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Topics - RuthlessTomato

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Support / void glitch
« on: August 08, 2012, 10:54:48 am »
When I came home from doing harmless things, it glitched out. I did /home, and I fell into the void and died. This is a big problem, because I had my diamond armor (not helmet) a few stacks of cocao beans and like 4.5 stacks of Junglewood. Now, since I fell into the void, all f that is gone. Is there any way to retrieve those items?

Introductions / yo dawgs
« on: August 08, 2012, 02:40:51 am »
Hi everyone! Sorry for the gangsta title, I just had to do that somwhere.
So, bout me: I'm a guy. I'm a goalie (for lacrosse). I'm 60 years old (JK XD).
I'm assuming (though assuming usually makes an @** out of u and me) that you got that on your own, with just my username. So, I like lacrosse, MC, epic and coldplay music and lacrosse. I am a member on opticraft. I am ok with computers. I am still in school. Very easy to work with, i will do jobs and sell items happily!

Offtopic / "char" default texture weird.
« on: August 07, 2012, 02:44:00 pm »
So, yesterday I was browsing through all of the mobs in the default texture pack, setting random ones as my skin, and I found a mob labelled "char". I had no idea what it was, so I double clicked on it to see the image. It was in the layout of a normal skin. It had the Steve face and arms, but with Herobrine eyes. His chest, legs and sleeves were pitch black. I told my friend, Sodasam, about this. He looked through his Minecraft.jar too, but when he found "char" in the mob section, it was the default Steve. I have never seen this guy before, and was wondering how he got there.!

Support / CHURCH
« on: August 06, 2012, 11:49:31 am »
I'm a Jew. The sign says it is THE Opticraft church. This is somewhat unfair.
It is right outside the spawn. I have no idea how to upload screenshots.

Projects and Creations / big builds builder
« on: August 06, 2012, 01:50:27 am »
 need a house? want a quarry? town? boat? warehouse? big builds builder is right for you!!! :D
anytime i am online, you can private message me if you want a job done. I will build builds but also mine out areas for you!
Want a specific theme? an underwater glass yard? Castle? Mega jungle tree house? big builds builder! I build big builds and I build big builds builder signs!
Just MSG me!
Want a farm?
MSG me!
secret dungeon/prison?
MSG me!
whatever the job, I will build it!
Currently, I do not know how to upload pictures, so I can't show you screenshots. Sorry.

Projects and Creations / different market type
« on: August 05, 2012, 08:40:51 am »
Will edit this when done.
Tired of overpriced market? Need cheaper options? Come to my market! This will be an actual marketplace run by people so you can tradeas well as negotiate prices. Each shop can sell a specific item type. Examples: farming, meat, wood, redstone, armor, etc. Each shop will come premade with chests. Every shop has a  low and unique cost, based on size, standoutability and distance from entrance.
This project is not done yet, but i wiil edit this post when it is.

Projects and Creations / public area
« on: August 05, 2012, 08:18:24 am »
I feel like giving back to the community who has helped me so much. So, i am almost done with a hangout area. Completely free, includes the clubhouse i said in a recent post, along with access to my shop and farm.
Rule 1:only use the farm with supervision.
Rule 2:the farm is unprotected, so i expect you toonly mine the pumpkin and melon blocks, not stalks. This also means do not mine the bottom of my sugarcane so it can regrow and replanting all the wheat and cocao.
Rule 3: the shop is not free. You must still buy things from it with actual money, trading not excepted.
Rule 4:local chat only.
Rule 5:some of my stuff is greifable. That does not give you the right to grief it.
EDIT: too risky with so many griefers. not building. SORRY!

Suggestions / completely new protection idea
« on: August 05, 2012, 12:02:31 am »
Protection stones should be MUCH cheaper. But to counter trolls owning everything, the stones only protect the blocks you place. I hate hqving to spend so much just for things for the community. Thanks!

Suggestions / /balance [player]
« on: August 04, 2012, 11:37:40 pm »
There should be a new command /balance <player> this would be useful for seeing if someone is trying to weasel out of paying you or just seeing hoe much money your friends have compared to you.
P.S. I have seen this command on other servers, so i know it exists
also, it should say your /baltop page and rank #

Trade Central / 2 pickaxes!
« on: August 04, 2012, 10:29:48 pm »
I have 2 diamond pickaxes up for auction. This ends exactly 1 week after i post this.
1st pickaxe: unused. efficiency III and unbreaking III.
2nd pickaxe: slightly used (about 2 pieces of stone) efficiency III, unbreaking III and fortune II
please respond with offers!

Support / private messaging issues
« on: August 04, 2012, 10:24:19 pm »
Today, when I came on this morning I had someone work for me. I was going to use the /msg command to tell them how much they would get payed and ended up telling everyone in public chat that they would receive $50 for harvesting my farm. I ended up having to use the /whisper command, which is hard to see, unlike the purple /msg command. Please fix this or tell me why it is broken! Thanks!

Ban Appeals / ban appeal for jbs314
« on: August 02, 2012, 10:27:12 pm »
I am jbs314's friend and the only reason I am posting this is because he was unable to log onto the forums. He is banned and has no idea whatsoever why. Please reply to this soon so he can see why and can play on Opticraft again with his friends.

Projects and Creations / Snowball fight arena
« on: August 01, 2012, 12:19:23 pm »
Hockeymanseven and I are making something we thought would be a first on this server. It may be made elsewhere, but not on Opticraft. It is a snowball fight arena with forts, trenches, tunnels and open fields. We need to protect the whole thing
so people don't grief our hard work.To complete this and open it to the public, we need your help. We need a total of 16 coal protection stones. Cash donations are well appreciated as well. To pay for our tools and time, there is a $25 dollar entrance fee until we make all of our investment back. You can also buy 48 snowballs for $10 during or before the game. It will be one constant game, leave or join as you wish, unless neither of us are online. Donations shall make it quicker for the arena entrance fee to disappear.
This was made elsewhere probably, but it will be the first on OPTICRAFT!

Projects and Creations / awesome clubhouse
« on: July 26, 2012, 04:09:28 pm »
I am making a large hangout area/clubhouse at /home goalieguy60. It has a dance floor, disco ball, pool, archery, shops, spleef, etc. The problem is, it is constantly being griefed because of its lapis lazuli blocks, note blocks and juke box. I don't have much money because i spend most of the time working for low prices(i have about $8,500). With this little money, i cannot afford the protection stones i need before it opens and so, for now, it stays closed. If anyone would be willing to donate 4 lapis protection stones, i would be
VERY HAPPY. But once someone does, i can open the club.

Ban Appeals / [Operator] goalieguy60 ban appeal [leganie]
« on: July 25, 2012, 10:11:54 pm »
I got banned a while ago and think that the punishment is a bit overdone. What happened was I made a death trap (I was feeling a bit devious that day) but said "come here to be tricked". This was my first and only offense and think being permabanned for something like this is a bit overdone. To join, I will also do community service. On top of this, Sodasam and I were making a clubhouse open to the public for a small fee. I feel I had the right to be banned but for what I did, being permabanned was a bit overdone.
                        your sad member,

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