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Messages - tiggy26668

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Offtopic / Re: Cookie Clicker - The Older Version
« on: February 23, 2014, 03:11:02 pm »
Go hard or go home.

(click to show/hide)

turns out 26,163,600 cookies/second is the exact amount it switches to when u try to cheat with a really high number.....

(click to show/hide)

love how u left out the upgrades cuz the numbers got reset to really low ones lol

if only u'd taken the time to change the cookies/second to something not blatantly obvious

Server News / Re: SMP temporarily offline
« on: February 16, 2014, 12:20:47 pm »
That is entirely different lol...

To hack a facebook account you either need to steal session ids using arp spoofing.  This is basically tricking facebook to send the login data through a fake-router before connecting to the internet.  This is fairly easy to do, but is basically not possible being as facebook has encrypted passwords.(You can arp-spoof through apps on a rooted android phone to show how easy it is.)

Or you would have to "phish" facebook passwords which requires pretty deep knowledge and tools... So hacking facebook passwords is much harder than ddosing.

lol no you're over complicating it.

Being a hacker on facebook means taking someones phone that automatically logs them in and typing something, anyway back on topic; thanks opti

lol this is how it happens like 80% of the time so nail on the head

the other options are tricking people into going to a false fb login link and scamming them (not hacking anything)

or tricking them into downloading a key logger, which is again a scam not a hack

people like blaming their mistakes on hackers because then it's outa their control, but in reality it's usually them falling for some kind of scam and downloading something they shouldn't or logging in where they shouldn't.
New York Times: Hacking vs Scamming
and it's as easy as that.

Server News / Re: SMP temporarily offline
« on: February 15, 2014, 07:27:09 pm »
just for the record guys ddos isn't really hacking. it equates more to me calling your phone over and over until no one else can call your phone because i constantly am.

It used to be that you could do this from a single computer (phone) but servers got smart and now limit the number of pings (calls) per second.

so pretty much what happens now is some stupid kid somewhere pays a botnet company (bunch of people sitting around at a call center) to have all the computers they control (employees at phones) ping your server (call your phone) over and over again to "distribute" the pings per second (calls per second)

no hacker in the true sense of the word gives 2 s**ts about attacking a minecraft server, and ddos-ing someone is beneath them, there's much stealthier ways to infiltrate and disturb a servers infrastructure.

so yea this wasn't a hack done by a hacker.... it was a disgruntled child throwing a tantrum with mommy's credit card.

Trade Central / Re: Buying double chests of blocks!
« on: February 13, 2014, 01:04:19 am »
Psssst you may want to see if Zera has the logs. She has sold me alot when i figured out i ran completely out of wood.

zera is a wood cutting machine lol she's supplied me with several double chests of dark oak logs, very reliable source  :D

General Discussion / Re: Bans
« on: February 13, 2014, 01:02:51 am »
I know that mobs can't be rolled back, but I think people who create the mods for Opticraft should make an add-on for the plugin used to roll-back areas, that rolls back entities as well.

there's really 2 main issues with rolling back entities

1) There's no way of tracking entities short of adding each one to a database and doing complex math to track their locations 24/7 which would bog down the server to the point it's unplayable. not to mention keeping track of who kills what entities.

2) there's no way to claim ownership of an entity, and putting one in an enclosed space doesn't actually make it your entity, you're more so just impeding the flow of the entity until u decide to kill it than anything else.

while it sucks this is the cold hard truth....
if you want to keep your entities safer do like i did, bury a bunch around your property, that way when a griefer comes along and kills them all, u can just dig up a couple and repopulate, because lets face it clicking a cow with wheat isn't hard enough to warrant an op using eggs and the only time it really sucks is when they kill "all" of your entities.

Suggestions / Re: Wither fighting arena
« on: February 10, 2014, 08:59:10 pm »
I think this has more problems than it's worth, the current price is something to work towards and it isn't meant to be easy.

also if we were to remove the ability to sell them it would pretty much be a slap to the face of anyone who bought a beacon on the premise that they could sell it back if they needed the money in the future

Suggestions / Re: Community Service
« on: February 06, 2014, 10:10:11 pm »
Hmm your right it probs wont happen just thinking but I really need more money for a project

grab a fortune 3 pick axe and start mining, it's honestly the best way to make money.

you could spend an hour working for someone for 2-5k or make 20-50k in that same hour mining not to mention if you use the mining xp for enchants and sell those / renew your pick you'll either make supplemental money or at the very least not spend more on a new pick

I support this.

Can I have a little hobbit-hole in one of the roots? Please? <3

possibly claw =P

More complete than gavin's. +1

Can I get my own tree? Preferably one of those sexy pink japanese ones (cherry blossom(sounds wicked manly i know))
Good luck tiggy

unfortunately minecraft doesn't have cherry blossoms, or pink leaves.... but you can always cross your fingers that they get added....

Project name: Hadn't really gotten that far

location (Live map link, coordinates, not biome, include world name):
*note* due to the fact that the map plugin hasn't updated for the new dark oak block, it's just a giant ominous shadow
here's a quick in game picture of it
(click to show/hide)
though it would be easier to understand what it looks like by viewing it at my /home temp

Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner): tiggy26668

Approximate dimensions: 500ish x 400ish blocks
this is the area i want to protect
(click to show/hide)

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings:
well there's a giant tree which I've started putting the upper branches on, not really sure how many buildings that counts as.....

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any:
the project is in it's begging stages first tree/tree house

the future plans for it were to create a series of giant trees/houses around the central lake and rebuild the forest around it with larger than normal, but not quite as giant as the tree house trees. and then connect the trees with an underground rail system that would appear to be traveling through the roots.

Why should we grant this city protection?
well i've already protected the majority of the ground with 800k worth of diamond protection stones, however the build is one of those ground to sky builds so it's kinda hard to protect the air around it and the upper levels.

more importantly in the little over a week I've been building it i've already had at least one person decide to set up shop right next to it in a gap between the protection stones as seen here:

i had wanted to wait and get some more of it done before applying for protection but given that i already have people trying to invade the area i thought sooner rather than later is better.

I made out these little chicken pens underground. All of my chickens despawned and they were not causing any lag... Poor chicks, you shall not be forgotten.
Lol I remember when you made that. But I think what Opticalza didn't want happening, is if 1000 people did this...Plus Mopars Over the top chicken farm...

well the real problem is self perpetuating hopper + dispenser chicken farms that just never stop spawning more chickens into a 5x5 area until the server breaks lol.

Trade Central / Re: Buying Dark Oak Logs
« on: January 31, 2014, 07:49:52 am »
How many do you need?

as many as you have, whether it's 1 stack or 12 double chests i'll take it lol

Trade Central / Buying Dark Oak Logs
« on: January 31, 2014, 07:11:45 am »
looking to buy hundreds of stacks of dark oak logs, however many you have i need.

Paying: $100/per stack of dark oak logs

message me here or in game if you have some you'd like to sell

Suggestions / access to /recipe command
« on: January 30, 2014, 09:08:59 pm »
pretty simple, essentials already comes with a command for viewing item recipes, it's /recipe <item> and it'd b cool if we could have access to it.

would make life easier and instead of having to tell people recipes or send them to google we could just tell them to /recipe <item>.

how bout it?

Suggestions / Re: a creative server/world
« on: January 27, 2014, 05:58:27 am »
you guys should realize that if this ever did happen the worlds would be connected through some form of programming magic.... the communities wouldn't be separated. it's not like we would create a whole other segregated server, that'd be stupid. Also new content would mean new players which would actually increase the community size rather than splitting it in half..... not to mention some of the new creative players would probably join everyone on the smp worlds to.

point being it's not like a black hole sucking everyone you know out of existence....

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