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Messages - Zeradeth_

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 18
Ban Appeals / Re: Ban Appeal
« on: February 06, 2015, 05:33:28 pm »
Hi, go ahead and edit your post to include your IGN and we'll look up your ban and hopefully get this resolved.

Offtopic / Re: The Opticats
« on: January 26, 2015, 10:40:04 pm »
Reviving this because I'm finishing up the requests I received for cats. I should be available to take more requests if y'all want kitty cats drawn for ya.

Gavin, you waited long enough. Here's yours:
(click to show/hide)

Wone, you're up next. Shoot me a pm with what you want for your cat. Same goes for anyone who wants an Opticat.

Accepted - Mod Applications / Re: Moderator Application - Fireball4801
« on: December 18, 2014, 08:15:38 pm »
Supported on the basis you spend a lot of time here, you're dedicated to your builds and you love the server. You can get shit done.

Accepted Operator Apps / Re: Operator Application - a1374thspartan
« on: November 19, 2014, 04:25:54 pm »
You're a fantastic mod on SMP. You'll make a great op on Creative. Best of luck.

Support/Ban Appeals / Re: reporting 2 people
« on: August 28, 2014, 09:25:53 pm »
I want to add that not only were they doing what gameguy said, but they were constantly spamming chat with variations of 'obamacare' and 'barak obama.' I told him repeatedly to stop because it was spamming chat and he refused on multiple occasions. Even when Tobs got involved he didn't stop.

Ban Appeals / Re: [Zeradeth_] Mistake in banning
« on: August 28, 2014, 06:19:33 am »
Since you forgot, here's your your ban record.

This is the screenshot to prove that you broke the blocks I've accused you of breaking. I was called to an area pimkey5 and I resolved the issue by fixing the grief you had done.
(click to show/hide)

Appeal denied.

Accepted Operator Apps / Operator Application--Zeradeth
« on: August 26, 2014, 11:52:17 pm »
In-game name: Zeradeth_
Age: 17 (to be 18 on November 6th)
Location: Vancouver, WA, USA
Timezone: GMT-8
Join Date: February 28, 2012
Were you recommended by any staff?:
Why you should become an Operator: I've been a moderator on SMP for over a year now. I know the people on the server and I know how to work with the staff. I don't know much about world edit, but I know I can learn quickly. One thing I'm good at is resolving issues before they arise and I can dedicate a lot of time to this server while also maintaining the SMP server.

Thank you for your consideration.

Offtopic / Re: How About Some Drawings
« on: July 09, 2014, 04:22:01 pm »
Been drawing a lot of doodles lately; I'll post those when the page I'm drawing on is full. For the time being, this is what I spent a few hours working on:

(click to show/hide)

Ban Appeals / Re: [Zeradeth_] Banned prince_prankstar
« on: July 03, 2014, 03:05:37 am »
Mycookie2003, let me remind you that you are not to write on other people's appeals if you have nothing to do with it. You have nothing to do with this. Do not make me take action against you as well. King_prankstar told me before that he was going to use prince_prankstar's account, so I have no way of knowing if it's king or prince.

Appeal denied. Don't make me lock this topic.

Ban Appeals / Re: Banned (prince_prankstar)
« on: July 02, 2014, 11:07:24 am »
Its king_prankstar, just wanted to inform u that i'm switching accounts to prince_prankstar, since my password for my other account is not working. I am sorry for what my brother has done to the server to be rude, hateful or has griefed other players works, but he wont be using this account anymore. I have changed the password so my brother can not go on the account anymore. Im sorry for being inactive for i have not been minecraft heaps. But i want to get back into a lovely community so please take note of my ban appeal.
- Did you break any of the rules? Yes (my brother has, not king_prankstar)
- Did you grief another players work? Yes (my brother has, not king_prankstar)
- Did you swear excessively? Yes (my brother has, not king_prankstar)
- Did you upset an operator/ moderator or cause general disrespect to other members/ players on the server? Yes (my brother has, not king_prankstar)
- Did you draw hateful symbols or say hateful remarks? Yes (my brother has, not king_prankstar)

This little snippet from your brother's ban appeal leads me to believe that this is not prince_prankstar. King_prankstar said in the quoted text that he would be taking over prince_prankstar's account. As Cora said for me in the previous ban appeal, there is no way for me to know that prince_prankstar would not be using this account and I will therefore not be pardoning it. The account has been used too many times to break the rules and I will not risk it happening again.

Good day and I hope you find another server to enjoy.

Ban Appeals / Re: BAN APPEAL
« on: July 02, 2014, 04:20:40 am »
Seeing as you already know why you were banned, I don't have to explain it. I'm not going to pardon you. You can wait out your ban; I gave you plenty of warnings and you refused to heed them. This is your own fault and no one else's. Learn your lesson this time.

Appeal denied.

Support / Re: switching over to another account
« on: June 29, 2014, 12:50:01 am »
You need to directly pm either Nick3306, Tobs74 or opticalza in order to be helped with the donation perks. Message one of them and follow their directions.

Ban Appeals / Re: [Ban Appeal]-prince_prankstar
« on: May 24, 2014, 12:33:50 am »
Either way, prince_prankstar is not going to be pardoned. That's final. You were trying to have a mod unlock prince_prankstar's chests while you were on the Mycookie2003 account, and that's reason enough for me to not want to pardon the account.

Offtopic / Re: How About Some Drawings
« on: May 24, 2014, 12:04:15 am »
Erm sorry bout the background XD My friend and I did a drawing contest on a book cover and she won. But this was my side anyways :P

Oh god, do I want to know what happens to bun bun in that book?

Ban Appeals / Re: [Ban Appeal]-prince_prankstar
« on: May 23, 2014, 11:25:40 pm »
I'm rejecting this ban appeal on the basis that I have no reason to believe this isn't prince_prankstar trying to get his account pardoned. Also, if you can't remember the password to your Minecraft account, use the password recovery. It's there for a reason. I will also be banning the mycookie2003 account on the basis that I believe it is being used to ban evade.

Appeal denied.

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