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Messages - NotABronie

Pages: 1 ... 16 17 [18]
Projects and Creations / Underground City
« on: June 24, 2012, 11:05:50 pm »
I am currently excavating an area as thought to make an underground city. Do not help unless yo are willing to go without pay. The city will run though an abandondoned mineshaft. Come to /home zaphodmavin42 if I am online. Message me if you really want to help. I will not pay you. I cannot emphasize that enough. I will explain to you what we will be doing once I feel like it. I will be making houses and hotels to rent. I really did  not  want to post about it because I wanted it to be done before many people knew about it. I would really like for people to help me but once again. You will not be paid. ;D


Ban Appeals / Re: May I please be unbanned from this server
« on: June 18, 2012, 07:05:04 pm »
Thank you so much Xeadin

Ban Appeals / May I please be unbanned from this server
« on: June 18, 2012, 02:52:38 pm »
May I please be unbanned from this server, for it wasn't clear to me what is considered griefing, for i was shoveling snow just outside of the spawn point and then suddenly i got banned. My Friend, ZaphodMarvin42, had recently joined this server and asked a server moderator why i had been banned, and he said that the only possible way that i could've been banned was for digging up the snow because that snow wasn't technically mine. In the event that i will be unbanned, i will make sure to be minding my own business in my house, making sure that the only reason why i would be in people's buildings is for fixing others houses/mansions/towns/castles that have been grief and they request help. I personally hate griefers, for they just don't know how to play a simple game so they have to ruin everyone else's experience on this server. I always try to help people who have been griefed, for example, someone randomly put lava in ExtremedDrop's building so i rushed over there with dirt and a shovel, and i will continue to do so, so long as there is a chance for me to do so.


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