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Messages - Afro_

Pages: 1 ... 59 60 [61]
Support / IRC Chat
« on: January 18, 2013, 12:48:14 am »
 Hey mods and ops and opticrafters. I have recently tried to go on IRC chat but it won't work. Mods or ops, please help me!

Offtopic / Re: Why wont my posts go up?
« on: January 18, 2013, 12:47:01 am »
 About posts, how do you even post a post?

Ban Appeals / Re: [2crzy4uall] Piperwarrior appeal
« on: January 04, 2013, 07:16:49 pm »
 OK thanks.

Ban Appeals / Re: [2crzy4uall] Piperwarrior appeal
« on: January 04, 2013, 07:16:00 pm »
 Do you mean we're the same people? Because he just got banned, we were in the same room and I got on. We're not the same people.

Ban Appeals / [2crzy4uall] Afro_Rick appeal
« on: January 03, 2013, 12:15:57 am »
 :( I'm sorry I greifed out of Cory's house; I didn't know what I was thinking. Again, I'm very sorry I griefed out. As for the farm, I know I griefed it but I replaced everything in the right place with the right seeds and the other stuff. I dnow if don't know if that makes a difference, but I said it already.
  Thanks, and please get me unbanned or at least please shorten my ban.

Ban Appeals / Re: [Salsainabowl] Afro_Rick appeal
« on: December 22, 2012, 01:38:11 am »

Ban Appeals / Re: [Salsainabowl] Afro_Rick appeal
« on: December 20, 2012, 11:57:13 pm »
 Tigers22 is Cory_S in Opti. I`m very sorry I harassed and I will try to replace what I`ve taken. I hope that helps.
        Merry X-Mas!

Ban Appeals / [Salsainabowl] Afro_Rick appeal
« on: December 19, 2012, 10:51:29 pm »
Was it Cory_S that made the ban? Or Piperwarrior because I live with him. If you don't believe me, ask him. Please respond A.S.A.P. because I really need to get on.

Ban Appeals / [Winniedoxie] My ban is overdue
« on: December 03, 2012, 11:39:33 pm »
 I was banned and It was like 20 minutes after the expiry. I kept trying but it said I was banned and in was way over the expiry time. ?

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