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Messages - c4ridw3n

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Leave-ish til february
« on: January 20, 2013, 12:04:47 am »
HI Opti friends  ;D

Just wanted to let you know that I will be on vacation for the next couple weeks so I won't be on that frequently.
Still debating if I am taking the computer... but of course I probobly will.  Anyway, visiting my sister in Alabama.. should
be fun.

See you more when I get back!


Support / Re: zombie villagers
« on: November 03, 2012, 12:52:01 pm »
ahhh.. makes sense, thanks for the replys <3

Support / zombie villagers
« on: November 02, 2012, 10:00:42 pm »
ok... after 3 x splash potion of weakness and 3 x golden apples- all 3 zombie villagers have despawned. Is this a server mechanic?  If so, I won't waste anymore resources :)   I have tried boxing one, kiting one around a torch lit cave and in both instances they despawned after about 3-5 minutes with the red squigglies.

Any insight would be appreciated.



Introductions / Beren5 now known as C4ridw3n!
« on: September 20, 2012, 01:23:14 am »
So this is Beren5... but I bought another account so my little one could play on the server with me.. he will now be beren5.  He is like 5... and he has told me that he understands the rules implicitly... he will never play on the server unsupervised- I will delete opticraft from his multiplayer each time.. so no worries with that. He won't even know the name.  Also- he has played the game for over 6 months so he is not a newb.  He just won't be able to respond if you speak to him.

I am his mom and I am just trying to raise him as a total computer geek like I am.  Gamers Wooot!

So I will hereto be known as c4ridw3n... (caridwen) which has always been my gamer name.. Carry On!

See you on Opticraft.

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