essentials.
But since we can't use the /info command for World Edit, and both plugins use the same command, the two commands then clash with eachother, and we are unable to see the server info using /info.
To my knowledge, there isn't a way to make Essestials /info to take priority over World Edit's /info. But I thought i'd let this be known.

Discussion forum / Pretty annoyed..
« on: December 11, 2011, 09:50:22 am »
So this all started a couple of days ago, I was originaly going to rent a server from 3 different websites.
Then before I was going to buy from ServerCraft I searched on YouTube: ServerCraft.
It was a video saying that a website called MinecraftOn! was much better that ServerCraft, y'know, Fully Managed, Bukkit Support, Full Control, Control Panel, Remote Backups, Custom Subdomain, all that good stuff... boy was this a mistake.

So after waiting 4 days to sync my bank account with my paypal, I then needed to transfew funds over to my paypal, which would take another 3 days.
Once I had the money on my paypal account, I foolishly made the mistake of buying from MinecraftOn without even looking at reviews on this server host.

Heres a quote from there Knowledgebase: "Since each Minecraft server setup is unique and configured to your exact specifications, we ask that you allow up to 24 hours for your server to be set up, although most orders are set up much sooner. Once your server is ready you'll receive an email with all of the info you need to connect and play!" 3 days have passed, and still no email confirming the server.

Heres another quote: "It is our mission to be the best Minecraft server host for your money. Customer satisfaction is our #1 priority." I submited 2 support tickets, for what is suppost to be a '24/7 help support' I have not got any response.

So after looking around on the review webiste, I found that a really good hosting website is called: BeastNode.
They have 4 and a half stars for Support, Features, Performance, Price, Website, and uptime.
Plus its an instant setup.

So if anyone is looking for a server host, then DONT make the mistake i did.
Get a server from BeastNode.

General Discussion / What Hoster?
« on: December 03, 2011, 07:16:08 am »
So i've had my SMP Server now since alpha, and I think its time I rent a Server Host. But I don't know which one to choose from. I have 3 websites here that I think are the best ones. Im looking for: 10 player slots (maybe 15), 1GB Memory (maybe 1.5)

Option 1:
10 player slots: $15
1GB Memory: $30
Location: Sydney
Total (AUD): $45 per month

Option 2:
(Tier 5)
Unlimited slots (1-18 Suggested Players)
1200MB Memory
Location: somewhere in America
Total (AUD): $30 per month

Option 3:
10 player slots: (about) $10
1GB Memory: (about) $8
Location: Los Angeles - California US
+ Free Mumble (10 slots)
+ Some other costs
Total (AUD): (around) $13 per month

So what do you all think?

Accepted / Operator Application xDeeKay
« on: October 27, 2011, 04:39:16 pm »
Name: xDeeKay
Age: 15
Location: Australia
Timezone: GMT +8
Join date: (old account) 11th March 2011
Forum Join date: (old account) 12th March 2011
Current rank: Builder
Reason for application: I love to help Opticraft and the users on Opticraft as much as I can, which simply includes placing water/lava for guests, reporting griefers to Operators, and even destroying 1x1 towers. But unfortunately as a Builder I am limited to what I can do to help, which then results in players getting away with griefing, and breaking the rules. To be honest it annoys the heck out of me when I see someone who has put so much time and effort into building something, then getting their building destroyed. To sum things up I would like to stop these things happening and decrease the population of griefers, and players that break the rules.
Why you should become an operator: I was promoted to builder not that long ago, and I haven't yet build anything amazing,
infact I haven't built much at all. So I feel when ever I log onto Opticraft I am helping people much more than im building, and like I said above, I do anything to help out the server, and the users on Opticraft. I notice that when I log on in the morning, I see much more griefers than any other time of the day and unfortunetly because of my time zone, no Operators are on that time of the day, and I feel I could fill in that gap.
Have you been temp-op before?: No
Extra information: I am very active, respectful, trustworthy, friendly, and can always take a joke, but when the time comes then I can be very in controll of situations. I would like to note that I also run my own beta server, therefore I am very familiar with commands and when to ban/kick players because of their behavior. As far as I know there are not many Operators that live in Australia, or atleast in my time zone, so that is another reason why I am applying for Operator, is to help the players in my area.
Thank-you for taking the time to read this. -xDeeKay

Accepted / [BUILDER] xDeeKay
« on: October 01, 2011, 07:35:06 am »
Ingame name: xDeeKay
Join date: (I joined on 11/03/2011 on my old account) But my new account joined the server 24/09/2011.
Briefly describe all your creations:
Cathedral: The Cathedral is a church/castle looking building with detailed water windows, seats and an altar.
Tower of Pisa: The Tower of Pisa is a detailed 8 story remake of the Leaning Tower of Pisa (without the leaning).
Court Yard: The Court Yard is a detailed reistag/castle looking building with a garden within its walls.
Pagoda: The Pagoda is a detailed 6 story traditional chinese building with different designs on each floor.
What worlds are the creations on: Recruit
Links to screenshots of the creation:
Tower of Pisa:
Court Yard:
Names of players who helped contribute: None.
What is your current rank in Opticraft ?: Recruit.
Extra (Anything else you want to mention): I took in what Mr_Mr_Mr said and I have been working hard these past couple of days making these new detailed buildings.
Do you agree with our terms( ?: Yes.

Creations / xDeeKay's Leaning Tower of Pisa
« on: September 27, 2011, 01:13:40 pm »
Heres The Leaning Tower of Pisa (except its not leaning :P) Please tell me what you think!

General Discussion / Ummm what happened?
« on: September 26, 2011, 10:11:03 am »
Why is Opticraft all of a sudden quiet? Im on right now and there is 5 people on. I heard that Opticraft Dev Server isnt on the first page on Minecraft anymore? If this isnt true then can someone tell me why its so quiet.

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