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Messages - strid3

Pages: [1]
Ban Appeals / Re: Ban Appeal
« on: May 06, 2012, 05:39:02 pm »
Can't believe I over-looked the original post stating so.

To whom ever has un-banned me, thank you!

And about Zeradeth and Dr_Fn_Deo (they were the two users who lost items, no?):
Does anyone know a good time for me to get a hold of them?
Or if either of you are viewing this, just let me know what a good time is. (My timezone is EST)
I would like to provide them with the items I promised above, as I am nothing if not a man of my word.

I do believe I have everything in stock already, and if I don't it wouldn't take me long to get the rest.


Ban Appeals / Re: Ban Appeal
« on: May 06, 2012, 01:30:27 pm »
That's the queer thing about this, I really don't know what happened.

And I did not take any items from any players in this game; all of the chests belonging to my friends and I may be searched, and my inventory may be parsed.
And as I said, something did happen; I understand that, and I know the players lost stuff, and I am more than willing to provide them with more than what they have lost.

I'm not a bad guy; give me a chance and I know you will see that too.


Ban Appeals / Re: Ban Appeal
« on: May 06, 2012, 01:16:25 pm »
From the bottom of my heart, anything that happened was a pure and 100% accident.

I will do whatever I can to prove it.

To the players that got killed I offer each:
1x Diamond Helm
1x Diamond Plate
1x Diamond Legs
1x Diamond Boots
1x Diamond Sword
2x Diamond Pick
1x Diamond Axe
1x Diamond Shovel
1x Diamond Hoe
4x Piles of 64 Melons
2x Iron Blocks
1x Diamond Block
1x $2000
Note: Even if I don't get un-banned, I would like the two players to receive these items in compensation for what they have lost. (If they lost more than what I'm providing, please, let me know.)
If I don't get un-banned, my roommate "Myskillzownu" will provide the items on my behalf.

This is my honest word to show that I am very sorry for anything that happened and I promise that I had not intended any harm, and am very confused on the matter of what happened.

I can get on with a member of staff and provide them with the items and they may provide them to the players.

If there is anything more I can do, just say the word and I will be happy to do it.
I will go as far as to prove my real life identity with my I.D. and Skype with an Admin if that's what it takes.

My roommates "Myskillzownu" and "Jfish75" and our friend "Tigerwolf117" are very much in love with this server, and our intent was a pure and virtuous one.
If you give me a chance you will find that I am in no way, shape, or form, a bad guy, and I have every intent to make up for any wrong that may have come; the only thing I want is the ability to play this server with my friends.
Their talk of expanding their melon farm, expanding their living quarters, and making some of the most massive mines seen by men sounds intriguing and it would kill me to not be able to share this experience.

Last note: If the events play out, I deliver the items, and I do not get un-banned, I will understand fully; however, if it comes to that, I would appreciate it if someone could, in some way, take a more in-depth look to see what really happened that day.
Worst comes to worse, I don't want to leave this server with a bad record attached to my name.


Ban Appeals / Re: Ban Appeal
« on: May 05, 2012, 05:25:12 pm »
Okay, I will.

Ban Appeals / Ban Appeal
« on: May 05, 2012, 08:14:25 am »
Earlier I was permanently banned, and the accusation against me was that I lured and slaughtered two players, the names of whom I can't remember.

The thing is I, honest to god, did not do it.
The moderator didn't even have proof; he found an open building near my current place of residence and said that it was the place I used to kill them.
Let me be very clear, I have never set foot in that location in my life.

The accusations against me are false, and I really don't want to get kicked off of the one server that I have come to find enjoyable.

Will someone without an unneeded bias please take a look into this?
You have my word that I am innocent and I'm certain if you look into it you will find everything I have said to be true.

Loyal Member

Pages: [1]