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The unnecessarily locking of topics in appropriate boards.

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I have noticed an increase of locked topics "just because what is there to be said has been said"... I don't think that's reason to lock a topic, if someone is having the same issue or an opinion about the topic, they can't.

Also, if we want to discuss why ants are brown, why spiders are nasty, why we think Miley Cyrus looked disgusting (or fabulous) , on an Off topic forum, we should be able to, because that's what that board is, to express different opinions and critique.

If you are upset about the locking of the Miley Cyrus topic, why wouldn't you talk to the person who locked it in a pm instead of making a topic for it?


--- Quote from: awesomealicia on August 31, 2013, 08:41:00 pm ---If you are upset about the locking of the Miley Cyrus topic, why wouldn't you talk to the person who locked it instead of making a topic for it?

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Do you know what examples are Alicia?

Because that was one.

It looked like you were only talking about that one, but yes, thanks for the unnecessary sarcasm.


--- Quote from: awesomealicia on August 31, 2013, 08:45:43 pm ---It looked like you were only talking about that one, but yes, thanks for the unnecessary sarcasm.

--- End quote ---

I clearly stated other made-up cases before an actual one so I didn't seem like I was talking about a specific one. I could care less about Miley Cyrus but I should be able to post that in that topic if I wanted to.


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