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Messages - iceblaze123

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Ban Appeals / 100penguin - iceblaze123
« on: June 25, 2017, 10:35:22 pm »
Name: iceblaze123

Reason you were banned: "Insulting players, threatening behaviour."

Who banned you: iceblaze123

Why you should be unbanned:
     First of all I think there is a misunderstanding. On 1/15/17 I had an altercation with another player on the server. The dispute did not last long and was peacefully resolved by Alicia. Following the in game apprehension I ignored the other player and focused on finishing my project. The next day on 1/16/17 I found myself banned for insulting other players and threatening others. I know I was on my last warning and thus made sure always when I played to keep it cool and mature. What I did could be seen controversial depending on your stance but I feel as though it was not worthy as a ban; especially when it was resolved in game. In the heat of the moment I thought the other player was taking offense when I asked him a simple question which in turn offended me, especially since my background is African.
    In conclusion I feel as the ban was not appropriate given the situation. I am aware that I was on my last warning (when I was banned 4 years ago) however this was just a measly altercation which was quickly resolved peacefully on both sides. Opticraft is the only Minecraft server I now play and would hate to be forever ostracized from the fun it brings. The few active players can attest that I have been active the past few weeks and I am not a troll but instead a player. I ask the staff to carefully consider this appeal as it may sound familiar, but I really mean what I say. The server is entertaining and I feel as though a measly dispute is not appropriate to forever end one's fun on the server. If a temporary ban is needed for me to cool down, I can see the logic behind that, but a permanent ban from my perspective is outlandish.

Thank you to all staff

EDIT:  It has been five months since my last ban and here I am again. Penguin said I could try to provide a reason why I should be unbanned and here I go. Firstly I am not here to argue the ban since we cannot go back in time and change the events, but instead an unban would be the only option. I am fully aware of my previous bans over several years however I personally put that in the past as a great deal of events occurred by that time and now which impacted my life dearly. I did not think asking the nature of a fellow player would be racist, but instead be annoying to say the least. I found it annoying that he refused to respond since I was going to make a Star Wars joke (Lando Calrissian) and whenever I was on I shot him a message or two. This was not constant bombardment nor do I think inspired by racist motives which is why I don't think my ban should fall under racism. I think it is important to focus what punishment would've been necessary: (maybe a mute, several day ban) but because of the racist aspect I was permenantly banned and barred from any possibility of playing on the server again. If I have to further clarify feel free to ask what I mean but I think this sums up my thoughts. As stated before it has been over five months since the last ban and yet I am yearning to play Opticraft, especially during the summer season with my friends when nothing else is available to do. I hope you admins can here me out and I would be willing to work with staff to reach a fair conclusion. Thank you for your time


Ban Appeals / 100Penguin - Ban Appeal iceblaze123
« on: January 17, 2017, 08:32:46 pm »
Name: iceblaze123

Reason you were banned: "Insulting players, threatening behaviour."

Who banned you: iceblaze123

Why you should be unbanned:
     First of all I think there is a misunderstanding. On 1/15/17 I had an altercation with another player on the server. The dispute did not last long and was peacefully resolved by Alicia. Following the in game apprehension I ignored the other player and focused on finishing my project. The next day on 1/16/17 I found myself banned for insulting other players and threatening others. I know I was on my last warning and thus made sure always when I played to keep it cool and mature. What I did could be seen controversial depending on your stance but I feel as though it was not worthy as a ban; especially when it was resolved in game. In the heat of the moment I thought the other player was taking offense when I asked him a simple question which in turn offended me, especially since my background is African.
    In conclusion I feel as the ban was not appropriate given the situation. I am aware that I was on my last warning (when I was banned 4 years ago) however this was just a measly altercation which was quickly resolved peacefully on both sides. Opticraft is the only Minecraft server I now play and would hate to be forever ostracized from the fun it brings. The few active players can attest that I have been active the past few weeks and I am not a troll but instead a player. I ask the staff to carefully consider this appeal as it may sound familiar, but I really mean what I say. The server is entertaining and I feel as though a measly dispute is not appropriate to forever end one's fun on the server. If a temporary ban is needed for me to cool down, I can see the logic behind that, but a permanent ban from my perspective is outlandish.

Thank you to all staff

Ban Appeals / [Operator] iceblaze123 Ban Appeal
« on: February 07, 2014, 12:48:42 am »
In-game name: iceblaze123
Reason I was Banned: Disrespect towards community members
Reason I want to be unbanned:
Dear Opticraft community members,
Hello, I'm iceblaze123 and as some of you may know, I was banned for disrespect towards Opticraft community citizens. I want to get the point across as early as possible that this was no mistake by any staff, but me. I was banned because a fight broke out and my friend wrote a bad remark. Just to clear up, now that I have matured I will take these actions for my account and responsibility and address them as I. But back on track, a churlish banter was happening over a stupid topic which I cannot recall. It started as a low argument and got out of hand. I am not trying to blame any other Opticraft members, for this was on my part. I said a nasty remark which even I would not want to bring up. I'm not sure what I had said exactly but I think a staff might have a screenshot.
     “Why am I here?”, you may ask. I am here because I wish to once again be free to play Opticraft, the server beloved by many. Six months and twenty days ago (as of today; February 6, 2014, EST.), I was banned by Felix_de_Kat. I attempted to create an appeal just like this but it was denied. Felix personally messaged me after the appeal saying the following: "If you apply once again in six months and you can prove to me you have matured, I will take the ban into consideration and unban you from Opticraft.” So now, here I am applying for my ban appeal for Felix_de_Kat, but… I have recently heard from my friend Zazzmaster that Felix was banned and de-OP’d. This means Felix_de_kat doesn’t have to abilities to unban no longer. So, I am hoping another Operator or staff will take on the job Felix_de_kat could not complete.

I hope I was able to convey the point across that it was no one but my fault this action happened. I hereby proclaim that I shall not ever again let anything like this be able to slip by again. If I am being aggravated or getting stirred up by a pointless little argument, I will not talk and fight back but just rather log off until I see it has died down. I hope you all understand that I greatly apologize, not only towards the staff but also particularly toward the members I have offended. I hope you also think that I have grown up within the six months I have been banned, and you too trust me not to make silly decisions and to take good care of my account too. I tremendously apologize for my actions and hope to be unbanned soon. Thanks a lot.

(P.S. if you don’t believe that I have been banned for six months do /seen iceblaze123, I had ZazzMaster check today 2/6/2014)

Ban Appeals / Re: [Operator] iceblaze123 ban appeal
« on: November 30, 2013, 12:41:43 am »
As I just said in my earlier post I can talk to you on the mumble server or on skype and have my friend confirm it, and then you will be able to believe what happened instead of doubting me.

Ban Appeals / Re: [Operator] iceblaze123 ban appeal
« on: November 29, 2013, 09:24:26 pm »
As I've mentioned before, my friend said those curse words, and then I came back, not knowing what the heck Felix was talking about. If u want, I can send u a screeny that I changed my password, and we can also skype, and I will have my friend confirm that he said those mean things

Ban Appeals / Re: [Operator] iceblaze123 ban appeal
« on: November 29, 2013, 08:30:49 pm »
I promise you I have grown up, and I will  be a positive figure on the server, please.

Rejected / Re: Moderator Application ZazzMaster
« on: November 29, 2013, 08:24:18 pm »
Supported. Zazz is a great guy and deserves to be mod.

Ban Appeals / Re: [Operator] iceblaze123 ban appeal
« on: November 29, 2013, 08:23:13 pm »
I don't understand what you are trying to say. What happened with the toying around thing?

Ban Appeals / [Operator] iceblaze123 ban appeal
« on: November 29, 2013, 08:05:48 pm »
IGN: iceblaze123

Reason I was banned: I was banned for being offensive to community members. It all started with a dispute between me and other community members. The arguement got out of hand and bad words started to be tossed from both sides. Then, Felix_de_kat logged on, and told us to stop toying around. To be honest, at the time, I didn't know what toying around meant. So, I asked him what that meant, and he took it as me talking back to him, even though I seriously did not understand what it meant and did not intend to talk back in any way. Then, he banned me for that. Although I was a little cruel towards the community members, now that I look back at it, I think to myself why would I ever do such a thing to get banned from a great Minecraft server. A couple months ago I made a ban appeal, thinking I matured and would not such actions again, but Felix said to wait a couple months to create another appeal, and then he would confirm that I grew up and would not do anything similar. So now I created this Ban Appeal showing I have matured over the time, and he promised to unban me.

I have recently heard from my friend ZazzMaster that Felix_De_Kat has been banned and demoted from his Operator Ranks. I thought I could not be unbanned anymore, but then 2crazy4uall said he could unban me if I created this appeal.

Once again I am truly sorry for the actions I have committed, but I have matured enough to make correct decisions when playing on this server, and I will promise to respect each and every Opticraft member as best as I can.


Ban Appeals / [Felix_De_Kat] iceblaze123 Ban Appeal
« on: August 22, 2013, 09:28:53 pm »
Please note that the first 3 bans were mistaken and resolved quickly, and I think this one was too.

EXACT Minecraft IGN: iceblaze123

Who Banned You: Felix_De_Kat

Why Should You be Unbanned: I was banned a couple of months ago, so not everything might be right on the dot but I remember the important things which matter the most. I have grown up and matured a bit over the months ( :o lol I know) and so I have came here to make this ban appeal when I could finally reflect on myself what happened the day I got banned from this amazing server. It all started when an argument broke out about what was better: Call of Duty or Battlefield or some stupid thing like that. It started as a somewhat friendly dispute which then got out of hand. The people who were arguing for Battlefield started calling me a little kid and five years of age and all sorts of other unkind things. But the stupid guy I was back then decided to fight and talk back and I too got out of control. After a bit of fighting, Felix_De_Kat came on and ended the argument. He said to me "iceblaze123, we don't need toying around here." I didn't know what he meant by toying around so I asked him "What does 'toying around mean?'" which angered him which resulted in him banning me. I didn't mean to get on his nerves but this wasn't clear to him and I am very, truly sorry for this misunderstanding and mistreating other players but I plead to you to forgive me.


Ban Appeals / (Felix_de_kat) iceblaze123
« on: July 18, 2013, 11:09:48 pm »
Dear felix,

I'm really sorry whats been happening lately. Me and my brother ZazzMaster have determined that I am being hacked. This morning we successfully changed my password. So if u would please unban me now that my password is changed, i would be really happy.

Sorry for the confusion,


Edit: Inserting Ban Link

Ban Appeals / [Felix_De_Kat] iceblaze123 ban appeal
« on: July 01, 2013, 12:28:00 am »
Dear Felix_De_Kat,

I had a couple friends over that day, I leave the computer unattended for one second, and I find myself banned. one of my friends took control of my account, and wrote some mean things.. I will be more protective of my account in the future and will never let this happen again, and please unban me. I'm sorry for the confusion.



Edit: Inserting Ban Link

Ban Appeals / iceblaze123 | Ban Appeal
« on: March 19, 2013, 08:47:13 pm »
Exact Minecraft Name: iceblaze123

I was banned a couple days ago for griefing. I was expanding a house in my friend Zazzmaster's town. Zazzmaster called an op over because he didn't want me to expand it right away. The op said to stop touching since it wasn't mine so I did. The op said if I touch I will get banned and I said would like to touch it, but I never said I would actually touch it. The op banned me because he thought I said I was going to touch it instead of I want to touch it. I hope you understand this misunderstanding. I was a little stupid but I never intended to break the OptiCraft Rules. Thank You


Ban Appeals / [2crzy4uall] Ban appeal
« on: March 18, 2013, 12:24:53 am »
Name: iceblaze123

Banned by: 2something but I remembered that he was an op

Why I should be unbanned: so I was expanding a house in my friend zazzmasters town. An operator came over and thought I was griefing. He said not to touch the house again since it wasn't mine. I said I would like to touch it and I got banned. I never said I was going to touch it but I said I want to. He thought I meant I was gonna touch it and he banned me. Please unban me because I was not griefing and I did not say I was going to touch it but rather I would like to touch it if I could. I was being a little stupid but I never intended to do something against the rules. Please unban me.

P.S. I didn't know if there was a sepperate category for this but I think it said to make a ban appeal.

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