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Topics - EliteDelta

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Introductions / I'm back.
« on: June 07, 2013, 12:50:26 am »

Please, please, no photography. Theres plenty of me to go around.

Lol JK

Offtopic / Glacier
« on: May 30, 2012, 02:27:31 am »
Who here from the old days of Minecraft Beta 1.7.3- remebers that old seed "Glacier"? I know I do, and I was pretty much playing on that every time I was on.
Anyway, to the point, I took a nice picture of the old Glacier world, with a bit of new stuff in it, like a jungle. Tell me what you think. :)

Support / Bug?
« on: May 26, 2012, 09:45:51 pm »
Hello, I was playing on the SMP server earlier today, and I saw that shears had no durability! Is this part of a plugin, or is it a possible bug? Thanks for reading.


Offtopic / LOL
« on: April 28, 2012, 01:37:46 am »

Offtopic / Aaahh, the good 'ol days.. :)
« on: April 21, 2012, 11:05:07 pm »
I was surfing through minecraft pictures this after noon, and guess what I found. An old picture from beta 1.4 (well, somewhere around there :P).

This was my first non-dirt-shack house. It makes me so proud. :')

Projects and Creations / Planning a project!
« on: April 20, 2012, 02:16:24 am »
Well I decided to start my first large scale project in SMP. And, of course, it's gonna be a city. :3
Anyway, I'm looking for builders, as well as someone to help me run things, kind of like a mayor. So go ahead an apply(I guess..?) to be a builder or co-founder. :)
Ah yes, and before I forget, the city is most likely going to be a kind of futuristic type thing. :]

PS for those of you who don't know, my IGN is ZenotropicTiger. :]

Creations / My SP World Creations
« on: April 11, 2012, 08:57:42 pm »
Well I have been working on this build in Minecraft SinglePlayer, and I am also using that world for building cool stuff. NOTE: There was no hacking involved in building this. 100% legit.

EDIT: Whenever I make a new build in this world thats pretty cool, I'll post it here. :]

EDIT2: Heres a real quick pic of the inside.

Offtopic / :(
« on: April 04, 2012, 11:51:53 pm »
Hey guys I'll be inactive for the rest of this week, forums and all. So I'll see ya later I guess :/

Discussion forum / IRC
« on: March 26, 2012, 05:34:56 am »
Hey guys, I was just wondering if anybody knows a good irc app for iOS devices.(iPhone, iPad, iPod, etc) I do most of my irc chatting on my phone, because when I'm on my computer I'm usually ingame. Anyway, if you know one, could you tell me? Thanks. :)

EDIT: Yes, I know I already use irc on my phone via the website, but it crashes for who-knows-why reason. :|

Offtopic / I'm off.
« on: March 14, 2012, 04:21:05 pm »
Well I'm off. Later peepz.

General Discussion / Jungle Saplings
« on: March 06, 2012, 09:40:35 pm »
Hey guys I was just wondering if anybody would sell me 4 jungle saplings for 5 diamonds. I you can please reply :)

PS if you didn't know my ign is ZenotropicTiger, so look for that username.

Offtopic / Endermen!
« on: March 04, 2012, 10:48:26 pm »
Hey guys, I was bored so I decided to come up with this topic! Heres what you do:

  • take a screenshot of an enderman holding something random
  • post it here!

And thats pretty much it. Heres mine:

(yes thats a flower)

Try to be creative, and if someone catches one with diamond ore, I will be impressed. ;)

Offtopic / MiniCraft
« on: February 25, 2012, 03:46:40 am »
Heya, I just wanted to show you guys what I have been doing lately, and its called MiniCraft. I hear Notch made it in 48 hours! Anyway, if you want to check it out, click here! Hope you have fun!

Oh and if this counts as advetising I'll take it down.

Discussion forum / Absence
« on: February 24, 2012, 03:53:34 am »
Hey guys, today I made a very hard decision. I will not be playing Minecraft for a while due to religious beliefs(Lent), but I should be back in... 40 days I think. =P

See ya!

Oh yea btw you might see me browsing the forums every once in awhile. =)

Introductions / Hi...
« on: February 16, 2012, 03:36:39 am »
Hey everyone, I am sorry about this, but truthfully I have gotten to know the Opticraft community more, and now that I know I can trust you guys, I have to say something.

I'm really only 13.
My name isn't Luke.
The pic I posted was really one if my cousin.

Now that you guys know the truth, I believe I will lose some of your respect, if anyone had any for me. If the Admins feel it is best to demote me for lying, I completely understand. Thanks for reading.


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