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Topics - butterflywolves

Pages: [1] 2
Accepted / Builder Application - butterflywolves
« on: March 26, 2018, 07:57:44 pm »
In-game name: butterflywolves

Join Date: February 2012 (Legacy)
March 23, 2018 (New Creative)

Briefly describe all your builds through the Recruit Tiers:
Frost Retreat: This is a large cabin placed atop a snowy mountain. At the base is a small ice pond, perhaps for ice skating or boat racing. The interior reflects a cozy cabin, made primarily of wood. It is intended to be a comfortable living space for three people. I incorporated many small details in the rooms to give each one personality.

The Stone Bean: This is the secret waterfall build. I emphasized my skill of terraforming in this build by creating a small mountain with a looming waterfall. To add to this build, there is a small society inside of the waterfall (accessible if you fly through the water). There are two houses inside, a garden, and an armor shop. When creating this build, I wanted to make the interior a secret. The inside is made from rare materials like diamond and quartz in order to accentuate the riches and jewels commonly found inside of caves.
The build was named The Stone Bean only because when I first started building it, it looked a lot like a bean, although now it resembles a more flowing waterfall!

The Nest: This was my first build on the server and definitely took me a lot of time. As with all of my builds, the terraforming and placing of every block is definitely the more time consuming. For this build, I created a tree with a small spiral staircase taking you to a house hidden in the foliage. The house is very naturalistic with some pops color to add a more modern feel. This is definitely a build I am very proud of because of how long it took to place all the leaves just how I wanted them. 

Coordinates/plot numbers of each build:
Frost Retreat: (XYZ) -261 4 -177
The Stone Bean: -250 4 -82
The Nest: 192 4 -53

Links to screenshots of the creations:
Frost Retreat:
https://imgur.com/a/5WmYE - Exterior
https://imgur.com/a/D11ZD - First floor kitchen and living space
https://imgur.com/a/1JD7S - Second floor bedroom

The Stone Bean:
https://imgur.com/a/vuV4u - Exterior
https://imgur.com/a/gcqDT - Elegant House

The Nest:
https://imgur.com/a/SE1Ru - Exterior
https://imgur.com/a/qLUpm -  Interior

All three together:

Extra (Anything else you want to mention):
Thank you for giving me this opportunity! I cannot wait to keep building!

- Butter

Rejected / Operator Application- Butterflywolves
« on: April 30, 2015, 09:26:00 pm »
In-game name: butterflywolves
Age: 15
Location: East coast, USA
Timezone: GMT -5 (-4 because of Daylight savings)
Join Date: (forum join) April 14, 2012
Were you recommended by any staff?: Daniblue182, Matthius
Why you should become an Operator:
I would like to be Operator because I want to help in force the rules. I've been the Owner of a separate server for 3 years and am very familiar with all the commands and actions necessary for this profession. I understand the work I will have to do to maintain my rank and I am willing to commit my time and effort to this server, however needed. I value fairness and wish to remain non-biased in all situations I come across. I may be young but I am mature enough to handle out of hand members and deal with situations appropriately. This is my first application, so I fully accept if I am rejected. I would like to state that Opticraft means a lot to me and it would be an amazing and rewarding experience for me to be apart of the Staff on this server.
Thank you very much for taking time out of your day to read my application. I am very appreciative of this opportunity and I know you will make the right decision.

Side note: I will a lot more active during the summer. The next few weeks might be more sparse

Offtopic / Just got my black belt!
« on: April 18, 2014, 02:09:10 pm »
I know it just made I post about being on for 2 years, but I thought this needed a seperate post. I've been doing karate since May 2010, when I was 10 years old! I'm 14 now and just yesterday I got my black belt. It's been a long process and many times I've wanted to quit, but being here with it around my waist is such an accomplishment. I am very grateful to know a very nice community called Opticraft who always made me happy when I got on. In fact after my big tests this was the first place I would go on to relax! Thanks for the disquised support (lol)!

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I crossed out my last name for personal reasons.
(If the image isn't showing go to http://imgur.com/uxQM7i5)

Offtopic / 2 years on Opticraft
« on: April 14, 2014, 11:09:13 am »
Hello, it's Butter or Emma. Today I am celebrating my 2nd year on Opticraft. It's been a great experience so far and I hope to continue playing till I can't play anymore. Last year on my 1st anniversary I was thinking about writing a long paragraph about my experience but it happened to be my Bat Mitzvah :). So this year I bring it to you. I will warn you now, I tend to write a lot...
     My first day was back in March when I was about age 11. My friends from school introduced me to this seemingly weird server. I was a vanilla creative girl and seeing that this existed baffled my mind. My friends showed me around and as intimidated as I was from all these strangers talking I continued playing. I was extremely quiet and didn't feel the need to engage in any conversation besides with my school friends. Then in late March I turned 12 and in April I joined the forums. About 6 or so months into my experience I began to open my mouth, which resulted in some of my first friends. Deathbyboo, Kascas, whatmyname and atdfbttl15 were the first people I interacted with. As the days turned to months I became the talkative member and I began to realize my long awaited goal...trusted (dun dun dunnnnn) at this point it had been about 8 months when the special day finally arrived. I thought I was causally chatting with my friend Duinis, but it then turned out to be more than a friendly chat. I remember going to Italian88's school house and roll-playing when suddenly a wild Drunz appeared. He went with the "You're getting banned" technique which put me on the verge of crying of sadness. Then as I spoke in chat my glorious orange name appeared. I was so amazed. My trusted anniversary is December 27th, 2012 :) after this amazing feat I continued playing on the server and that's where I've been ever since.
Special thank yous:
I would like to thank my first four friends--Deathbyboo, Kascas, Whatmyname and atdfbttl15
Next I want to thank my great friends  Pandadork, Sj321987 (my birthday buddy) and Zeldie.
I would like to thank Supercooldude122, Absol1212 and Zan40 for showing me this server.
I would also like to thank Duinis and Drunz for their beautiful plan.
I would also like to thank Awesomealicia, whose rank has been my role model for so long and to Felix_Da_Kat for helping me deal with the pesky members on my server. Next I would like to thank Chipaton for showing me the wonders of mumble. And lastly to all the current staff and members and trusteds for always being their on Opticraft and helping me get through the tough times.
     I hope this wasn't toooo long. I wish you all a wonderful day.

Offtopic / My new cat!
« on: August 12, 2013, 02:06:00 pm »
Yesterday my parents picked my brother and I up after our 3 week long overnight camp. Once picking us up we all wen out to lunch and they announced to my surprise we were getting a new cat this afternoon! I was overjoyed and as soon as I got home went straight to minecraft to tell everyone the exciting news. They really wanted pictures, so here are some. I have 1 more coming soon.
His name is Leo, he is orange tabby and only 6 months old. (My other cats are 4years old) He weighs 5lbs (2.27kg) and adorable.
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-Fixed link

Offtopic / Opticraft logo
« on: June 27, 2013, 12:04:15 am »
Ok so I'm sure you've all seen or heard I think it's called "The Russian Opticraft logo" where it's a 1/1000 chance of getting it. Well I got it
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So I thought why not have people post screenies of when they got it. Have fun!

Offtopic / OCD about ban appeal dates
« on: June 20, 2013, 06:49:52 pm »
I'm sure when you read the subject of this you were like "Hmm? What does that mean?" Well it's just me being a bit OCD and I was wondering if anyone was noticing this too. If you have read some of the ban appeals, especially some ones by Trusteds they tend to say some like "I've been on this server for over a year" or some people "I've been banned for a year" One thing I've noticed is people tend to OVER exaggerate about this kinda stuff and it bugs me. If its June wand you've been on for over a year, why doesn't your join date say "May 2012" when it actually says "September 2012" I don't know how many people also see the ones where it says "I've been banned for over a year, please pardon me" and they've only been banned for 6 months. Maybe people are just so over come with themselves about the ban that they just can't wait a year to appeal. I don't know if anyone has seen this before or I just happen to be the only one that does it.

Offtopic / Trusted 101
« on: May 10, 2013, 12:53:49 am »
The staff 101 has been a big hit and my good friend Zeldie requested there'd be a "Trusted 101" so I thought I'd fulfill her wish.

Here the form:
Name (optional):
Age (optional):
Reaction to getting Trusted (feel free to tell the story):
Fun fact:

Hope this one turns out just as good as "Staff 101"

Offtopic / Staff 101
« on: May 08, 2013, 11:26:49 am »
The staff here on Opticraft is great, but I really want to know more about them.
If you are Moderator+ and want us to know more about you fill out this simple form:

Real name (optional):
Age (optional):
What was your reaction to getting your current rank (for Mods, when you saw "accepted" on the forums):
Fun fact:

Thanks, I hope to learn more about you.

Ban Appeals / [2crzy4uall] anglerboy23
« on: April 28, 2013, 10:50:28 am »
My friend Anglerboy doesn't know how to appeal so be asked me to do it for him. This ban is kinda a sticky situation. His friend qjo9 was being malicious and griefing and trolling 2crzy4uall. Then they banned qjo9, the ip, computer and everything. Unfortunately, qjo9 was using anglerboy23's computer so his computer got banned.
 I am not saying to unban qjo9, just to unban anglerboy23's computer and instead ban qjo9's computer.
   I'm not sure who's ban lookup you want, I presume qjo9's.
Anglerboy23 thanks you,
-Anglerboy23 and Butterflywolves

Offtopic / Names for my pet lizard
« on: April 16, 2013, 10:55:22 am »
Hello all,
I am getting a pet leopard gecko and I really can't come up with a name!
This is what a leopard gecko looks like:
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I would like something in another language. It's gender is a boy.

Offtopic / Some old treasures
« on: April 06, 2013, 07:48:30 pm »
Today while talking with Kascas in game I recalled writing a diary on my minecraft experiences. I found the old diary and would like to share with you what I wrote about Opticraft.
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Since its hard to understand, this is what it says:
"May 3rd, 2012
I've never been a fan of survival, but his server is just so amazing. I wouldn't care if it was on hardcore. There's a cool market place where you can buy anything from dirt to diamond armor! There also are things like protection stones, they protect your house from griefers. I run a store, it's really nice. People can be hired there too! One guy came back with 7 iron, 50 some coal and 6 gold. My rules are you keep half your finds. I also charge $10 for my community garden and have adds for other people's shops. I have tons of friends!! Though one guy names Kascas stands out. I believe he knows me well... on the server that is.
Love Emma and my good opti-friends."
Hope you enjoy!

Offtopic / Just some latch-hooking
« on: March 24, 2013, 11:53:23 pm »
As you all know quite recently was my 13th birthday. From my friend I received a lovely latch hooking kit.
Thought I'd show you my progress.
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The finished product will look like this
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(Taken off the Internet)

Support / Weird flashing letters
« on: March 17, 2013, 05:42:12 pm »
Hey my letters are like weird and blocky
(click to show/hide)
Not sure if its a bug. If you know what's going on please tell me.
(Photo taken with my iPod)


Suggestions / Opticraft Renuion
« on: March 02, 2013, 01:56:52 pm »
Hi, I've found a lot of people live on the East Coast of the USA. I mean there are many who don't, but still. I was thinking about having an Opticraft reunion so you can meet people in real life. The reunion would take place during the summer. I don't know where or what state. This is just a suggestion.

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