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Messages - Taskmaker

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / Re: [operator] Taskmaker Appeal
« on: August 29, 2013, 02:21:20 pm »
Fair enough - those are the rules. Thank you. :)

Ban Appeals / [operator] Taskmaker Appeal
« on: August 29, 2013, 03:48:08 am »
While briefly away from my computer, a friend of my girlfriend's son was visiting and wanted to check out the area near the market I was in, and began exploring. I believe he triggered an automatic grief trap. He informed me afterward that he found a "cool-looking house made of diamond blocks" and wanted to see inside. He was not aware that I was connected to a multiplayer server, nor did he realize the consequences of his actions. I explained to him that Opticraft wasn't a "wild" server with no rules, and suggested that what he did was just as disrespectful as someone cutting a hole in his real-life house just to "see inside." There are always assumptions, and consequences, for any action. He has since apologized to me for getting my account locked, and I am here to apologize to the Opticraft community for allowing him to use my account unattended, even for a short amount of time. I will be more than happy to repair the damage to the house and tidy up the landscape around it, if I may please have my account reactivated. Thank you very much for your consideration.

Ban info

Changed title and added link.

Suggestions / Abandoned Places - Guest World Clean-Up
« on: August 24, 2013, 05:47:53 am »
I'm sure many of you have seen me log on a time or two... I quietly work in the background, occasionally doing my own thing, and often working to clean up bits and pieces of Guest World. The place looks bad in many parts, due to long-abandoned structures and the griefing that comes with it. Periodically I'll see a building that looks like it used to be cool or even out-of-place, and patch up the damage that time creates on a public server. Sadly, many other times, I'll see the remnants of homes and shops so far gone, nothing remains but chests, doors and furnaces - the immovable things which pollute the landscape, always protected by a magical spell. It would be nice if they were gone. Quite often, their original owners, are. Absent from the server a year or more, and unlikely to return. It would be quite nice to be able to disable protection on such things - to poll the database of users and remove those who've been gone too long from the watchful eye of Precious Stones, allowing new users the good fortune of stumbling upon the spoils of those who've passed on, or simply allowing people like me (and those who'd love to improve those new users' first impressions of Guest World) to clean up the mess and make venturing outside of the Guest World spawn, a more inviting, welcoming opportunity.
I'm sure this has probably been discussed in the past... Thoughts?

Server News / Re: 1.4 is live
« on: October 29, 2012, 05:43:04 pm »
Thanks so much - that's awesome news! Finally can update my client and try out those new features!!

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