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Adventure Map

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Im working on an adventure map called Blackout. Its all about needing to destroy all the light sources that are in the world. Check it out here is the link: http://www.mediafire.com/?caxlsma3hi9d35z

I just started like last night so I thought i could get some feedback from you guys. It will be updated soon. If you wanna help just tell me! THE MAP IS ONLY COMPATIBLE WITH MINECRAFT 1.4 so you could wait untill Wednesday or get the 1.4 pre release from mojang.com.



I played it and the idea is really cool. Maybe add more of a story or something, but I really like the idea!

Thank you very much ryto. Would you like to help me with it? I just did some more of it earlier today.

I havent played it, but the idea sounds cool. I will when 1.4 arrives.


--- Quote from: redvolcano7 on October 21, 2012, 01:09:18 am ---Thank you very much ryto. Would you like to help me with it? I just did some more of it earlier today.

--- End quote ---

Sure I will, I could put in a spawn building If you would like and maybe a few areas.


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