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Messages - akosibitoy

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 11
Offtopic / Re: Happy Birthday lLLEGAL
« on: October 11, 2011, 09:56:26 am »
happy advanced birthday.I guess.

Projects / Re: I was wondering...
« on: October 08, 2011, 02:08:08 pm »
Flags are too easy and simple.I believe you can't get recruit even with only flags :).(Well,that's what I think)

Offtopic / Re: MineCraft "Brain Teasers" Game!
« on: October 08, 2011, 01:53:43 pm »
One day,a guy was mining when he stumbled on 4 zombies.He had a diamond sword with him.It was well lighted with torches.And he has decent experience on combat but,he died...How did he die?

He fell into lava? He just died from the zombies. Everyone makes mistakes. The zombies were in real life.

I should have added some more info :/
But thats correct.Also correct if he experienced a massive spike lag

Offtopic / Re: MineCraft "Brain Teasers" Game!
« on: October 08, 2011, 09:44:18 am »
One day,a guy was mining when he stumbled on 4 zombies.He had a diamond sword with him.It was well lighted with torches.And he has decent experience on combat but,he died...How did he die?

Offtopic / Re: New Playstation Commercial
« on: October 06, 2011, 02:00:53 pm »
I don't really get the reference and what the meaning of the commercial.And who the heck is Michael?Is he a no.one fan of games?What about the other portraits that appeared at the end of the commercial?What does the pictures signify?
Im confused :S

But I remembered some characters there
1.Lightning from FFXIII
2.Little sister from Bioshock
3.Chell from portal
4.Solid Snake from Metal Gear Solid
5.Kratos from God of War
6.Ezio from Assasin's Creed

Offtopic / Re: My Little Pony Friendship is Magic
« on: October 06, 2011, 01:33:38 pm »

People who love minecraft and this show...
(No,I don't watch this show)

General Discussion / Re: Minecraft Blocks Guide.
« on: October 02, 2011, 01:09:13 pm »
Spelling errors found in

Thats All I can see I believe

And for the crafting guide

does this help?

They put the bow the wrong way around, just sayin :P But yeah, thats a nice pic you got there :)

Meh this was an outdated picture.I mean look at the arrow recipe XD

General Discussion / Re: Minecraft Blocks Guide.
« on: October 02, 2011, 12:19:44 pm »
Spelling errors found in

Thats All I can see I believe

And for the crafting guide

does this help?

Offtopic / Re: What rank are you?
« on: October 02, 2011, 10:05:52 am »
Whats the purpose of this when you can see your rank just below your name?except if your a guest,member or recruit.

General Discussion / Re: Why cant i rank up?
« on: October 01, 2011, 11:17:14 am »
member=Just register in this forum.
recruit=build something cool and show it to an operator online(if there are any)
builder=Make a builder application in the forum(make sure you follow the builder template)Oh and you can't get builder without getting recruit
operator=Make an operator application in the forum.Note that you need to be builder+ before applying.You can get permission from admins if you wanna make an application even if your rank is recruit or lower
crafter=Make a crafter application in the forum.But,you must have permission given by an admin

Introductions / Re: Im back!
« on: September 29, 2011, 02:19:26 pm »
Welcome back magic.I guess :).Im sure well you remember me :D

Offtopic / Re: Life size lego ford explorer
« on: September 28, 2011, 04:58:26 am »
Now if someone would build this in Minecraft...

General Discussion / Re: Finding caverns and dungeons?
« on: September 27, 2011, 01:34:16 pm »
No numbers :(

Read what I said in the first post

General Discussion / Finding caverns and dungeons?
« on: September 27, 2011, 12:38:35 pm »
Since 1.8 came out.Those numbers that come out above the mobs is removed.And I depend on it to help me find those rich caverns and dungeons.I barely hear any sounds of water or any mobs.and whenever I try to mine my way to find a cavern.I always end in bedrock :(


General Discussion / Re: Reserving space - recruits
« on: September 25, 2011, 02:05:14 am »
We dont can reserve space at the world, but i think we can reserve space in air?
(up bedrock level)???
if we reserve space in the air, we're dont destroyin the other recruits space, just using another space.
except for building too much tall
if i'm correctly, reply this topic plz
thanks, Reator
reater wth?, you are one of the guys who griefed our work i think

Impossible,it is clearly seen in /whois that he has been absent in the server for 1 week

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