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Messages - proush600563

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Support / Minecart Problems
« on: May 24, 2013, 06:38:04 pm »
not sure what is wrong and this is kind of a weird problem to explain. In my city and the neighboring City there is a minecart system.
In my city near the gate there is a Central station for my city, and there are several other stations throughout the two cities.
I can succesfully travel from any stop, and can succesfully go and arive at every station exept Central Station.
I can leave from any station but if i arive at Central and try to get out it sends me back to my previous location when i was last not in the cart.
we have also tested this problem with other users and i have tried to relog, it is only me who has this bug. My player is physically telleported to its last location, although the cart stays at Central Station.
If i use the /back command after being sent to my previous location it will teleport me to where I tried to exit the minecart at in central station.
this problem only happens when ARIVING at this ONE station. departing from it works fine.
let me know if you need anymore information on the bug, or if it may be something that i am doing wrong.


p.s. some of my responses may be slow because I am limited on time this week and will not be as active as normal.

Offtopic / Re: How about some pictures. :P
« on: May 22, 2013, 04:09:55 am »
I'll just leave this here.

A bison, my sister, and I at the zoo!
(click to show/hide)
Which ones you? :P

Projects and Creations / Re: Community: City/Town Registry (list)
« on: May 19, 2013, 03:59:24 am »
Can you remove sandlands from the Golden Nations please? I just realized this hadn't been done yet.

Projects and Creations / Re: The Golden Nations: opticraft cities
« on: May 19, 2013, 03:55:30 am »
FNV I need access to all of the vault doors that lead to rooms you wish to showcase in your app. especially housing.

this way we can personnally look at the city. If not you can just wait until we are both online at the same time.
Ok, I'll do it, and if there is a chance if we are both on, I'll msg you.

edit: read my mail

Going through the process about 45% through like I said I'm so it is so much slower lately I appreciate the patience :)

Projects and Creations / Re: The Golden Nations: opticraft cities
« on: May 19, 2013, 03:53:25 am »
City name: It is actually a city/town, Atlantis
Link to city page: http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/topic,17080.msg163506.html#msg163506
City owner and their in game rank(only one please): andersad, Member
Has the owner ever been banned?: Yes, twice (I am not the same anymore).
If so what for?: Griefing, over 11 months ago.
How to reach the city in game: /home andersad town
Is the city registered on Tabooti's list?: Yes
Do you have city protection?: Not yet, but I will apply soon.
What are your city's x and z coordinates?(helpful for live map but not required): x: -4793 z: 3664  (Idk how to use Livemap yet)
You understand that if your city is removed from the city registry sheet or you are banned in game I have permission to remove your city from The Golden Nations?:Yes

NOTE: I am still expanding and making buildings.

Unfortunatly I am going to reject this for now. I really had to think about it, but, I just do not believe it is far enough along in its development yet. It is a very nice city, however, it needs a few more complete structures before it can be accepted.
feel free to apply later in developement

     Thats fine, I agree it still needs some more buildings. Thanks anyway though mate! Btw If you have any ideas for me to build Please tell me.  ;) Im kinda stuck looking for a goood build.

Generally housing, transportation, and markets tend to be a good filler space as far as buildings go. There are probably locks on some of the city doors including Capitol city here for a few more days. But feel free to look around the GN cities for Ideas.

Projects and Creations / Re: The Golden Nations: opticraft cities
« on: May 17, 2013, 04:04:09 pm »
FNV I need access to all of the vault doors that lead to rooms you wish to showcase in your app. especially housing.

this way we can personnally look at the city. If not you can just wait until we are both online at the same time.

Projects and Creations / Re: The Golden Nations: opticraft cities
« on: May 17, 2013, 04:01:59 pm »
City name: It is actually a city/town, Atlantis
Link to city page: http://www.opticraft.net/index.php/topic,17080.msg163506.html#msg163506
City owner and their in game rank(only one please): andersad, Member
Has the owner ever been banned?: Yes, twice (I am not the same anymore).
If so what for?: Griefing, over 11 months ago.
How to reach the city in game: /home andersad town
Is the city registered on Tabooti's list?: Yes
Do you have city protection?: Not yet, but I will apply soon.
What are your city's x and z coordinates?(helpful for live map but not required): x: -4793 z: 3664  (Idk how to use Livemap yet)
You understand that if your city is removed from the city registry sheet or you are banned in game I have permission to remove your city from The Golden Nations?:Yes

NOTE: I am still expanding and making buildings.

Unfortunatly I am going to reject this for now. I really had to think about it, but, I just do not believe it is far enough along in its development yet. It is a very nice city, however, it needs a few more complete structures before it can be accepted.
feel free to apply later in developement


Projects and Creations / Re: The Golden Nations: opticraft cities
« on: May 17, 2013, 06:59:50 am »
Huge news for the GN the Capitol is now protected!

awesome! will do
thanks Nick

Offtopic / Re: How about some pictures. :P
« on: May 15, 2013, 09:47:04 pm »
Soo, got my braces off :D Yess!

(click to show/hide)

Coolness  ;D

Projects and Creations / Re: The Golden Nations: opticraft cities
« on: May 14, 2013, 10:07:35 pm »
Thank you for submissions the GN acceptance process has unfortunatly become a lot slower due to its

a.) size

b.) city inactivity (mainly because of the age of some of the cities)

once aps are fully reviewed we will let you know the verdict!

Thank you,

also as a note to other cities my apologies for updates coming in so sparsly between the lack of city information ive recieved and my decline in forum activity it has been difficult to post them. Keep sending in important info though via the forum or messaging me and when i have enough for an update i will post.

Accepted - Project/HOF Applications / Capitol City: Golden Nations
« on: May 13, 2013, 03:06:23 am »
City name: Capitol City

City location (Live map link, coordinates, not biome, include world name): http://smp.opticraft.net/map/#/-4421/64/4991/-2/0/0 cords x: -4466 z:4986 (new guest world)

Contributors: Felix_De_Kat, rambo116229, Italian_Crafter, and other small doantations

Mayor (Only one - this is the zone owner): Proush600563

Approximate dimensions:over 200x200

Number of active residents: none yet I wanted CP first

Number of completed, decorated and furnished buildings: around 42 buildings including a self created ncp village

What state is the project in, and what are your plans for its future, if any: I'd say it is 95% done it is at a stage where I am ready to open it to the pubic but do not want to without city protection.

Why should we grant this city protection? I would like protection because the city is in the guest world and I would like to prevent grief as it grows and becomes harder to monitor.
Also as you may have seen on the live map New Arenae City (a protected city) directly borders Capitol City and this was not an accident. Also a new city is moving in very soon. There is an underground tram system that connects all of the cities making this area very important to protect. it is simply very large and difficult to cover with just ps. I have put a lot of time and effort into this city and hope you will consider me for city protection. Thank you :)

Also a note the 110x20 NCP village is underground and part of it can be viewed via a glass roof in the desert that I have not yet grassed over.

(some pictures may be old)

(click to show/hide)

(click to show/hide)

Roughly where I would like the border

Golden Nations capitol city

Also if this app looks similar it is because I have applied before and was told to finish the farms and reapply.
Thank you :)

Projects and Creations / Re: The Golden Nations: opticraft cities
« on: May 13, 2013, 01:56:29 am »
hey everyone sorry ive been a little inactive latley

also we have the first GN trailer
its kinda laggy because the software I used dropped my Fps by around 50 (sorry) But here is the link


also I've added on to Capitol City
Big thanks to Felix for The train system in the GN supercity and connecting Capitol City's system to the main system.
will be applying for city protection on Capitol City very soon.

Thanks everyone,

Projects and Creations / Re: The Kingdom of Camoria!
« on: April 17, 2013, 04:24:48 pm »
and thus the leaning tower of opti was created
Well due to some idiotic builder, *cough* hammy *cough*, the dimensioning of the new randomly building has gone off centred...

I didn't apply for the job but it is a bonus. Since i suck at converting timezones it is 6:30-7:30, 11-11:20, 1.25-2.00, 3.30-4.30 NZT
so im looking back and just now noticing this lol i forgot that the plots are still open which they shouldnt be, so i thought you were just applying for the job.

If its a problem and you don't want the job I can give it to ChineseHorse im really sorry for the confusion guys and its no big deal as for the plot if you wish to keep it but do not want the job, as to ChineseHorse since i also just noticed that your app is also partially for a plot (21x21) i will have to look if i have one in either of the cities. It would probably be in Bay Colony if I have one available.

Beyond Caanite and Chinesehorse's aps the plot apps are not TEMPORARILY CLOSED just until I get done with other projects and such on the server.

also if Caanite wishes to keep farming the farm in the main city and you still want to farm for the city Chinesehorse i may be able to work out a really good arangement for us both.

so again sorry about the confusion guys, and Caanite i apologize for thinking you put in a job app thanks for not getting upset over it, and let me know if you need anything :)

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