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Topics - hammysandwhich

Pages: 1 [2]
Discussion forum / Back from my holidays!!
« on: January 13, 2013, 05:41:17 am »
I am finally back from my holidays after all this time.  I hope everyone's had a wonderful Christmas and a good new year.

Sorry for being away so long, I missed you all.  It will be awesome to see you all again and help you all out.

Sorry for any inconvenience,

Hammy :)

Offtopic / What did you get for Christmas?
« on: December 25, 2012, 10:05:47 pm »
Well I know it is Boxing Day in Australia, but somewhere it's still Christmas.  Merry christmas to all!!

As I was saying, what did you get for Christmas or better yet Santa?

Introductions / Hello everyone!! :-)
« on: December 15, 2012, 04:52:49 am »
Hi I am hammysandwhich, I am new to this server, opticraft.  It seems pretty nice, nice people, nice staff and good server.
I used to always play survival until I found Opticraft, since I found this awesome server I haven't used this server in forever. Ok all jokes aside, I never did one of these so, but hey better late than never.  I know quite a few people on the server, I recommend this server to everyone!

My age: I am 14 years old this year, next year I will be 15.
My name: My name is Hugh (Not giving my last name out cause there are 'bad' people...)
Interests: My Xbox 360, skyrim, minecraft, soccer and doing anything with my brother/cousins (we do anything and pretty much everything when we see each other, when we were younger we had a huge cow pooh fight, we threw pooh at each other, we run around for 5 hours making tree houses, playing guns and loads of other stuff).
Random stuff:  Well I have brown hair, my parents are currently splitting up and I am kind of popular.  I have Facebook, also. If we are good friends and I know you, maybe we could chat or something.

Hammy out ;-)

Support / My posts won't go up.
« on: December 13, 2012, 08:18:39 pm »
This refers to the forums.

Well when I post something on a thread/poll my posts count doesn't go up.  This started today, it might be the fact that I am on my Ipod, but my post count was going up before.  It's not that big of a problem, I'm just letting you all know.  I know you all have larger problems.

Sorry for any inconvenience.

Hammy :-)

Rejected / Moderator Application - Hammysandwhich
« on: November 27, 2012, 08:54:20 am »
Hi I'm Hammysandwhich as some of you would know, I will be going for the Moderator Applications.  Here is my application:

Age:  I am fourteen years of age.

Location: Mareeba, Queensland, Australia, Planet Earth.

Timezone: Australian Eastern Standard Time

Join Date: Some time around May.

Were you recommended by anyone?:  Unfortunately no.

Why should you become a moderator?: Well I think I should become a moderator because I really like to help everyone I can.  I try to be first to try and help someone with a problem they have, whether it be a small problem, like placing water, or something hard like rebuilding a farm. When I am not doing assignments or studying for my classes, I on my laptop playing Opticraft.

I love to try and help people if they need help, as I have been playing for six months, I would like to give the staff and admin something back for helping everyone else, this being helping them out by helping other out. 

Last year I was the class representative for the school, or the SRC member for my class.  This meant that I gave everyone's ideas and help to the committee.  This meant that I had to be tolerant and I had to help everyone.  I had good experience at this.  I try to help everyone and anyone.

Thank you for your consideration for reading this!  I really appreciate you for reading this, thanks!

~Hammysandwhich  :D

Suggestions / Wither Boss
« on: November 18, 2012, 05:41:53 am »
I have a couple of ideas, my brother and I were thinking that:

Well, I was thinking that you could have the wither boss on the server, but when the wither boss goes to hit you with its attack, make it so that the damage attack doesn't do any block damage??

Could you also consider about expanding the borders of the member world?

Thank you for the time and consideration to read this topic (its my first one).


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