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Messages - bhoughton

Pages: 1 ... 24 25 [26]
Support / Re: Mobs and movement.
« on: May 02, 2012, 07:21:02 am »
Hmm okay, ill take a video :)

Support / Mobs and movement.
« on: May 02, 2012, 05:26:38 am »
This post is in regard to mobs, mostly (as i am aware) enderman and blaze (i have been told there was a few others).

In game these mobs do not move unless angered. Myself and a handful of other people in the community would like to know when this would be fixed or whether it will be fixed at all (im sure it will considering we have one of the most finest servers).

Thanks for reading (even though it is short xP)


Support / Re: Regarded to a Connection bug
« on: May 01, 2012, 06:39:31 am »
yup, when i posted it i saw that xP

sad times, the server logging in system is down or what ever xP. meh, ill go for a skate :)

Support / Regarded to a Connection bug
« on: May 01, 2012, 06:22:54 am »
hey everyone, well today (1st of may 4:19pm Sydney time +8 gmt i think xP) a friend of mine, DeweyMeister got disconnected from the server. i told him to restart his computer and his internet, he did so. then still nothing, so i told him to delete his .minecraft and he asked for the server ip, i gave it to him, but i logged out to check it was right ( i knew it was right lol) so when i went to log back in i got given this error message.
and for deweymeister it was also:

if you could help that would be much appreciated :)



I'm sure you will get it Nyssa :)
Best of luck!

Offtopic / D00MKNlGHT's Photos with opti afk in my home
« on: April 24, 2012, 11:39:13 am »
Heeya here are some photos of D00MKNlGHT with opti


^ "where is my dog" reminded me of "dude wheres my car" lawl


^ Opti i think you got a creeper creeping you <3 (D00MKNlGHT as creeper)


^ snowman, whos going to clean up the snow in my home?

haha much love bhoughton :D

ps opti did you take some of my wheat :O it was just at its planted stage when i went down and everything else was grown :O

Support / Donations - wrong thing selected
« on: April 03, 2012, 04:35:46 am »
Hey today i bought a disguise pack i was going to buy a second one. the thing is i accidentally (and i mean it) selected the "hats" one instead of the ocelots one. please help. im more than willing to pay the gap between ($5) and you remove the accesses of the hats command.



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