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Messages - Zezenov

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Willkommen to the city comrades. Now get building

General Discussion / Re: Goodbye Forever - For Real
« on: February 05, 2013, 10:04:20 pm »
I wish you and the other people who leave the server wouldn't make posts about it and drag the mood of the forums down with you.   :'(

General Discussion / Civil Unrest Growing in Stuttgart
« on: January 14, 2013, 06:02:25 pm »

Protests were held today outside of Stuttgart's National Bank, though they were quickly put down by riot police.

Could this spell trouble on the horizon for the city? Experts fear there may be a revolution approaching in the near future.  Rumors of rebel camps forming on the fringes of the nations territory are running rampant and an opposition leader, Igenerator, has emerged to lead the fledgling movement.  Will Tabooti be able to hold on to power?  Tabooti has ordered the immediate construction of a new SPR station to be created to try and counter the rebels with propaganda as well as hastened output at the munitions factory.  This may get bloody.


Ich vermute einen versteckten Zweck

General Discussion / Re: Spawn rates
« on: November 29, 2012, 05:05:53 am »
Is this a major issue or just a minor break down?

or just all in your head

Great poster, good work Tabooti

Projects and Creations / Re: The Church Of Pibbert
« on: November 18, 2012, 01:29:28 am »
Zezenov has seen the chapel near my home and I have a nice priest skin.  We have converted theone7142 from theoneism to Pibbertism! Just an update :)

Glorious news!

Projects and Creations / Re: The Church Of Pibbert
« on: November 12, 2012, 11:13:04 pm »
Unfortunately I'm buried under a metric ton of work from my two math classes and have a midterm tomorrow, so I won't be able to dig out of all this until Wednesday, so hang in there till then.

Projects and Creations / Re: The Church Of Pibbert
« on: November 12, 2012, 08:53:20 am »
You're going to have to write a bible/holy book!

Well The Histories of Pibbert contains the story and commandments from this thread, so we have that.  I of course want to keep it reasonably short though so it's accessible to the masses.  On this note, we are in need of ink sacs to make all the books so if anyone wants to donate some it'd be appreciated.

Projects and Creations / Re: The Church Of Pibbert
« on: November 12, 2012, 02:27:26 am »
Do you seek to be enlightened and spread the teachings of Pibbert all over Opticraft? Yes!
Would you be willing to construct a monastery/church where you live? Yes :)
Are you interested in distributing The Histories of Pibbert? Yes, I really am!
Do you want to be a priest or simply a follower? A priest!

Wonderful! Welcome to The Church Of Pibbert!  I'll talk with you about building the monastery and such when we're both online

Projects and Creations / Re: The Church Of Pibbert
« on: November 11, 2012, 09:58:49 pm »
Notch doesn't exist here

Projects and Creations / The Church Of Pibbert
« on: November 11, 2012, 10:23:51 am »

Hear ye Hear ye Opticraft, you are bearing witness to the beginning of a new Religion!

Zezenov, Tabooti, and Igenerator have been witness to a great many things and most important of all is our encounter with the Lord Pibbert.

And so it was, the nomads Zezenov and Tabooti , along with their merry men were traversing the wastes of North Town when in the distance a light shone down from the heavens on the hill before them.  And when they reached it, the clouds in the sky above parted and revealed the avatar of the Lord Pibbert, in all his glory, and he did say to the men, you are to be my disciples and spread my teachings across the land.  And then the Lord Pibbert did dictate to the two his 10 commandants.  And the two did listen intently so that they would never forget the Lord’s words.  

The Ten Commandments Of Our Lord Pibbert

Thou shalt not build structures out of dirt.
Thou shalt not live in horrid wooden or cobblestone shacks
Thou shalt never grief the work of thy neighbor
Thou shalt not steal from the unclaimed property of thy neighbor
Thou shalt not scar the landscape by only partially cutting trees down
Thou shalt not lie to the Admins and Owner of the Server
Thou shalt not build on the land of thy neighbor without permission
Thou shalt not bear false witness to an incidence of grief
Thou shalt not abuse exploits in the fabric of the world
Above all, thou shalt not take the name of Pibbert in vain

And then the lord continued.  On this very spot, you shall build a holy city as a haven to all who seek it from the evils that inhabit this world.  And this city shall be named Stettin.  Zezenov and Tabooti fell to their knees at this and cried, Yes Lord! We shall do as you ask.
And so they did.  Months later the city was constructed and stood out on the landscape in all its glory, defying the wasteland around it.

Stettin on the live map ---->     http://smp.opticraft.net/map/#/32/64/-1187/-2/0/0

But then as the days went on, the shacks begin closing in around the city, and the gypsy camps moved closer with them, until a day came that they were at the foot of Stettin's great walls.  Try as Zezenov and Tabooti might, the gypsies could not be driven back and one day they pushed through the gates into the city and layed waste to it, destroying and desecrating the holy land.  

And so Zezenov and Tabooti, accompanied by Igenerator, went back to the hill where the lord had spoken to them before, above the ruins of Stettin and yelled up into the heavens, Oh Lord! Why have you forsaken us! And the clouds did part, but it was not the Lord that came down from them, but the angel Nick3306, with huge white wings and a golden glow surrounding him.  With a wave of his hand, a bright light engulfed the city and a moment later it was restored to its former glory. And the people did rejoice.  The citizens flooded into the streets and cheered at the winged figure hovering above them.   And then the angel spoke in a thunderous voice.  

ZEZENOV. TABOOTI You hath forsaken the Lord Pibbert and allowed the desecration of the holy city of Stettin.  You must leave this place and begin anew.  You are to build a new holy city better than the last, and this city shall be named Stuttgart.  Oh yes, yes we will, thank you! they cried while tears of joy poured down their faces.  And the three traveled very far away from Stettin, to another continent across a great sea, and founded the city of Stuttgart and made it into the great city it is today, with a grand cathedral dedicated to the Lord Pibbert.

Stuttgart on the live map ----> http://smp.opticraft.net/map/#/-3796/64/-1921/-3/0/0 Extends as far as there are roads and red towers


And friends, here we are today.  The Cathedral in Lord Pibberts honor has been finished and around it is one of the largest and most extensive cities on the server.  We now seek to share the teachings of Pibbert with the masses and spread The Church Of Pibbert all across the great plains of Opticraft.

And we'll need your help to do it.  We ask that all aspiring folk out there join the church and help us build monastaries all across the world in their towns, cities and villages.  We also wish to distribute copies of The Histories of Pibbert The Great all over the world. We also of course seek donations to help us construct these monuments.  In addition to this, the great statues you see featured above require more gold blocks to finish them so that they might shine with the glory of Pibbert.

So, if you wish to join our church simply post here and we'll be in touch.  We'll get you properly outfitted and on your way to spreading the word of Pibbert all across Opticraft!


Do you seek to be enlightened and spread the teachings of Pibbert all over Opticraft?
Would you be willing to construct a monastery/church where you live?
Are you interested in distributing The Histories of Pibbert?
Do you want to be a priest or simply a follower?

No applicants shall be denied.

Sermons will be held often in Stuttgart to explain things further and initiate the fresh converts.

Pibbert be praised!

A quick note - Obviously this is not a real religion and we're not trying to do anything what so ever with anything outside of minecraft, this is meant to be satirical, don't take it seriously.  This is just minecraft roleplay with an emphasis on getting some nice structures built

figured you'd want to have the city as a backdrop.  The area off of the highway is pretty empty to the south

or maybe that big open cobblestone lot by the skyscraper, it could be extended.

Why not just build it in the vast empty, level area in front of the convention center?

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