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Messages - Xoiiku

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4
Rejected / Re: Crafter - (Spartan_Rain)
« on: April 10, 2011, 07:20:16 pm »
Good luck3

Offtopic / Re: Hayabusa!
« on: April 10, 2011, 07:17:36 pm »
And a Spacecraft:

Rejected / Re: [Crafter] terrewee
« on: March 30, 2011, 09:14:06 pm »
Good luck2

Offtopic / Xoiiku's links of mystery and awesomeness
« on: March 27, 2011, 06:56:11 pm »
I thought that subject line might be more interesting and extensible than, "check out this cool math program I found".

Anyways, I found this website http://www.khanacademy.org/ after watching the founders TED talk. So far, I've been doing practice exercises to help me get better at math. For a self directed learner like me this is a great resource. So, I thought maybe other people might find this useful as well.

Architecture related TED talks:

Non minecraft creations / Re: art
« on: March 26, 2011, 04:52:29 am »
It's cool to be a part of a creative community. These are samples of my art from my digital and freehand work:

Projects / Re: St. Peters Basilica
« on: March 25, 2011, 08:59:44 pm »
If you are still looking for more builders I'd be down to help with this project. It seems to have more momentum right now than Notre Dame.

If anyone is familiar with Google Sketchup, there is a 3d model of St Peters Basillica that might serve as a guide (if one is needed?).

Projects / Re: What about Notre Dame?
« on: March 25, 2011, 06:58:20 am »
I'd be down for helping out whoever wants to take lead on the project. I don't have any experience doing replicas and like Terrewee I've never been there. I've been wanting to work on an epic collaboration project, so this sounds cool.

Accepted / [CRAFTER] Xoiiku
« on: March 24, 2011, 07:52:31 am »
Ingame name: Xoiiku
Join date: 2011.01.15

List your creations, and the worlds they are on:
Library and Beach House - Guest35
Jump Down and Pit of Collaboration - Guest39
Building4 - Builder4
Spawn Point Mandala - New Builder
Building5 - Tall Art

Links to screenshots of the creations:
Library and Beach House
Jump Down and Pit of Collaboration
Building4 and Spawn Point Mandala

All my buildings are freestyle, and I've put a lot of work into refining them (quality over quantity). Particularly with Building4 and Building5, there is a substantial amount of detail work and multiple levels that might be hard to appreciate from a quick pass. I have a sort of "level design" frame of mind when I've been working on these buildings, so I try to make them interesting/fun to explore. Thanks and Peace.

Rejected / Re: CRAFTER - Toxicstriker91
« on: March 24, 2011, 07:15:29 am »
Good luck.  ;D

Creations / Re: Builder creations of Xoiiku
« on: March 20, 2011, 08:54:20 am »
Terrewee, your contributions are still there and you're welcome to build off it or modify as you like.

I tried to keep the majority of the building within the 19x19 square so that maybe if someone wanted to use it as a spawn point it would be easier to cut and paste? The only things that go outside of those bounds are the multiple levels of exits I made underground. I was thinking of adding several exits on the upper floors as well, but I think I'd only do that if it was going to be used as a spawn point. I also built an aqueduct all the way from Building5 to MrMonkey's underground castle and found all sorts of interesting things hidden around the map.

Creations / Re: Builder creations of Xoiiku
« on: March 20, 2011, 08:06:34 am »
Building5 - Map: Tall Art
Inside down
Inside up

Creations / Re: Builder creations of Xoiiku
« on: March 14, 2011, 10:25:59 am »
Looks kinda futuristic. Is it just freestyle or does it resemble anything ?

All my buildings are freestyle, though the spawn point ended up looking like a mandala from above unintentionally. One thing that I think has helped refine my buildings style (or lack thereof, depending on your perspective) is to make them to be explored and not just looked at. Building4 is the best example of this, because all the passages and stairways are made so that a person without hacks can get around. I tried to make the open spaces varied enough so that it had visual depth and texture from structure rather than just different colored blocks on flat walls.

Also, all the water and lava is on multiple levels with plausible connections between them. So the water that runs down the gutters (which double as elevators) from the roof/jump point, collects in the moat surrounding the pit, feeds into all the water systems in the first underground level, then goes all the way down to the bottom through a series of channels and waterfalls.

Anyway, thanks everyone who gave me feedback on my buildings.

Creations / Builder creations of Xoiiku
« on: March 12, 2011, 10:59:57 am »
This is what I've been up to since becoming a Builder

Building4 - Map: Builder4
Building4 has several secret and interwoven passages to explore and I'm still refining it. The jump from the top goes through the sphere in the middle, the pit, the water level, library/forge level and then hits the bottom where there is a passage leading to Julfire's Maze or you can take the stairs back up through building 4 to the top.

Also, what became Building4 was originally just a temporary jump building I made over a pit that I helped Julfire and Dejong dig. The original jump building I made was heinous, and I didn't want to build in guest maps anymore so I just keep working with it until it wasn't completely ugly. Julfire had moved on to other projects, so over the next several weeks I kept adding to the building and then started to create the water level under the pit area. Eventually I built all the way down to Julfire's Maze/Aquarium, which still has a nice goldfish in it.

Spawn point mandala - Map: New Builder

Server News / Re: New Builder & Recruit maps
« on: March 10, 2011, 10:03:24 am »
Would it be possible to generate a new builder map that has some coastal and mountainous terrain?

It would also be cool if it was really tall as I'd like to build a sort of lighthouse with a wave power generator (oscillating water column) and a huge drop/jump inside it. Actually if people where into it, we could make the whole map feature renewable energy technologies paired with different (LEED) structures and keep some open space and trees in between them. A sort of sustainable technology and architecture meets zen garden type of map.

Alright, bye! College is waaaaaay more important than minecraft, you're making the right choice:)


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