June 01, 2024, 05:56:04 pm

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Messages - ☣2crzy4uall☣

Pages: 1 ... 110 111 [112]
Ok not to sound like an ass, but if you're going to ban somebody you shouldn't you follow up on it???

Hopefully you can realize what sarcasm is, it was a joke ;) not trying to change anyones mind

 . ;)

rawr -.- not incredibly short when you have a full time job, I really just wanna play on here. I dont have a lot of time to wait, I dont want to just give the server money then quit it, im sorry for the 10 blocks

can I please get some help on here? I know it was wrong I just want to play on this server, i dont like investing so much effort into nothing

really wanna get back to playing

look on your appeals ppl are pardoned and permanent bans are lifted, i apologize for becoming upset and griefing 10 blocks. you gotta understand this is the only server im playing on i want to be a member for a long time, but honestly 3 days from now I'll be on a diff one so please can you save me the trouble and just pardon this? not gonna happen again

ok thanks for that, i honestly think it should be shorter, like i said punishment for 300 is a week

for breaking ten blocks? i see ppl getting banned for a week for 300 blocks, so ten blocks is the same as 150?

noted, now how long is my ban?

apparently breaking 10 signs because someone steals your money at their "shop" is a no no. i just became a member and donated $15 dollars to you. so I'd appreciate either A. my money refunded, or B. unbanned

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