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Messages - Flyingpegasus55

Pages: [1]
Support / Griefed
« on: December 20, 2012, 12:27:30 am »
I just got unbanned and i spawned in my home to find all of my protect ores gone and my diamond block stairs gone with other stuff missing as well if anyone  could help me out thanks

Ban Appeals / Re: [Xeadin] Flyingpegasus55 Appeal
« on: December 20, 2012, 12:05:22 am »
Thanks good to be back hope me and you can have a fresh start I really do appreciate it

Ban Appeals / [Xeadin] Flyingpegasus55 Appeal
« on: December 19, 2012, 11:50:47 pm »
                    Let me start off by an apology to Xeadin i feel really bad for disrespecting you and to the rest of the staff. Im simply made this appeal for forgiveness. Its just that all my years playing minecraft i have always felt bad for the actions I brought to this server. Its been a while since I have played here but I really do enjoy your servers and hope one day to come back in a  fresh start. I have really changed over the months I'm not that screwed up guy that griefs a lot and cusses all the time at guests and staff and my deepest apology is for fadmad for destroying a part of his house.
Thanks Thats Pretty Much It

Need anything email me


Almost forgot about the link

Ban Appeals / [Scotty602AB] Ban Appeal
« on: July 28, 2012, 09:11:45 pm »
Hello, I tried connecting to your server and read I was banned. I came here to find this account banned for griefing and disrespect to staff by Xeadin and Scotty602AB? I usely play on your creative server because I never bought the actual game so a friend of mine from school let me use his account and just found out he is banned from the server is their anyway you can unban the account?

Pages: [1]