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Messages - icooliam

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Ban Appeals / Re: [2crzy4uall] Didn't realise until after
« on: February 16, 2014, 09:23:20 am »

Also you know you're responsible for your account.
im confused...


Yeah well oh well, 2crzy i have to admit you are like the best banning member of staff, every time ive been banned by you i've never got unbanned or got my ban shortened

Ban Appeals / Re: [2crzy4uall] been baned duno why
« on: February 16, 2014, 09:20:22 am »
I know it was ninja

Ban Appeals / Re: [2crzy4uall] been baned duno why
« on: February 16, 2014, 09:14:57 am »
Wow thanks Ninja, ok well know you know and I know i've basically ruined my chances completely - but thanks for being a good server and I have enjoyed myself on it. Thanks guys and goodbye. If I'm allowed I will stay active on the forums, oh and btw please stop reading my skype; it's sorta scary :P

Ban Appeals / Re: Didn't realise until after
« on: February 16, 2014, 08:49:38 am »
When I came on the server it was deathly quiet and no-one was speaking in the chat, I was not told at all about LWC being down.

Ban Appeals / [2crzy4uall] Didn't realise until after
« on: February 16, 2014, 08:29:07 am »
Hi, I recently got banned for stealing items whilst LWC was down. I live in the old guest world which of course is highly populated with many active and inactive players' houses. When I got to my town yesterday I noticed that there was a change behind some houses quite far away; so I walked over the hill to see what it was, I found that there was a new dirt platform there and a chest, so I opened the chest not knowing at this point that LWC was down.

I took items from that chest following the rules that if a chest in unlocked you may take items from it, I have been told this many times by various members of staff. Anyway when I later found out that LWC was in fact broken I was going to speak to staff about the items I took but there were no staff on. I later had to go out to a anniversary party of my dead brothers friend. I hope you understand my lack of knowledge and shorten my ban - I would be very greatful, thanks


Trade Central / Re: Anyone Selling Spawn Eggs
« on: February 15, 2014, 09:13:53 am »
I think staff banned them no?

Support / Re: Broken Server / Client?
« on: February 15, 2014, 08:42:33 am »
And now the server and live map are down :(

Ban Appeals / Re: My Ban Appeal.
« on: January 24, 2014, 08:35:17 pm »
Thanks Tobs, your the best  :D!

Ban Appeals / My Ban Appeal.
« on: January 24, 2014, 08:10:12 pm »
My complete list of bans: http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/page,BanLookup.html?username=icooliam

Hi, I'm icooliam and I realize that I was caught advertising my server, I'm not going to make some excuse like "it was my friend" because I don't want to lie. I asked my close friends on the server discreetly (with signs) if they would like to join my server, I have two reasons for writing it on signs, number one is that I didn't want Tobs finding out (for obvious reasons) and number two I know how annoying it is when a player types and iP into the global chat, I have my own problems of people doing that on my own server, and besides I only wanted my friends on for now.

I enjoy Opticraft and play regularly and I have many friends, I have been playing for well over a year now and enjoy every day I play. I understand that this is my fifth ban and that it will probably be banned perm, but please look at my other bans as I know at least one was discussed with staff and said that I shouldn't of been banned. This ban that was discussed was about a grief trap that looked similar to a NPC desert well, I thought it was one and so griefed.

I'm not going to beg endlessly for an unban as I understand I have disobeyed the rules quite a few times now and that the decision is up to you, please give me one last chance as I do really really enjoy this server and I do not want to never be able to come back on, thanks for reading,


Trade Central / Two stacks of iron blocks
« on: January 08, 2014, 07:53:50 pm »
Hi guys, I've got two stacks of iron blocks available to buy  ;D

For both!
Price: $6500
Bid Increment: $10
Ending time: When i want!
Buyout price: $7500

Just for one stack
Price: $3900
Bid Increment: $10
Ending time: When i want!
Buyout price: $5250

Trade Central / Enderman Farm
« on: January 08, 2014, 07:51:06 pm »
Hey guys, icooliam here. I have recently finished my end farm which is now available for you to buy access to. The access is very cheap. For more info goto /home icooliam end

Trade Central / Selling Mansion - Very Cheap
« on: January 05, 2014, 09:07:40 am »
Hey guys, ages ago I built a mansion. Recently I have needed another /home, so I have decided to sell this mansion. I'm not expecting to get a lot for it as it is only made out of wood and has a cobble roof + floor. However I know because of it's size it won't go for free. I don't want to just give this away as I did spend a little bit of money making it. So if you are interested please just say your price below, don't worry about if the price is really low just say it anyway. The pictures are below. To see the mansion for yourself goto /home icooliam mansion

(click to show/hide)

Will you take 2k?

Trade Central / Buying glass OR sand [Updated]
« on: January 02, 2014, 08:31:26 pm »
Hi guys I need lots of glass, or sand, the info in below for both of them.

Glass Prices (uncoloured)

Price per stack:$90 or $1000 for 10
How many stacks are needed: Over 20, I'm not sure how many exactly
Other info: Please only say if you can be on when I can be on.

Sand Prices

Price per stacks: $60 or $700 for 10
How many stacks are needed: Over 20
Other info: Please only say if you can be on when I can be on.

If you can supply me with either sand or glass I would be very happy! Also I will pay for half stacks of glass only.

My eyes are bleeding.

My eyes and ears are bleeding...

Here's a critique of it:
It looks very amateur, the song, the transitions, the clips. The song: It doesn't really fit the video, it seems like you just slapped on some song that was on your hard drive perhaps you can find something that fits better. The transitions between clips: they seem random and they just pop to another clip, there is no blend or order it seems. The clips: It just looks like you're walking around following a person play the game, instead give examples of what opticraft is, that doesn't necessarily mean go around and look at all the buildings, show them the experience they'd get it they were to be on opticraft. For example, show them the market, examples of how staff are great here, or examples of how the community is great.

I know you can't fly, but you can build platforms to stand on to get birds eye views.

Heres a tip Matt: Good recording, but change the video content and add a different song, maybe something minecrafty

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