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Messages - UnknownHedgehog

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5] 6 7 ... 11
Offtopic / Re: Wow, such Desktop
« on: March 17, 2014, 04:29:37 am »

Support / 1.7 Live Map
« on: March 05, 2014, 07:54:44 am »
Just wondering, but is the live map gonna be updated for 1.7 blocks?

Offtopic / Re: Classic Archive
« on: March 04, 2014, 05:58:33 am »
Did our ranks on the forum have to go too?

Server News / Re: Hall of Fame warp station
« on: February 26, 2014, 01:34:06 pm »
I love the building, great work UnknownHedgehog!  Is it an original build, or did you take it from somewhere?

Original except for the minis as I got the idea from the pvphub.

Suggestions / Re: /warp factions
« on: February 25, 2014, 05:44:47 pm »
No no no no no...just...no. Think about it more guys.

1. A lot of people came here BECAUSE there are no factions or PvP in the main worlds.
2. We lack manpower for creative server. Faction server? No difference.
3. Just no.
4. Factions can cause a serious shitload of whining.
5. More rules to make, more buildings and spawns to build and more server to build and no.
6. No.
7. Remember how badly we all wanted PvP for over a year and a half? Well nobody even uses it. It would be a shame for all this work to be put into factions and have the same thing happen.

5 legitimate reasons for no faction. I am against this idea, sorry.

1. And a lot of people left since Opticraft has stayed strictly smp with little to no changes, and it's currently doing us no justice.

2. That may or may not be a problem depending on what they say.

4. And pvp didn't cause that? Are we afraid to change because people might "whine" at us? (Which shows that we're
really not even up for the challenge) As if we don't know how to handle such people.

5. So we shouldn't do it because it involves work. Even if the workers are willing, such as I.

7. Correction: people wanted pvp over a year and a half before pvp finally came out. Most of those people probably got tired of waiting. Especially in hind-sight that it would take a year and a half before the pvp arenas were made just to appease the few who stayed and still wanted them. Btw, we also had a lot more people on over a year ago than we do today, which would explain the amount of requests back then to the lack of people in pvp today. And as said before, we waited too long to add pvp.

General Discussion / Re: Players At Different Ranks
« on: February 22, 2014, 11:41:10 am »
Zeradeth: Member
Kodak28: Trusted
_gavin: Trusted
FNVcourierjon: Trusted
Tiggy26668: Operator

Accepted - Project/HOF Applications / [HOF APP] (Mewtwo's Palace)
« on: February 09, 2014, 06:58:07 pm »
Project name: Mewtwo's Palace

Project location (Live map link, coordinates, not biome, include world name): http://smp.opticraft.net/map/#/-755/64/4128/-3/0/0 New Guest World

Contributors: Though I built the entire palace by myself, I have received help other ways, whether it be helping clearing land or donations, from gavin, awesomealicia, iGenerator, Saeberus, tankermide.

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: Completed, though working little by little where I see I could improve it.

Why should we this be in the HOF? I believe it meets the standard for quality, and been working on and off it for awhile.

Server News / Re: Congratulations Tobs
« on: January 15, 2014, 03:18:48 am »
Congrats Tobs, you'll be a good admin. :)

Suggestions / Re: MoTD UpDate
« on: January 14, 2014, 09:13:59 am »
ok i see.
EX. ==OPTICRAFT== [1.7.2+] SMP

idk something like that with the 'NOW WITH PvP ARENA" on the sencond line, using the \n

Not a pvp arena, a ghost arena.

Remember the suggestions board from early to mid-late 2012? Makes me laugh when I see PVP areas empty.

well lets be honest salsa the pvp areas we have were really made to shut those people up.... not to implement a pvp system.... but that's another topic  :P

We also don't have the 100+ people on daily as we did in mid-late 2012, so that would also explain lack of people in pvp. And honestly, those people who suggested it probably got tired of waiting/hoping it'd happen (considering in hindsight it'd be about a year later that arenas are made).

Offtopic / Re: 2013 Optiwards Results!
« on: January 11, 2014, 02:07:58 pm »
Congrats on the winners, and thank you for the votes guys.
I was hoping to get Build of the Year too, but looks like Tobs got the edge on me. lol Congrats Tobs :P

Offtopic / Re: 2013 OptiWards Voting Closes January 10th
« on: January 10, 2014, 01:59:44 pm »
I built it in the summer of 2013  ;)
lol Alright. :P

Offtopic / Re: 2013 OptiWards Voting Closes January 10th
« on: January 10, 2014, 02:16:32 am »
Couple clarifications, the New Guest World in general wasn't released until late 2012, so New Guest Spawn and warps can't count.
Also, the build for the New Member Spawn was built long before it was copied and pasted to the New Member World to be used as the spawn; however, I do not know if it was it before 2013, so don't hold that against me. lol :P You'd have to ask Tobs since he built it.

But ya, good luck everybody since I just noticed voting ends tomorrow. :)

Offtopic / Re: 2013 OptiWards Voting Closes January 10th
« on: January 07, 2014, 12:50:22 am »
Thank you for the votes guys. :)
Here are my votes:

Member of the Year: - (Idk really)
Staff Member of the Year: Nick3306
Moderator of the Year: iGenerator
Operator of the Year: Italian_Crafter
New Member of the Year: - (I dont really know the new people here, sorry)
Return of the Year: 2crzy4uall, gameguy96, xNuzzy
Best Build of the Year: South warp for new member world (I would've said the new guest spawn, but that was late 2012)
Best Skin of the Year: Italian_Crafter's (Won all them skin contests lol)
Most Improved Member of the Year: zeldalove1998x
Shocking Ban of the Year: Alpha_Lance
Best Username of the Year: dooooooooooop
Topic of the Year: "Market Update" (no more ingots/blocks sell signs)
City of the Year: Stuttgart

Suggestions / Re: Minecraft Dynamic Map
« on: January 02, 2014, 05:05:33 pm »
We thought about this instea dof the map we currently use and there was a reason optical didnt want to use this. I cant for the life of me remember what that reason was. I assume it requires more resources and stuff.

Do you think it would be worth pming Optical and ask him about it after all these updates Deekay was talking about? Plus see if his mind has change after all this time. :P

Suggestions / Minecraft Dynamic Map
« on: December 30, 2013, 06:35:25 am »
In my opinion, I think the current live map application we use, Minecraft Overviewer, should be replaced with Minecraft Dynamic Map.

Here are the links to the Minecraft Dynamic Map:

There are many things that make Minecraft Dynamic Map superior to Minecraft Overviewer:
  • Updated in real time. As in, you would no longer have to wait every few hours to see your builds updated on the map. You can apparently even have the map open on the browser and have Minecraft open, and see the changes happen as you build.
  • Players can be seen on the map. An icon of the user's face is seen where the player is currently located on the world. This is also pretty close to real time.
  • Users can switch between the isometric view (the view Minecraft Overviewer always uses) and a top-down view (much like how you look at maps in-game). There's even the option the owner can implement that allows users to view caves and tunnels in an "xray" type of view, but I'm sure that won't be implemented.
  • Weather and Minecraft time is shown on the top.
  • The option to allow users to see WorldGuard (protection zones) borders along with who owns them, the flags, etc; however, Optical would need to download the "corresponding Dynmap-* plugins" for that, which I know Optical doesn't like using other people's plug-ins.
  • Appareantly users can chat with players in-game, but I've never seen a server that utilized that.
  • "Overall highly configurable and customizable" as one of the links above mentions, so I'm assuming there's lots of options Optical would have to set up the maps.

I'm sorry for posting something that relates to another server, but I really want to provide an example. Here's a live map I googled:

On the left side, you can toggle what icons you want see on the map (spawn, warps, players, etc.), and on the right you can change what world to look at and the map view (top-down, isometric, "cave" (which is the xray-esque view I mentioned before, which Im assuming is optional since Ive seen some servers have the option while others don't). Even the players online can be seen on the right.

Admittedly, there is one flaw I've noticed that Minecraft Overviewer has a one-up on, and that being that when you zoom in too close, the image starts to get a bit blurry. However, whether or not that outweighs all the good things I mentioned above is up to you.

I know we would need Optical in order for this to happen, but I think it would be worth trying to contact Optical about replacing the current live map, Minecraft Overviewer, with the far superior Minecraft Dynamic Map.

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