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Messages - codepmman

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Server News / Re: Proposed smp changes
« on: March 20, 2016, 12:41:55 am »
Well at this point, getting rid of the world's is off the table.

with this change and some further discussion on some other points i think that this is now reasonable
would like to formally change my vote from outright no to i support some of them ...

Server News / Re: Proposed smp changes
« on: March 19, 2016, 02:01:53 pm »
Also, kind of interested why only one operator was consulted when there are several that still play on the server regularly, and not to single him out, but generally this is a staff decision and from what I know, Deekay is not currently staff on SMP. As shown in the past, your rank on SMP does not carry over to Creative, and so Creative ranks should not carry over to SMP.

I understand this was resolved privately and I'm not trying to spark another argument but merely get my own word in publicly on this topic and this topic alone.
My involvement behind the scenes was purely development related. It was simply my way of extending my assistance to Optical and everyone else, and discussing ways in which the development of the server would be impacted if these type of changes were to be put in place.

I understand you felt it was maybe unfair that others missed out on the discussion, people who probably deserve it more than I did. But I don't think my rank on SMP should dictate who/what I talk to/about, but instead my reputation as a whole.

sorry to implement you in this deekay but i feel like the way this was announced to everyone before being announced privately was a poor decision i felt like more operators and mods should of been notified first so they could learn more and possibly help with the fall out instead of nick yourself tobs and alicia having to do damage control alone. we were not informed until much later of your role in this. i did not realise your level of technical understanding and your rank on the server in question made its weird to me that you were so involved when others of higher smp ranks were not made aware. This has nothing to do with who Deserves it more... nobody Deserves anything more... we are all here to play and have fun.  you deserve it because you offered to help. it is appreciated that you want to put time into the server and give back. This reference had everything to do with the format of the announcement. i would like to publicly say that people are feeling like i called them out in my post but i used them as examples.  i used deekay because my understanding of his roll was not correct, not with misinformation just lack of information, and i used nick to show that not everyone leaves the server because they grow bored. Nick had talked to a very select number of people and that was the impression he got.  I would also like to publicly thank Nick for allowing us to put our differences aside and have a meaningful conversation where we discussed some of the issues i presented. although we still do not see eye to eye on a lot of things we agree to disagree on them and as this is just an announcement of POSSIBLE changes we felt that the discussion needed to go no further. I am however glad to see that my MAJOR concerns with the whole nuke and pave idea are reflections of what opti himself disagrees with. which intern causes me to relax a little.

just a recap
I am STRONGLY OPPOSED to wiping old worlds off the server
I am in favour of a economy revamp but one in which a market is still available for those who wish to use it
I am in favour of PVP as long as it doesn't affect people on SMP who do not wish to participate
i am in favour of a world of warcraft style of player auction system (can be explained in more detail if needed)
i had misunderstandings due to lack of information presented in original post on things like the points system and how to get points

Again thanks to Nick for explaining things to me a little better and if there are further questions i would be more than happy to help field them!

Server News / Re: Proposed smp changes
« on: March 19, 2016, 12:28:19 am »
how am i attacking you ?

Server News / Re: Proposed smp changes
« on: March 19, 2016, 12:24:39 am »
Breaking my silence!
Are you guys insane? Really and truly, if you implement this many changes then is it really still Opticraft? It's like if I handed you a lemon and tried to tell you "It's an orange!" The market and economy is half the reason Opticraft is bearable (explained later.) To integrate this points system is ridiculous. Not everyone wants to play little games or go on quests. Some people want to dig and build.
I may not play a bunch now, but I'm speaking up for those who may feel that speaking up might cost them their position within the community. I am worried about this as well, but I feel this needs to be said regardless of the repercussions. If I was to fully lose Opticraft I would be sad, but I could not watch you completely change the server and say nothing.
 Also, kind of interested why only one operator was consulted when there are several that still play on the server regularly, and not to single him out, but generally this is a staff decision and from what I know, Deekay is not currently staff on SMP. As shown in the past, your rank on SMP does not carry over to Creative, and so Creative ranks should not carry over to SMP. I understand this post is your sad attempt at asking people their opinion, but you really should talk to more SMP staff members before going public. Not to mention THE OWNER of the server has countless times expressed that he does not like these sorts of changes, and I'm sure if his opinion has changed at all, it is only because he grows weary of your constant badgering.
You seem to want to change Opticraft and turn it into something that it is not. You went and made a Creative server and decided that it would be cool to throw the Opticraft name on it... Does that make it Opticraft? You tried to make PvP, but that's not Opti either. You are now trying to make it more like a quest based server in that people would have to collect points for "rare blocks" or "protection" but that's still no Opticraft. People like this server because it is survival with a market, sans PvP... Simple. Now granted it needs some cleaning up but not a whole revamp.
Never really told anyone as to why I stopped playing. It's not because I was bored, it's because of you Nick, and your band of goons bringing up drama and always trying to change things. I quit because I grew up and didn't want to deal with cry babies. I know my opinion might not matter because I really don't play much any more, but as stated previously, I only stopped because of Nick and his lackeys.
To the people saying that they would like PvP, go to a PvP server. Nick got us to try PVP on Opticraft, and from what I hear it is almost never used. People saying they got bored because they had too much money? Start over! Don't rely on the market, get stuff manually! The problem is not with Opticraft, it is with the player. If you don't like it, don't play. If it's not your style, then sorry - but this is no reason to fundamentally change Opticraft as a whole.
You post is very uninformed. Couple things.
1. Optical agreed to this without any pressure
2. You state " Not everyone wants to play little games or go on quests." but none of that will even be added showing that you dont even have a clue as to what you are talking about.
3. Staff is being consulted right now, this is consulting them. This is much easier then going around to every member and talking to them individually, this way everyone can voice their opinions here.
4. NOTHING gets done on this server without opticals approval, so your accusations that this is all somehow my doing (Even though we also have two admins) shows incredible bias and misunderstanding.
5. Your arguments fall flat because currently there are more yes votes than no, so clearly players feel the same way as we do.

Lastly, I would like to applaud you for showing great maturity in your post.
1. Optical agreed to this without any pressure  (except years of constant badgering)
2. You state " Not everyone wants to play little games or go on quests." but none of that will even be added showing that you dont even have a clue as to what you are talking about.( i assumed "survival activities" meant quests my bad, and this type of belittling is part of the reason i stopped playing)
3. Staff is being consulted right now, this is consulting them. This is much easier then going around to every member and talking to them individually, this way everyone can voice their opinions here. (staff should be consulted before going public so issues can be hammered out hence why there are staff forums)
4. NOTHING gets done on this server without opticals approval, so your accusations that this is all somehow my doing (Even though we also have two admins) shows incredible bias and misunderstanding. (i will leave this alone but remember when poked enough some people will just roll over)
5. Your arguments fall flat because currently there are more yes votes than no, so clearly players feel the same way as we do. (again just voicing my opinion and now you are turning it into a competition, not to mention who is to say those votes are from active players... the people who still play play because they love it for what it is and may leave if you change it)

Lastly, I would like to applaud you for showing great maturity in your post.
1. We actually talked about it for a while and he said he is definitely in favor of this, but hey, if you want to keep lying to yourself, be my guest.
2. survival activities are like mining, farming, ect...
3. You act like staff is more important that the other players when thats not true. There really is no point in asking staff separately as everyones opinion matters the same.
4. see answer to 1
5. That's fine, I completely support your opinion, but there was no need to attack me with misinformation.

#5 i would like to address this first as the only attack on you was not misinformed... i left because of you..i dont like you  again my personal opinion
this is posted not because i dont like you but because i feel like changing opticraft is not cool
your #2 point clarify things and i thank you
#3 not that they are more important but you never see information hitting managers at a store at the same time as the cashiers.. a heads up is usually given
same goes for things like this. again to help hammer out details and get concerns out of the way so you could have them help field questions
as for #1 ... see my previous statement... you poke some one long enough they will cave... not saying he doesn't agree just saying... maybe he grows as tired of you as i did

ps this is getting long i will be posting my next response as a new comment

Server News / Re: Proposed smp changes
« on: March 19, 2016, 12:03:49 am »
Breaking my silence!
Are you guys insane? Really and truly, if you implement this many changes then is it really still Opticraft? It's like if I handed you a lemon and tried to tell you "It's an orange!" The market and economy is half the reason Opticraft is bearable (explained later.) To integrate this points system is ridiculous. Not everyone wants to play little games or go on quests. Some people want to dig and build.
I may not play a bunch now, but I'm speaking up for those who may feel that speaking up might cost them their position within the community. I am worried about this as well, but I feel this needs to be said regardless of the repercussions. If I was to fully lose Opticraft I would be sad, but I could not watch you completely change the server and say nothing.
 Also, kind of interested why only one operator was consulted when there are several that still play on the server regularly, and not to single him out, but generally this is a staff decision and from what I know, Deekay is not currently staff on SMP. As shown in the past, your rank on SMP does not carry over to Creative, and so Creative ranks should not carry over to SMP. I understand this post is your sad attempt at asking people their opinion, but you really should talk to more SMP staff members before going public. Not to mention THE OWNER of the server has countless times expressed that he does not like these sorts of changes, and I'm sure if his opinion has changed at all, it is only because he grows weary of your constant badgering.
You seem to want to change Opticraft and turn it into something that it is not. You went and made a Creative server and decided that it would be cool to throw the Opticraft name on it... Does that make it Opticraft? You tried to make PvP, but that's not Opti either. You are now trying to make it more like a quest based server in that people would have to collect points for "rare blocks" or "protection" but that's still no Opticraft. People like this server because it is survival with a market, sans PvP... Simple. Now granted it needs some cleaning up but not a whole revamp.
Never really told anyone as to why I stopped playing. It's not because I was bored, it's because of you Nick, and your band of goons bringing up drama and always trying to change things. I quit because I grew up and didn't want to deal with cry babies. I know my opinion might not matter because I really don't play much any more, but as stated previously, I only stopped because of Nick and his lackeys.
To the people saying that they would like PvP, go to a PvP server. Nick got us to try PVP on Opticraft, and from what I hear it is almost never used. People saying they got bored because they had too much money? Start over! Don't rely on the market, get stuff manually! The problem is not with Opticraft, it is with the player. If you don't like it, don't play. If it's not your style, then sorry - but this is no reason to fundamentally change Opticraft as a whole.
You post is very uninformed. Couple things.
1. Optical agreed to this without any pressure
2. You state " Not everyone wants to play little games or go on quests." but none of that will even be added showing that you dont even have a clue as to what you are talking about.
3. Staff is being consulted right now, this is consulting them. This is much easier then going around to every member and talking to them individually, this way everyone can voice their opinions here.
4. NOTHING gets done on this server without opticals approval, so your accusations that this is all somehow my doing (Even though we also have two admins) shows incredible bias and misunderstanding.
5. Your arguments fall flat because currently there are more yes votes than no, so clearly players feel the same way as we do.

Lastly, I would like to applaud you for showing great maturity in your post.
1. Optical agreed to this without any pressure  (except years of constant badgering)
2. You state " Not everyone wants to play little games or go on quests." but none of that will even be added showing that you dont even have a clue as to what you are talking about.( i assumed "survival activities" meant quests my bad, and this type of belittling is part of the reason i stopped playing)
3. Staff is being consulted right now, this is consulting them. This is much easier then going around to every member and talking to them individually, this way everyone can voice their opinions here. (staff should be consulted before going public so issues can be hammered out hence why there are staff forums)
4. NOTHING gets done on this server without opticals approval, so your accusations that this is all somehow my doing (Even though we also have two admins) shows incredible bias and misunderstanding. (i will leave this alone but remember when poked enough some people will just roll over)
5. Your arguments fall flat because currently there are more yes votes than no, so clearly players feel the same way as we do. (again just voicing my opinion and now you are turning it into a competition, not to mention who is to say those votes are from active players... the people who still play play because they love it for what it is and may leave if you change it)

Lastly, I would like to applaud you for showing great maturity in your post. (thanks but i generally like to use my big people voice when talking formally)

Server News / Re: Proposed smp changes
« on: March 18, 2016, 11:34:27 pm »
Breaking my silence!
Are you guys insane? Really and truly, if you implement this many changes then is it really still Opticraft? It's like if I handed you a lemon and tried to tell you "It's an orange!" The market and economy is half the reason Opticraft is bearable (explained later.) To integrate this points system is ridiculous. Not everyone wants to play little games or go on quests. Some people want to dig and build.
I may not play a bunch now, but I'm speaking up for those who may feel that speaking up might cost them their position within the community. I am worried about this as well, but I feel this needs to be said regardless of the repercussions. If I was to fully lose Opticraft I would be sad, but I could not watch you completely change the server and say nothing.
 Also, kind of interested why only one operator was consulted when there are several that still play on the server regularly, and not to single him out, but generally this is a staff decision and from what I know, Deekay is not currently staff on SMP. As shown in the past, your rank on SMP does not carry over to Creative, and so Creative ranks should not carry over to SMP. I understand this post is your sad attempt at asking people their opinion, but you really should talk to more SMP staff members before going public. Not to mention THE OWNER of the server has countless times expressed that he does not like these sorts of changes, and I'm sure if his opinion has changed at all, it is only because he grows weary of your constant badgering.
You seem to want to change Opticraft and turn it into something that it is not. You went and made a Creative server and decided that it would be cool to throw the Opticraft name on it... Does that make it Opticraft? You tried to make PvP, but that's not Opti either. You are now trying to make it more like a quest based server in that people would have to collect points for "rare blocks" or "protection" but that's still no Opticraft. People like this server because it is survival with a market, sans PvP... Simple. Now granted it needs some cleaning up but not a whole revamp.
Never really told anyone as to why I stopped playing. It's not because I was bored, it's because of you Nick, and your band of goons bringing up drama and always trying to change things. I quit because I grew up and didn't want to deal with cry babies. I know my opinion might not matter because I really don't play much any more, but as stated previously, I only stopped because of Nick and his lackeys.
To the people saying that they would like PvP, go to a PvP server. Nick got us to try PVP on Opticraft, and from what I hear it is almost never used. People saying they got bored because they had too much money? Start over! Don't rely on the market, get stuff manually! The problem is not with Opticraft, it is with the player. If you don't like it, don't play. If it's not your style, then sorry - but this is no reason to fundamentally change Opticraft as a whole.

General Discussion / thank you for the opportunity
« on: April 22, 2014, 12:01:33 am »
Hello there

Most of you don't know me but I was a moderator for the better part of 2 years on Opti and I just wanted to say thank you!! It has been a wonderful experience but my life is busy and I never really had time to play but in seeing the email of my demotion it inspired me to wright this and let everyone know that I really appreciated the opportunity!

I had fun, met some wonderful people (most of whom have moved on mind you), and overall really enjoyed the experience!

my only regret is that I couldn't do more for the server. I have been expecting this demotion for some time now and in all actuality am really surprised it took this long.. I know I probably should of resigned or put in an absent form but I always had the hope that I would get back into the spirit of opti and play more, you never know it may still happen!! and when I do I will defiantly try to be a better player and get more involved

again thank you for this wonderful opportunity you may see me on for short bursts here and there but im waiting till life settles down. until then I will miss you all and will see you when I can

Ban Appeals / Re: Helioz ban
« on: January 31, 2014, 11:22:27 pm »
considering it is your first offence I will unban you  be more carful... but as for you not realize you were in someones mine... kind of hard not to  as it is all fenced off and dug down about 20 or so layers... its kind of obvious ... you need to be much more carful...

Ban Appeals / Re: [codepmman] Roscoepwns's Ban Appeal
« on: October 19, 2013, 10:25:56 pm »
ya lets all blame coolcrab... that's a good Idea its all his fault

Ban Appeals / Re: [codepmman] Roscoepwns's Ban Appeal
« on: October 19, 2013, 01:14:57 am »

Ban Appeals / Re: [codepmman] Roscoepwns's Ban Appeal
« on: October 18, 2013, 11:00:36 pm »
fyi I have video evidence that tells me you did it..i can post it f you would like... the blocks we diamond and gold...

Ban Appeals / Re: [codepmman] Alec2435's Ban Appeal
« on: July 17, 2013, 08:43:04 pm »
well thanks for letting me know... considering I have 2 people telling me one story and a different story from only one other person I fell like you should be un banned... fyi he did call grief ... alec you will be un banned

Ban Appeals / Re: [codepmman] Please unban mikeybooy
« on: June 26, 2013, 12:27:57 am »
oh I could remove it... but I don't think I will as greifing is no way to deal with anything... well not on opticraft... your ban is only 10 days and for the headache you gave me trying to find all of it 10 days in my opinion is not enough... but I don't ban on headache's your lucky... maybe this will teach you a lesson

Ban Appeals / Re: [codepmman] assasin1771's Ban appeal
« on: June 24, 2013, 12:17:22 am »
glad to hear... but it is only a 3 day ban your lucky it is that short with the amount I found... I was called back about 5-7 times for greifs around 50 blocks... that's around 250 blocks .. by my usuall ban standard you should have a 25 day ban ... count yourself lucky that I didn't take video... other wise I would peg you for all the blocks...

Rejected / Re: Moderator App - ViperZeroOne
« on: June 20, 2013, 07:17:33 pm »
supported... and if that's the case what do you call Attawapiskat and all those other fun places....

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