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Messages - UnknownHedgehog

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Projects and Creations / Re: Opticraft Creations - VIDEO
« on: December 26, 2013, 04:03:32 pm »
Just wondering, but is this project still going on?

General Discussion / Favorite Market
« on: December 24, 2013, 02:08:57 am »
I'm just wondering everybody's opinions in regards to their favorite market, and possibly how one feels about the current one.

Server News / Re: New member world is here!
« on: December 15, 2013, 02:18:45 am »
Here's a list of who built what:

  • Spawn: Tobs74
  • Market: UnknownHedgehog
  • North warp: UnknownHedgehog
  • East warp: Saeberus
  • South warp: 2crzy4uall
  • West warp: GirlLuvzerMac

Forum Games / Re: How fast do you type? With a twist!
« on: November 11, 2013, 03:17:25 am »

General Discussion / Re: $1,000,000 GiveAway - 2 days to enter
« on: November 09, 2013, 11:03:12 pm »
Might as well.

Offtopic / Re: How About Some Drawings
« on: October 13, 2013, 10:19:12 pm »
Some drawings done on Colors 3D for the 3DS. Most are traced, but oh well. :P


Server News / Re: Market Update
« on: September 12, 2013, 08:07:41 am »
I should add that those of us who spent a ton of hours and moneys making our farms did not set ourselves up for this. Rather, Nick set us up for this.

Ok, lets look at melons and pumpkins. They got out of hand. They were removed from the market...

Cacti... removed from market slightly before it got out of hand, but it was expected to get out of hand. Removed.

Hmm... What is the next farmable thing to move to... Sugarcane? Nah. Too cheap in the market. Only remaining thing is iron and gold. History showed that the farming of the other things were getting out of hand. Twice. So why were gold and iron ingots left in the marketplace when it was obvious that they'd be the next big farmed thing? We weren't setting ourselves up for this. The admins did. They waited until we put tons of effort into these farms, and now the items are being taken out of the market. This wouldn't be a big deal if iron and gold ingots were removed from the very start when it's obvious that people would move to farming them. And of course, this decisions so thinks of the player, right? Nah. More like the staff just doing what they want.

Wait, you knew that gold and silver would be removed from the market. Like you said, history showed that since it happened twice in past that they'd be removed eventually due to farming.
So you, knowing full well that gold and silver will one day be removed, still put in tons of hours and a lot of money into the farms, despite knowing they'd be removed... That's not the staff's fault.

Server News / Re: Market Update
« on: September 11, 2013, 06:45:07 pm »

In other words; I don't care about the monetary system at all. I just think the changes are unfair to players who do care.

The majority of the people who've commented in this thread do care about the monetary system and agree to this change. Not to be rude, but since you don't care about the monetary system, don't buy/sell at the market, and don't use farms, how does this effect you when, as said before, the majority of others agree to the change?

Thirdly, if the money gap is a "big and unfair difference" and nobody else has ever complained about it, then it's not a "big problem".

In that case there's no need to remove iron and gold....is there?  ;)

Actually, that arose from people getting rich by afking at farms; not because they're getting rich in general.
It's not like if somebody got rich from other means (like mining) that'd meaning mining is not allowed, and as mentioned before, nobody's complaining that other people are richer than them (that's just a fact of life). It's how they got rich.

Server News / Re: Market Update
« on: September 11, 2013, 05:28:38 pm »
You do realize in order to "buy your way to the top" you have to donate at least $420, real money mind you, to pass the current richest person...

And you do realize that for some people that amount means nothing at all but for others it's more than they make in a month....

That's why it's so unfair.

First off, it's very unlikely that they'd put that money towards a Minecraft server just to be the richest. (Also, if somebody is making only $420 a month, you have other concerns than playing Minecraft more than likely tbh).

Secondly, if this unlikely hypothetical situation were to actually happen, that's money towards the server. Not selfish way to be the richest. Also, if some rich guy does come along and donates that kind of money for Opti, that's his prerogative; who's gonna be like "Man, so unfair that rich guy is keeping the server alive. :/"

Thirdly, if the money gap is a "big and unfair difference" and nobody else has ever complained about it, then it's not a "big problem".

Server News / Re: Market Update
« on: September 11, 2013, 04:48:40 pm »

Oh, and having players donate to get money (which they have been able to do for a long time) is good because that money keeps the server running.

As I stated before I have nothing against donations or rewards for those donations like disguises, /homes etc. which indeed can help keep the server running but not ingame money. People could buy their way to the top which is unfair.

I guess we could agree to disagree on this last point?  ;)

You do realize in order to "buy your way to the top" you have to donate at least $420, real money mind you, to pass the current richest person...

Forum Games / Re: If you could change your username in MC what would it be?
« on: September 10, 2013, 06:15:30 pm »

Server News / Re: Market Update
« on: September 10, 2013, 04:47:43 pm »
hours and hours of building to create gold and iron farms now wasted. Thank you Opticraft staff! Driving away players a few at a time until the server eventually dies.

I'm done. I was originally taking a break from Opticraft, but I'm leaving for good now.

I spent 450K on an iron farm which was definitely a lot of money, and I spent hours working on my gold farm which isn't even fully completed. And this is happening after cactus was removed from the market after I had spent countless hours making one of the largest cactus farms built in the server.

I'm officially leaving. Next thing I know the whole goddamn market will be gone in one of Nick's "heavy" decisions.
There's no doubt that people such as yourself put a lot of time and money into iron and gold farms.

But the fact of the matter is that no matter how much time or money you put into the farms (or anything that gives you infinite money), it no way justifies you having an infinite resource of money.
If the idea of how hard you work at something (if that's even measurable (hours of work?)) correlates to the amount of money you make, then to justify people having an infinite money source would mean that person would have to put an infinite amount of time and hard work into the farm.

Simply put, you haven't put in infinite work for the infinite money.

Also, you can still sell to others...

Suggestions / Re: Hall of fame warp station
« on: September 09, 2013, 11:17:22 pm »
I think this is an excellent idea.
I also agree with the idea of placing warp signs by their builds would be better than copying and pasting them. Also, since this would be a thing based off of accepted applications, if that person doesn't want other people running around their build, then they simply don't apply. Them applying would show that this person doesn't mind other people around their build such as I (also, if the build is fully protected, such as by project protection, the person who built it wouldn't have to fear it being grieved).

If I may add to this proposition, I suggest that maybe this gets treated like the project protection in that the whole build would be fully protected also. Like, say you have an amazing build and decide you want to apply for the "Hall of Fame", if accepted it would be fully protected so that people don't grief anything. However, if you want the build protected but don't like the idea of other people being at your build, then you could just apply for the regular project protection and not have to worry about other people.

It'd work out both ways then. People who get accepted to the "Hall of Fame" would agree to the terms that they dont mind random people will be at your place, but assured that it won't be griefed through the protection. But if that person doesn't want random people at their place, then they can just apply for the regular project protection.

However, one difference I think between the project protection and the "Hall of Fame" would be I think the Hall of Fame should be held to a higher standard. Just like how if somebody on Classic wants to become a Crafter, they have to build Crafter worthy builds; if somebody wants to build a build for the Hall of Fame, it must be a Hall of Fame worthy build. I think that only the really amazing builds would be accepted to the Hall of Fame, but if it doesnt qualify for the Hall of Fame, it could still be good for project protection (if it is that good ofc). I don't know how this would be determined exactly, however. On Classic, Crafter apps were reviewed by other Crafters and they discussed whether or not that person is ready for Crafter. I don't know how that'd work for smp since we don't have build ranks on here (I'm also the only active Crafter on Opticraft). Perhaps staff would debate over this (maybe only Ops and admins?). I don't know, but Im sure something could be worked out.

Server News / Re: Market Update
« on: September 08, 2013, 09:11:25 pm »
Nice. Excellent decision.

Offtopic / Re: What's Your Dream Car?
« on: August 27, 2013, 12:12:00 am »

DeLorean DMC-12

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