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Why operators don't answer all requests.

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--- Quote from: Spartan on May 03, 2011, 11:54:34 am ---
--- Quote from: Optical ---Before applying, please realize that as an operator, your main duty's will switch from building, to moderating chat and banning griefers. I expect all my operators to show a high level of maturity and commitment. Failure to perform any of your duty's will result in your op status being removed.

--- End quote ---

What this means is that before building, answer all requests. Since this cant be achieved unless MC is down, I guess you must keep building to a minimum. If you truly want to build instead of moderate, ask to be moved down to builder, and you can start building your stuff for crafter.

--- End quote ---

But, they should get sometime to build, otherwise I don't see how they would have fun on the server, in which case stop playing leaving us with no ops save the ones who hate building, or the ones who do it for the blue text (commands, respect etc.), not the helpfulness
Just my opinion

There are people that have fun operating, but as you probably noticed, there aren't that many :P

I speak for myself on this reply. I enjoy keeping the server friendly and clean from griefers and other unusual creations.

I would have not applied if I didn't, but I also like to sometimes take time to myself and build some objects or work on a project of mine.

If it is not possible to build as an operator I guess this isn't the job for me. I don't see it being greedy taking a day off and enjoying the server like everyone else. Nor do I see it being greedy spending 2-6hours as an operator during the day and then taking 3hours that night to build.

I am not here to continually watch over children(griefers 100% of the time). I do my job as an operator and had not gotten any negative feedback as of yet.

I will personally speak to Optical when he is online and explain my situation and I do think he will agree with me.

You can quote all you want, but I still see what I do is fair. If he disagrees with me then fine I will ask to have my OP rights removed and there won't be that extra OP to help out during times when no one is on.


aka Informer21

I think taking time off as an operator is fine but when you are the only operator on and there are tons of guests on requesting your help, you should be operating. Thats how I see it.

I'm not here to argue with you about what happened that night, I'm past that.

I can understand what you are saying, and I'm not saying you are doing anything wrong job wise, thats just my opinion.


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