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Messages - icooliam

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 25
Server News / Re: Creative Maintenance [RESOLVED]
« on: July 20, 2015, 05:40:21 pm »
Hello, the creative server will remain whitelisted and occasionally offline for maintenance purposes. This will not affect any other services.

Update: The maintenance has been complete, and there's a few things to note that might affect you.

Firstly, the issue itself was a type of map corruption within the 'Guest8' world. To rectify the issue, we were required to roll back the affected sections of the map about 2 days ago. Therefor if you visit this world now, you may notice certain sections of the map are either missing, or have been rolled back to a previous state.

If you find yourself in this situation, kindly request an Operator to re-do the area of your missing build. But keep in mind this may or may not always work.

Lastly, we apologise for the downtime any damage this has caused. Rest assured we are doing everything we can to prevent this from happening in the future.


Just to let you know, typo on "Therefor", should be 'Therefore'.

EDIT: My bad, seems to be okay either way.

General Discussion / Lost Town
« on: January 23, 2015, 11:25:21 pm »
Hey guys, I always remember one of the first towns I lived in on opticraft, and I've always tried to search for it but never found it. It was a long time ago, maybe about two and a half years? The town was called creeper town or something along those lines. I don't remember much about it, I remember there was a large wall seen from the town, and I also remember there were farms in the town. There was a beach part of the town and I had built a beach hut thing on it. I also remember that there were some docks. This town would have been in the old guest world. If anyone knows about it or also remembers it i would appreciate it a lot of you replied, thanks :)

Ban Appeals / Re: {Nothing] Mistake in griefing ban!
« on: November 16, 2014, 06:54:16 pm »
Hi, sorry didn't realize the post. Thanks for the unban, I'll be glad to be playing again!  :D

Events / Re: [OPEN] Build Event #1 Signup
« on: September 21, 2014, 04:36:07 pm »
Sounds fun  ;D, I'm in!

Support / Re: Help
« on: August 30, 2014, 07:16:37 am »
Ok I don't want to though?

Support / Help
« on: August 30, 2014, 07:04:43 am »

Ban Appeals / Re: {Nothing] Mistake in griefing ban!
« on: August 17, 2014, 08:11:26 pm »
Can you possibly tell him I'm really sorry if it appears to be that I griefed his house in the nether. I really didn't mean to modify it in such a way and I simply changed his shop into a shop for myself. I only modified the wall blocks and some donation chest area. I really didn't mean to grief! I'm happy to help him put it back if he wants to! With the enderman farm again I only changed it to suit myself, I thought I would slightly change the wall design and some signs etc to make it better!

Ban Appeals / {Nothing] Mistake in griefing ban!
« on: August 17, 2014, 01:17:18 pm »
Hey there, I tried to go onto Opticraft today and realised I was banned, of course I was very confused so I immediately came online to check why and I realised that there had obviously been a mistake - and I understand that! I was banned for griefing BigBadNova's house, but a few months ago BigBadNova gave me access to most of his stuff. He said I could have it as long as I didn't steal all his stuff and destroy his buildings, which I thought was very acceptable. I have not stolen all his stuff or destroyed any of his buildings and simply I have edited some of his buildings to suit my own use, and as he didn't say I couldn't do this; I see no reason that I should have been banned, but if it was a mistake thats fine - I understand completely.

Best regards,


EDIT: Sorry forgot my ban link, it's here: http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/page,BanLookup.html?username=icooliam

Projects and Creations / Re: The Sovereign State of StuttgartŪ
« on: August 08, 2014, 01:06:35 pm »
How old are you?

I'm a teenager!

How much time do you spend on smp.opticraft.net each week?

Probably about an hour a night, and about 3 hours on weekends, so about 11 hours a week.

What timezone do you live in?

(UTC+00:00) UK

Have you ever been banned from opticraft.net?

Yes I have, but I am much more well behaved now and I understand that if I do one more thing wrong, I'm going to be permanently banned.

Have you read and Agreed to abide by all Stuttgart's laws and any future changes to it? Yes, twice in fact!

Do you live *Or have lived* in any other cities, If so please list them. About two years ago I lived in a town called CreeperTown, but I no longer live there, and I own my own town but I don't really live there as I don't have a house there.

If you're no longer in another city, please tell us why. I no longer live in CreeperTown as I was told to move out as the owner was leaving and he wanted to make the town have a ruined look so he wanted to basically grief a lot of it.

Why do you want to become a citizen of Stuttgart? It looks absolutely awesome! I miss not seeing many other players as my town rarely has players in it. I feel as though Stuttgart will be an active town and is very big and cool! I love the idea of apartments and would love to rent one!

Please provide examples of previous structures that you have completed, Include an image attachment of an interior, and exterior for your creations. The more you list, the better of a perspective it gives us of your abilities.
*NOTICE* Becoming a Citizen will allow you to post a 'projects' application, which is an application that is paramount to post before you construct anything in Stuttgart.

I haven't really built anything good on Opticraft, but heres a few pics from another application I did a while ago for an application to a server.

Large Modern House 1: http://imgur.com/a/nQom4#0
Large Modern House 2: http://imgur.com/a/9N6hU
'Yellow' Modern House: http://imgur.com/a/FP2P0#0
Small Modern House: http://imgur.com/a/yu5Wp

General Discussion / Re: The History of Opticraft + New App!
« on: August 08, 2014, 12:33:01 pm »
Why not Classic?
I dont think he was even a twinkle in our eye when classic existed. Poor thing.

Nah I'd never heard of Minecraft whilst classic was around, sounded cool though...  :-[

You made an app?

A long time ago yes, but it was ages ago and it didn't quite go to plan. Basicly I made a test app to see who would be interested with an app builder, some guy thought he'd just steal the idea and basically told me to f*ck off from my own project and that he was taking over - and then he never did a thing about it! I'm currently working on a new Unofficial Opticraft App, number two, with two others - and this time it will be a real app!

Forum Games / Re: Count to 15 before I reply
« on: August 08, 2014, 12:31:34 pm »

General Discussion / The History of Opticraft + New App!
« on: August 07, 2014, 08:34:53 am »
Hey Opticrafters, icooliam here with some news - and an interesting thing! I doubt many of you remember but a long time ago (probably a few years back now) I released the first unofficial Opticraft App (for Apple devices) and it proved a pretty big success. I'm hoping to release a whole new updated app called 'The Unofficial Opticraft App 2' soon, and I'm hoping to incorporate this information from this post into it! Anyway - I hope you enjoy this!

The History Of Opticraft!
This is post that I'm hoping many of you will remember quite a bit of, it's a history of SMP Opticraft, right from day one when a beta was released! Please note that I did not include every bit of history and I also didn't include any new world history related things. Anyway - I hope you enjoy it!

4th September, 2011 - Relkeb posts the release on the new SMP Opticraft, beta! He posts about three new forum ranks, and the new SMP Server you can connect to via beta.opticraft.net (the iP that I noticed I still use to this day!). It's amazing to see people's first reactions, people were thinking that there would be zones for each player, others were wondering if you could lock blocks with passwords!

24th October, 2011 - After a long downtime and a chain of issues that caused it Optical introduces the 12 hour reboot, that will continue doing it's job without any input from anybody. Users were happy for the new feature as there had been a lot of anger and frustration over the long downtimes!

24th February, 2012 - The new initial donation rewards are now in place and have been announced by Optical - this is a great addition as many players have now started voting and this is great as it brings in more money for the server! Players are voting for the all new: mob disguises, XP, Money and hats. Optical also announces that there will be more donation rewards coming soon!

4th April, 2012 - After growing massively for a month (tripling in size) Optical announces some new changes! He is extending the world borders, making the world 2-4x bigger than before, and in the new area there will be new towns! Also Optical announces the new anti grief system, otherwise known as grief traps! The new anti grief system had only been put into place 48 hours earlier and had already caught over 200 players! And on the subject of grief Optical also announces the new City Protection, meaning large cities no longer had to worry so much about grief, and all this just one day before 1.2.5 was released!

21st April, 2012 - Optical announces some new features and changes, the most noticeable being the new Hero Chat (the plugin Opticraft uses for the chat), I remember coming on the server and speaking in the chat, I was amazed by the new look of the chat but I found it hard and pointless to start with - as did many other members. However over time I realised that it helped a lot and was actually quite easy to use. Also world borders were extended and the price of selling melons was halved, and you could no longer sell protection stones. Work was still going on for the new Member+ World and many users were excited for the new world!

22nd April, 2012 - Titles and teleportation had been added to the donations page, the most significant being titles probably - as so many people today have them! Both of these donations had been requested many times by many different players and people were happy when they were both released!

27th June, 2012 - The second home feature was added! Players could now create two homes - and everyone was very pleased with the result as it had been a much wanted addition! Many people now started finding and converting mob spawner into XP farms and suddenly there was many many players with XP farms, most offering some sort of access for money.

31st July, 2012 - With the release of 1.3 being just one day away Optical releases the much wanted new homes! From this date onwards you could then buy 5 homes for just $10! This proved a great seller and many players (including me!) rushed to buy it! Many players even bought the donation more than once, just in case they ran out of homes!

26th September, 2012 - Opticraft's official YouTube channel had been released, along with another great promotion video from xDeeKay. Before Opticraft's official channel came out xDeeKay had made another great promotional video for opticraft!

17th November, 2012 - After a lot of reminding from AwesomeAlicia the IRC was back for SMP! And, as Coolcrab put it - now we didn't have to bother coming on to talk to people  ;D! Re-adding IRC was great as many players had never heard of IRC before so they got the chance to use it - and many players did use it, and still do today!

24th December, 2012 - The night before christmas! Nick3306 and a few other players grouped together to make the excellent video: 'The night before christmas'. As well as being a lovely merry christmas to everyone it was also another great chance to use the all new official Opticraft YouTube channel!

28th July, 2013 - After secretly building a few arenas pvp is released! This was a great addition to many opticraft players as it was completely unexpected. Players started making very good armour and swords to get ready for battle! I remember gavin offering people money and all his items if they killed him - and I don't think anybody ever did! Sadly after all the excitement caused by PvP I do believe that it is rarely used today.

8th September, 2013 - Probably one of the saddest things that happened in Opticraft, the ability to sell Iron and Gold was removed in the market. It was amazingly heartbreaking to see the effects this had on players, I remember a lot of people being very angry, and I mean very angry! If I remember correctly a few players even left over it. However, it did mean now that players with Iron and Gold farms were not incredibly rich compared to everyone else - and this was nice as it made the game fairer for everyone.

23rd February, 2014 - The Hall of Fame was announced by Tobs! Players could now goto the hall of fame and find out all about amazing builds that some very creative Opticrafters have made! I think this was a great addition to the server as it's a great way to celebrate and share the pure skill needed to make these buildings, and it's amazing that some players in opticraft are this dedicated and good at building! Although you wouldn't expect it on a survival server I think we do have a lot of amazing buildings on this server!

21st July, 2014 - TheWholeLoaf completes two fantastic new PvP maps, Valgate and Plaza! Now those more bloodthirsty among us can compete against each other in these fantastic new places! I personally think it's great that these two maps are very different, as Plaza is more about proper fighting whereas Valgate, a medieval village, offers many places and chances to hid and pounce on your unsuspecting victims!

Thanks for reading the history of Opticraft - I do hope you enjoyed it! If this turns out to be a success, which I hope it will, I might continue adding things to it, as I think it would be nice to have an ongoing history topic! I do understand that I did not include every piece of history I was meant to, and I haven't included any new world announcements! However if you think that I should have included something please post a link to the topic, or post a picture - and reply with it below. I hope your all looking forwards to the new app, I'll soon be taking orders! Thanks again, and goodbye!


Offtopic / Re: Wierd staff forum logo?
« on: April 21, 2014, 12:09:16 pm »
Sorry to double post, but just noticed something. The logo is now back to the original... how strange. :P

Offtopic / Re: Wierd staff forum logo?
« on: April 21, 2014, 11:59:36 am »
Ohh, it doesn't work :(

Try this:
(click to show/hide)

Offtopic / Wierd staff forum logo?
« on: April 21, 2014, 11:50:32 am »
When attempting to go to the staff forums it won't let you unless your staff (of course) but a strange Opticraft logo appears? Anyone know why?
(click to show/hide)

EDIT: Use this:
(click to show/hide)

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