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Messages - Midgetized

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 8
Support / Need Information about Server
« on: April 18, 2013, 10:58:50 pm »
It's been months since I last played this server and would like to know a few details about how it works.

How does mob spawning work on the server, such as:
Can hostile mobs still spawn normally or is it turned off/ limited?
Can neutral mobs such as cows and sheep spawn on grass tiles?
At what rate do the mobs spawn, at normal rates or at decreased rates.

I ask since I havent seen many mobs spawn in unlit areas around me, just scattered around the map


57pt outer circle?  What's the grey?

In my post it's not to scale, it is simply a basic floor plan. The grey was meant to be the wall of the area, meant to be made from any material. I wanted to place to be large enough to fit a really lustrous multilevel garden that features a walkway and river.


The green is grass/ garden areas, blue is water, and yellow is sand/sandstone

black is any material

This is just a floor plan of the altar for neptune, and is not scale. More intricate details are up to the project leaders but I was thinking hanging gardens/ roman architecture theme.

I actually have a somewhat unique entrance idea for the city. I was thinking a giant shrine of Neptune on the surface. The entrance will be a cylindrical tower lined with gold and lapis blocks, or blue/yellow wool. Then around the tower we build a garden that features a trench and walkways around the tower. Then a wall that surrounds the entire thing. I will build a prototype in single creative since the details are hard to write down.

(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

The tunnel design I think would look great.

I still pitch in for the water brake entrance, since the city warp will bring the player to the top of the entrance, players only need to /home <owner> then they're there. I also suggest an arched walkway supported by pillars as the tunnels.

              /   \
             I     I    I'll build it in creative single and post photo to see if it looks good.
             I     I

General Discussion / Re: Monster Spawns
« on: June 06, 2012, 05:15:12 pm »
Yangus, exp is only dropped when a player kills it personally or it dies within 10 seconds of a player hitting it.

What material will be featured in the city?
Stone bricks?

I would assume a stone or stonebrick base to act as a support system, then glass blocks for the domes.

Projects and Creations / Re: Trans-Member+ Railroad
« on: June 05, 2012, 06:29:22 am »
I can help with this project. Looks like you got a lot of plans for the new world.

Will the station have multiple stops near or at cities?
What if a person has started building in the way of the tracks?
What are the initial plans for this project?

 Secure the building areas rights by having a worker lay down a 1 to 3 block wide plank track all the way down the map, which will be the very base of the tracks.

 Build the railway tracks as you lay the base of the railroad so workers and players can use it early.

Projects and Creations / Re: Major Melon Project
« on: June 05, 2012, 06:19:14 am »
500 coins per day, or pocket half the melons and make several thousand.

I must say I hope there are additional perks to the job, or the work hours must be really short to make that offer seem worth considering. Since all it takes is the employee to pocket a couple seeds and make their own farm.

Projects and Creations / Re: =project: The rollercoaster= donations
« on: June 05, 2012, 06:16:04 am »
Any pictures to post yet, or is the coaster at a stand still. Or at the least give us the map coordinates.

Projects and Creations / Re: Isle of the Dark
« on: June 05, 2012, 06:13:41 am »
Club Dark, where there's always a vacancy. Our graveyards are empty by night and full by day, our walls and floors look like Swiss cheese, and the cobwebs are everywhere. Because at our club we always have a full house, and our residents are groaning and moaning, waiting to meet you with arms wide open. So please stop by our luxurious place of entertainment.

Warning: The act of entering the premises automatically signs a contract with our business and business associates . We are in no way responsible for personal safety, any loss of life is at the fault of the person. Symptoms include overshadowing fear, multiple spider bites, arrows to the knee, missing limbs, lost items, Zombie's Disease, and on rare occasions being swallowed by gelatinous cubes.

Club Dark, where sunlight never reaches!

Suggestions / Re: PvP area?
« on: June 05, 2012, 12:23:02 am »
Also, incorporating such a thing would mean a lot of work on developers since the plugin would need to be made to work with other plugins or made from scratch, changing core game files.

Projects and Creations / Re: Atlantis- For the new Member world
« on: June 04, 2012, 10:26:19 pm »

This is a schematic that I made for the project, this is not a thorough plan for my idea but simply being used to test the waters for the final plan.

Projects and Creations / Re: Atlantis- For the new Member world
« on: June 04, 2012, 09:14:58 pm »
Zen I was thinking of an airlock style entrance, but it's a straight drop that has water brakes to slow down the player to no damage when landing.

I drew up some quick plans that I'll post in a few minutes for the entrance and floor plan.

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