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Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / Re: Ban appeal Entity_Plays
« on: February 23, 2017, 05:10:35 pm »
IGN (In Game Name): Entity_Plays
Banned or Muted?: Banned
Ban/Mute Reason: Unfair Advantage
Staff who banned/muted you: Console (I think)
Are you Guilty?: yes
Why I should be unbanned: Hello,
I was always a victim of the hackers I was angry that killed me to unload a revenge cheater but I have ban, I still regret what I have done …
I plead guilty to my misbehavior and I hope you are willing to offer me a second chance.
I know that you are all very strict and have very strict policies but, and the truth is, if you can offer me one last chance.
I've never hacked before I was on this server because I wanted to be better than others.
Unfortunately all I got was a ban my only account
I hope you're willing to give me another chance.
My sincere apoligies for my behavior and the use of hacks.

Ban Appeals / Ban appeal Entity_Plays
« on: February 22, 2017, 09:40:59 pm »
IGN (In Game Name): Entity_Plays
Banned or Muted?: Banned
Ban/Mute Reason: Unfair Advantage
Length of Ban/Mute: Permanent
Staff who banned/muted you: Console (I think)
Are you Guilty?: yes
Why should you be unbanned/unmuted?Guilty? Yes
Why I should be unbanned: Hello,
I was always a victim of the hackers I was angry that killed me to unload a revenge cheater but I have ban, I still regret what I have done …
I plead guilty to my misbehavior and I hope you are willing to offer me a second chance.
I know that you are all very strict and have very strict policies but, and the truth is, if you can offer me one last chance.
I've never hacked before I was on this server because I wanted to be better than others.
Unfortunately all I got was a ban my only account
I hope you're willing to give me another chance.
My sincere apoligies for my behavior and the use of hacks.

Ban Appeals / Re: Im Banned ( Ban Appeal) Entity_Plays
« on: February 15, 2017, 11:09:17 pm »
IGN (In Game Name): Entity_Plays
Banned or Muted?: Banned
Ban/Mute Reason: Unfair Advantage
Length of Ban/Mute: Permanent
Staff who banned/muted you: Console (I think)
Are you Guilty?: No
Why should you be unbanned/unmuted?:I was playing in practice when the game starts jittering as usual when the match starts my "kb" is very low and I'm amazed I tell my opponent to see how his kb was and when we were about to try paw you're banned By unfair adventage

Thank you for reading!

Ban Appeals / Im Banned ( Ban Appeal) Entity_Plays
« on: February 15, 2017, 11:06:29 pm »
IGN (In Game Name): Entity_Plays
Banned or Muted?: Banned
Ban/Mute Reason: Unfair Advantage
Length of Ban/Mute: Permanent
Staff who banned/muted you: Console (I think)
Are you Guilty?: No
Why should you be unbanned/unmuted?:I was playing in practice when the game starts jittering as usual when the match starts my "kb" is very low and I'm amazed I tell my contricante to see how his kb was and when we were about to try paw you're banned By unfair adventage

Thank you for reading!

Pages: [1]