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Messages - proush600563

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looking good Ozzy, glad to see you back :)

Well, I'm quite proud of myself, in the last two days I have finished the graveyard, my farm, a boat and my mine.  They are all visit able from my following homes:

/home hammysandwhich farm

/home hammysandwhich town

/home hammysandwhich harbour

/home hammysandwhich

I'll make sure to put this in a GN update this upcoming weekend, good job!

Well due to the new slavery laws, my slave has to have his break and somehow, he went bungee jumping and got hurt, so I'm going to have to get my nails dirty, I just got them done. :/

ok so ive looked over the information from both of you and i think i will give the job to Caanite

The farm is at /home proush600563 paratopia, although it may move sooner or later if i get time, if it does i will post on here or mail you.

If youve noticed my latest posts on the Golden Nations page Ive been a little less active latley so I'm not sure when I'll be on. Also Since you picked Paratopia I'll have to build a new plot. I think , although I might have an 11x11 I'll have to look.

What time are you ussually on EST so maybe I can try and meet you online.

Sorry for the low activity but we are still here!  :)

Building continues on the Capitol City in the farm region

Projects and Creations / Re: The Golden Nations: opticraft cities
« on: April 02, 2013, 04:49:32 am »
Sorry for things being so slow, but the GN is still here no worries!

Weekly update for Golden Nations

Golden Nations
(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

Shroom City
(click to show/hide)

The Kingdom of Camoria
(click to show/hide)

Italian City
(click to show/hide)

Arenae City
(click to show/hide)

New Arenae City
(click to show/hide)

Terror Town
(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

Silver City
(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

Cities: If you want to add something in the update be sure to post it

Offtopic / Re: College tuition
« on: March 25, 2013, 06:23:04 pm »
What school are you going to for $40k a year?

All my tuition is in loans, $20k in debt ftw!

Boston University.
And I think it's 50k-60k. Not 40k. Lol.
That's insane, are you out of state? Because that would explain it.

50 or 60k? I'm hoping that's like board books and all lol I would kill over if I had to pay that much

And I've heard work studies are usually good ways to get money, and if you haven't filled your FASFA yet I'd do it soon

Offtopic / Re: How about some pictures. :P
« on: March 22, 2013, 04:16:50 am »
As most have requested a LONG time ago, I finally have it. Sorry for delays all:

(click to show/hide)

Bout time caz! XD

Projects and Creations / Re: The Golden Nations: opticraft cities
« on: March 22, 2013, 04:14:38 am »
I just thought I'd tell everyone now that I can clearly see that my time on opt has dramatically decreased, my activity is probably going to be a lot lower than it has been in the past. This could last until summer or fall, or even longer. This is all for the following reasons:

1.) Preparing for college
2.) second job
3.) first job picking up
4.) school and related stuff
5.) one of my favorite games growing up recently released a new version and though I'm not going to say what it is so that I do not pull anyone's time away from Opti I've been spending what little spare time I have on that game instead of here.

So sorry GN and everyone my activity will probably decrease a bit, however, I am not leaving, just reducing my time.
Thanks to everyone who works hard at keeping these amazing cities looking cool, grief free, and awe striking.



(There will be an update this weekend if I get info to post)

Projects and Creations / Re: The Golden Nations: opticraft cities
« on: March 16, 2013, 02:55:22 pm »
Just wondering, when I finish my SnowyTown Project, can it be joined onto the
golden nations? And what are the benifits which come with being a part of the
Golden nations? I may or may not join depending on the conditions (or if I don't
meet qualification standards, if you have any)
It just depends on if we feel it meets the standards when it is done. The city's that we accept are are what we feel should be considered the best on the server.
As to benefits, we work together a lot and it is much easier to trade with a GN member if you need something because the large difference in biomes, skills, etc. so it is very likely that someone will have what you need. There are many other benefits and I believe there are some listed on the first page. Among the biggest though is probably publicity, the GN has grown considerably since it was founded last year, and not only that but the quality has improved as well. Many people on the server know what the GN is at this point, especially the older members and anyone who checks the project forums. This can help a city in two ways: 1 if they are selling homes they will more likely have more buyers, 2 if they just want to show off their city there will be plenty more viewers.

I know most of your cities may not like the idea, but it might be worth it once it's done. Move all of your cities to one place and make the Golden Nations completely united with several roads leading to each city. I might make a city if you guys are willing to accept this idea.
This is actually a work in progress and has been happening with some of the older cities for around a couple months now... So good idea haha

Projects and Creations / Re: The Golden Nations: opticraft cities
« on: March 16, 2013, 02:46:28 pm »
Sorry it has been so long everybody, between school and other stuff it's getting to be that time of year again where my activity will be lower, but nonetheless I'm going to try to keep up with updates.  ;D

Weekly update for Golden Nations

Golden Nations
(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

Shroom City
(click to show/hide)

The Kingdom of Camoria
(click to show/hide)

Italian City
(click to show/hide)

Arenae City
(click to show/hide)

New Arenae City
(click to show/hide)

Terror Town
(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

Silver City
(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

Cities: If you want to add something in the update be sure to post it

Projects and Creations / Re: The Golden Nations: opticraft cities
« on: March 09, 2013, 04:06:54 am »
No I don't mind it's actually appreciated I must have missed that when I copy pasted the info in, thanks

Projects and Creations / Re: The Kingdom of Camoria
« on: March 08, 2013, 03:53:19 am »
Welcome to the Golden Nations hammy!

Projects and Creations / Re: Community: City/Town Registry (list)
« on: March 08, 2013, 03:52:00 am »
Name of the city/town:  The Kingdom of Camoria
Theme: Medieval.
Biome:  Mountainous/jungle/maybe swamp/ maybe water too.
Link to your original thread: http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/topic,16726.0.html
Type: hmm town probably since there is no village.
Does your community have protection: no, may or may not go for it later on..

Notes:  This village is stilly the construction stage. But I have done quite a bit lately..

Also please add this to the golden nations province as well tabooti.


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